Project Grants Federal Grants

Showing results 1076-1100 of 2,346 for Project Grants federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Project Grants federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Repetitive Flood Claims
To assist States, Indian tribal governments, and communities to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) that have had one or more claims for flood damages through...

Capital Case Litigation Initiative
Goals: Capital Case Litigation Initiative (CCLI) Provide training and technical assistance to prosecutors and defense attorneys litigation capital cases. Wrongful Conviction Review Program Review individual post-conviction claims of innocence,...

Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems
These grants are intended to enable State educational agencies to design, develop, and implement statewide, longitudinal data systems to efficiently and accurately manage, analyze, disaggregate, and use individual student data, consistent with the...

H-1B Job Training Grants
The H-1B Skills Training Grants provide training and related activities to workers to assist them in gaining the skills and competencies needed to obtain or upgrade employment in high-growth industries or economic sectors. Over time, these education...

Special Education Technical Assistance on State Data Collection
To provide technical assistance, where needed, to improve the capacity of States to meet the data collection requirements of the IDEA.

Teacher and School Leader Incentive Grants (formerly the Teacher Incentive Fund)
To help eligible entities develop, implement, improve, or expand human capital management systems or performance-based compensation systems for teachers, principals, or other school leaders in schools (and especially those in high-need schools)...

Wild Horse and Burro Resource Management
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages and protects wild horses and burros on 26.9 million acres of public lands across ten western states as part of its mission to administer public lands for multiple uses. The Wild Horse and Burro Program's...

Reentry Employment Opportunities
This program includes both reentry grants focused on serving returning adults and youth focused grants aimed at youth involved or at risk of involvement in crime and violence. The objectives of the youth reentry grants include increasing the...

Highway Research and Development Program
The objective is to carry out the highway research and development program as authorized by the FAST Act and conduct research needed to maintain and improve our vital transportation infrastructure. The FAST Act addresses the many challenges facing...

Transportation Planning, Research and Education
To provide funds to conduct research and development on innovative transportation systems and related applied technologies.

National Prison Rape Statistics Program
GOAL(S): Deliver comprehensive statistical reviews and analyses of the incidence and effects of prison rape. OBJECTIVE(S): Objective 1) To collect data on the incidence or prevalence of sexual assault among individuals held in Federal and State...

Earthquake State Assistance
The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) is the Federal Governments coordinated approach to addressing earthquake risks. In support of NEHRP, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administers the Earthquake State Assistance...

Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER)
The goal of the SAFER Grant Program is to assist local fire departments with staffing and deployment capabilities in order to respond to emergencies and assure that communities have adequate protection from fire and fire-related hazards. Local fire...

Rural Decentralized Water Systems Grant Program
To make grants to private, nonprofit organizations to finance the construction, refurbishing and servicing of individually-owned household water well and/or wastewater systems in rural areas for individuals with low or moderate income.

DNA Backlog Reduction Program
Program now funded under Assistance Listing 16.036. Goal(s): ?The goal is to assist eligible States and units of local government to increase laboratory capacity and reduce the number of samples awaiting analysis in both the casework and database...

Healthy Communities Grant Program
The Healthy Communities Grant Program is a competitive grant program for EPA New England to fund work directly with communities to support EPAs mission to reduce environmental risks, protect and improve human health and improve the quality of life....

USAID Development Partnerships for University Cooperation and Development
The purpose of the program is to support and advance the achievement of USAID's strategic objectives through the application of higher education resources, talents and expertise.

Grant Program to Establish a Fund for Financing Water and Wastewater Projects
To make grants to private, nonprofit organizations to establish a revolving loan fund to make small, short term loans for pre-development or small capital water or waste disposal projects.

Paul Coverdell Forensic Sciences Improvement Grant Program
Goal(s): The Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program (the Coverdell Program) awards grants to states and units of local government to help improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science and medical examiner/coroner...

Laboratory Leadership, Workforce Training and Management Development, Improving Public Health Laboratory Infrastructure
This program will increase the capacity and capability of state and territorial newborn screening laboratories to test for newborn screening conditions as recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Advisory Committee on...

Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Advance Planning and Economic Diversification
Assist State and local governments to lessen an area's dependence on defense expenditures by preparing economic diversification strategies, and contingency strategies and schematic land use plans for the potential redevelopment of a military...

Global AIDS
The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) is the U.S. Government initiative to help save the lives of those suffering from HIV/AIDS around the world. This historic commitment is the largest by any nation to combat a single disease...

Academic Exchange Programs - Educational Advising and Student Services
As authorized by the Fulbright-Hays Act, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) seeks to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries by means of educational and cultural...

Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Training and Special Purpose Activities Relating to Environmental Justice
The program's objective is to provide funding in support of surveys, studies and investigations, training (including technical assistance) and special purpose assistance programs as they relate to environmental and/or public health issues, with a...

Drug-Free Communities Support Program Grants
The purpose of the DFC Support Program is to establish and strengthen collaborations to support the efforts of community coalitions working to prevent and reduce substance use among youth.