Project Grants Federal Grants

Showing results 1876-1900 of 2,346 for Project Grants federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Project Grants federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Nutrition and Physical Activity Program funded solely by Prevention and Public Health Funds (PPHF)
The purpose of this program is to provide leadership of strategic public health efforts to prevent and control obesity, chronic disease, and other health conditions through regular physical activity and good nutrition. Approaches used to combat...

Hurricane Sandy
To support research and data collection complementary to continued USGS activities supporting recovery and restoration efforts related to Hurricane Sandy. This entry covers a variety of USGS assistance awards funded through the Disaster Relief...

Skills Training and Health Workforce Development of Paraprofessionals Grant Program
The objectives of the Skills Training and Health Workforce Development of Paraprofessionals Grant Program are: 1) to recruit, train, retain and expand the paraprofessional workforce to meet the employment needs of the community with a particular...

State and Local Public Health Actions to Prevent Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke (PPHF)
The purpose of this program is to support statewide implementation of cross-cutting, evidence-based approaches to promote health and prevent and control chronic diseases and their risk factors. The focus of this effort involves primary prevention...

Rural Child Poverty Nutrition Center
University of Kentucky lead by Dr. Ann Vail was selected through a competitive process as the grantee that would establish the USDA Rural Child Poverty Nutrition Center. The roles of this Center include: ? developing and administering a series of...

Preschool Development Grants
To support efforts to build, develop, and expand voluntary, high-quality preschool programs.

Leadership in Public Health Social Work Education Grant Program
The purpose of LPHSWE is to provide training and education, faculty development, and curriculum enhancement to prepare students for leadership roles in public health social work through enrollment in a dual master?s degree program in both social...

Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant funded solely with Prevention and Public Health Funds (PPHF)
To provide States with the resources to improve the health status of the population of each grantee by: (A) conducting activities leading to the accomplishment of the most current Healthy People objectives for the nation; (B) rapidly responding to...

Pilot Projects to Reduce Dependency and Increase Work Requirements and Work Effort under SNAP
Pilot projects to reduce dependency and increase work requirements and work effort under SNAP: The purpose of these pilots is to develop and test methods that raise the number of work registrants under section 6(d) of the Food and Nutrition Act of...

Performance Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth
To test innovative, cost-effective, and outcome-focused strategies to achieve significant improvements in educational, employment, and other key outcomes for disconnected youth. The Departments of Education, Labor, and Health and Human Services, as...

Partnerships to Improve Community Health
The purpose of this funding is to support implementation of evidenced- and practice-based strategies that address previously-identified community gaps and needs within a defined jurisdiction in order to reduce the prevalence of chronic disease and...

Consortium for Tobacco Use Cessation Technical Assistance financed solely by Prevention and Public Health Funds
To provide technical assistance to state tobacco control programs and national and state partners. The technical assistance will focus on translating the science of tobacco control cessation into public health action in order to increase the number...

School Wellness Policy Cooperative Agreement
The Local Wellness Policy Surveillance System allows us to monitor, collect, and analyze state law and local district policy data and their effects on the implementation of NSLA legislation and rules and student health outcomes. Through this...

National Resource Center for HIV Prevention Among Adolescents
To facilitate online access to practical tools and resources for service providers, community-based organizations, professionals and peer educators who serve adolescents who reside in communities with high HIV prevalence and are at-risk based on a...

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Recipient Trafficking Prevention Grants
The purpose of the SNAP Recipient Trafficking Prevention Grant program is to provide grants to State agencies to implement process improvements designed to detect, investigate, and prosecute individuals suspected of trafficking SNAP benefits. The...

Vision 21
There are several objectives related to Vision 21. These include: (1) Tribal assistance for victims of violence; (2) Funding and enhancing the provision of direct victim services; and (3) Providing funding to the States to address victims’...

Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation
WISEWOMAN is intended to improve the cardiovascular health of low-income, uninsured and under-insured women, ages 40-64, who are participants in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP). Supplements to Public Law...

FVAP Policy Clearinghouse
A policy clearinghouse connected directly to all State officials that creates and disseminates innovative military and overseas voting research and ensures that the research aligns with the capabilities and objectives of the States and local...

Grants for the Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot
In September 2014, five grantees were awarded $2 million each, for a two-year pilot program to aid Veterans and their families with the transition to civilian life in one or more of the following areas: increase coordination of health care and...

HHS Programs for Disaster Relief Appropriations Act - Non Construction
As written in the Relief Appropriations Act of 2013, this program will fund disaster response and recovery, and other expenses directly related to Hurricane Sandy, which are in the FEMA-declared major disaster states, relevant to the following:

PPHF: Consortium for Tobacco Use Cessation Technical Assistance financed by solely by Prevention and Public Health Funds
The purpose of this program is to develop a consortium for tobacco use cessation technical assistance. The aim of the cessation consortium is to provide technical assistance to state tobacco control programs and other partners by translating the...

Regional Healthy Indoor Air Projects for Community Outreach and Education, Surveys, Studies, Research, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Special Purpose Activities Relating to the Clean Air Act
To support Surveys, Studies, Research, Investigations, Demonstrations and Special Purpose assistance for community based environmental health efforts relating to the causes, effects (including health and welfare effects), extent, prevention, and...

HHS Programs for Disaster Relief Appropriations Act - Construction
As written in the Relief Appropriations Act of 2013, this program will fund disaster response and recovery, and other expenses directly related to Hurricane Sandy, which are in the FEMA-declared major disaster states, relevant to the following:

National Center for Campus Public Safety
To be a resource for campus police chiefs, directors of public safety, emergency managers, and key campus safety stakeholders. The National Center will be a catalyst that brings together all forms of campus public safety, professional associations,...