Project Grants Federal Grants

Showing results 1901-1925 of 2,346 for Project Grants federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Project Grants federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Visiting Scholar Grants
The goal of the program is to promote international exchange and cooperation between the United States and Vietnam, through educational exchanges. VEF Visiting Scholar grants cover the living expenses and professional development related expenses of...

National Public Health Improvement Initiative
The purpose of the program is to provide support for accelerating public health accreditation readiness activities; to provide additional support for performance management and improvement practices; and, for the development, identification and...

Transformation Initiative: Rental Assistance Demonstration Small Research Grant Program
To support research projects that will produce policy-relevant new knowledge about the implementation and consequences o HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), which allows proven financing tools to be applied to at-risk public and assisted...

Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, Susan Harwood Training Grants
To provide occupational safety and health training and education to employees and employers, particularly in the recognition, avoidance and abatement of workplace hazards related to Hurricane Sandy disaster relief.

Supporting Permanent Placements of Foster Care Children Through Electronic Records Exchange
The Partnership Fund for Program Integrity Innovation at the Office of Management and Budget funds pilot projects to improve the administration of federal assistance programs by: reducing improper payments; improving administrative efficiency;...

Land Buy-Back For Tribal Nations
To work in partnership with tribes to reduce the number of fractional interests in trust or restricted lands by purchasing fractional interests from willing sellers and transferring them to the tribe of jurisdiction for purposes benefitting the...

Public Education for Peacebuilding Awards Program
To support American colleges, universities, and public libraries interested in holding events, forums, etc. addressing international peace and conflict resolution.

Disaster Relief Appropriations Act for Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP)
Funding is provided to the state forester or designated official as reimbursement for approved technical assistance provided to eligible forest landowners by the state forestry agency in support of USDA Farm Service Agency and the delivery of the...

Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief - Coastal Resiliency Grants.
The purpose of this program is to issue grants for disaster assistance for Hurricane Sandy. Funds shall be used by recipients to assist Interior and its bureaus/offices to restore and rebuild national parks, national wildlife refuges, and increase...

PPHF 2018: Office of Smoking and Health-National State-Based Tobacco Control Programs-Financed in part by 2018 Prevention and Public Health funds (PPHF)
This cooperative agreement program addresses tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure in the United States and supports four National Tobacco Control Program goals to (1) Prevent initiation of tobacco use among youth and young adults; (2) Eliminate...

Mobilization For Health: National Prevention Partnership Awards
The National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO) collaborates with federal partners to provide strategic direction for the coordination of the vaccine and immunization enterprise for the National Vaccine Plan (NVP) implementation...

Dixie Valley Water Export Study
To study and prepare plans for the development and construction of a pipeline to convey water from Dixie Valley to Churchill County, Nevada.

Child Development and, Surveillance, Research and Prevention
This funding supports State health agencies, universities, and public and private nonprofit organizations in planning, implementing, coordinating, or evaluating programs related to promoting optimal child health and development outcomes of all...

Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation
WISEWOMAN is intended to improve the cardiovascular health of low-income, uninsured and under-insured women, ages 40-64, who are participants in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP). Supplements to Public Law...

Grants for the Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot
In September 2014, five grantees were awarded $2 million each, for a two-year pilot program to aid Veterans and their families with the transition to civilian life in one or more of the following areas: increase coordination of health care and...

HHS Programs for Disaster Relief Appropriations Act - Non Construction
As written in the Relief Appropriations Act of 2013, this program will fund disaster response and recovery, and other expenses directly related to Hurricane Sandy, which are in the FEMA-declared major disaster states, relevant to the following:

PPHF: Consortium for Tobacco Use Cessation Technical Assistance financed by solely by Prevention and Public Health Funds
The purpose of this program is to develop a consortium for tobacco use cessation technical assistance. The aim of the cessation consortium is to provide technical assistance to state tobacco control programs and other partners by translating the...

FVAP Policy Clearinghouse
A policy clearinghouse connected directly to all State officials that creates and disseminates innovative military and overseas voting research and ensures that the research aligns with the capabilities and objectives of the States and local...

Regional Healthy Indoor Air Projects for Community Outreach and Education, Surveys, Studies, Research, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Special Purpose Activities Relating to the Clean Air Act
To support Surveys, Studies, Research, Investigations, Demonstrations and Special Purpose assistance for community based environmental health efforts relating to the causes, effects (including health and welfare effects), extent, prevention, and...

HHS Programs for Disaster Relief Appropriations Act - Construction
As written in the Relief Appropriations Act of 2013, this program will fund disaster response and recovery, and other expenses directly related to Hurricane Sandy, which are in the FEMA-declared major disaster states, relevant to the following:

Savage Rapids Pumping Plant Project
Provide limited funding to Grants Pass Irrigation District (Grants Pass ID) to address issues associated with federal construction of the Savage Rapids Pumping Plant.

National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention
The purpose of this project is to provide training and technical assistance to localities participating in the Forum and to assist the Forum Coordination Team (FCT) with the development and support of new Forum sites. The Forum was created to build...

TANF Program Integrity Innovation Grants
The Partnership Fund for Program Integrity Innovation at the Office of Management and Budget funds pilot projects for improving the stewardship of federal dollars in assistance programs through the following measures: reducing improper payments;...

The Affordable Care Act - Medicaid Adult Quality Grants
To support State Medicaid agencies in testing, collecting, and reporting the Initial Core Set of Health Care Quality Measures for Adults Enrolled in Medicaid to CMS. Additionally, the grant funding will also support States? efforts to use thisthese...