Project Grants Federal Grants
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1951-1975 of 2,346 for Project Grants federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Project Grants federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
Provide limited funding to Grants Pass Irrigation District (Grants Pass ID) to address issues associated with federal construction of the Savage Rapids Pumping Plant.
The purpose of this project is to provide training and technical assistance to localities participating in the Forum and to assist the Forum Coordination Team (FCT) with the development and support of new Forum sites. The Forum was created to build...
The Partnership Fund for Program Integrity Innovation at the Office of Management and Budget funds pilot projects for improving the stewardship of federal dollars in assistance programs through the following measures: reducing improper payments;...
To support State Medicaid agencies in testing, collecting, and reporting the Initial Core Set of Health Care Quality Measures for Adults Enrolled in Medicaid to CMS. Additionally, the grant funding will also support States? efforts to use thisthese...
This program would support the installation of devices designed to secure critical underground infrastructure in real-world situations, and monitor their effectiveness and drawbacks. In addition, the employed protective measure helps to ensure...
National Diabetes Prevention Program Evidence-Based Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in Underserved Communities - The purpose of the program is to expand the National Diabetes Prevention Program, an evidence-based lifestyle change...
The purpose of the SNAP Partnership grants is to establish interstate data exchange projects for program information in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
The TFBSO may fund projects to facilitate private investment, industrial development, banking and financial system development, agricultural diversification and revitalization, and energy development in and with respect to Afghanistan.
The Juvenile Justice Reform and Reinvestment Demonstration Program is a new initiative that is made possible through the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Partnership Fund for Program Integrity Innovation (the Partnership Fund). The...
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center), is interested in testing new care and payment models that have the potential to improve perinatal outcomes for women enrolled in...
The overarching purpose of this program is to support breastfeeding mothers and support hospitals in promoting breastfeeding as part of national efforts to improve childhood nutrition and address childhood obesity. This program aims to achieve this...
These awards enable Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) to enter into grants and cooperative agreements with States and local governments, universities, hospitals and non-profit organizations to identify, develop, and undertake projects to meet FNS...
To enhance the recruitment and retention of an ethnically and culturally diverse intelligence community workforce with capabilities critical to the national security interests of the United States.
The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Research Programs are designed to: increase knowledge about the implementation and effectiveness of voluntary home visiting programs, using random assignment designs to the maximum...
This program is an obesity prevention effort targeting the early care and education setting (ECE) to reach most children in the U.S. to reverse obesity trends through helping ECE providers across the nation to adopt healthier policies and practices...
The Workforce Innovation Fund funds projects that demonstrate innovative strategies or replicate effective evidence-based strategies that align and strengthen the workforce investment system in order to improve program delivery and education and...
To fund projects, including surveys, studies, investigations, demonstrations, training, outreach, human health and the environment to (1) prevent, reduce and eliminate pollution through the promotion of environmental sustainability; (2) build...
Under this Initiative, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) selected eligible organizations to test a series of evidence-based clinical interventions. Eligible organizations will partner with long-term care (LTC) facilities and...
The purpose of the proposed FY2012 REACH program is to support the implementation of projects to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities. Recipients funded through this FOA will develop and implement replicable and scalable strategies to assure...
To provide the basic requirements and framework for conducting water and related resource feasibility studies in order to formulate, evaluate, and select project plans for implementation. The benefits will include improved consistency in the content...
The goal of this grants program is to provide funding for specific conservation actions that have a high likelihood of creating durable benefits to amphibian species facing immediate threat of extinction, such as: Protection of at-risk populations;...
The purpose of the coordinating center for interprofessional education and collaborative practice (CC-IPECP) is to provide an infrastructure for leadership, expertise, and support to enhance the coordination and capacity building of IPECP among...
The purpose of this FOA is to enhance and leverage existing organized systems for breast and cervical cancer screening to provide high quality screening with tracking and follow-up including patient navigation to low income, uninsured and...
The California Water Institute at Fresno State University (Institute) has been authorized under federal law, acting through the United States Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) “to conduct a study regarding the coordination and integration of...
The goal of this grants program is to reduce threats to highly endangered wildlife in their natural habitat. Proposals should identify specific conservation actions that have a high likelihood of creating durable benefits, such as: Protection of...