Project Grants Federal Grants

Showing results 1151-1175 of 2,346 for Project Grants federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Project Grants federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Non-Governmental Organization Strengthening (NGO)
The NGO Strengthening program aims to help local indigenous non-governmental organizations, networks, and intermediate service organizations become more efficient and effective in the delivery of development services.

Alaska Subsistence Management
To identify and provide information needed to sustain subsistence fisheries and wildlife management on Federal public lands, for rural Alaskans, through a multidisciplinary, collaborative program. Two programs are administered under the Alaska...

P3 Award: National Student Design Competition for Sustainability
The P3 program supports research, development, and design of innovative projects that address real world challenges involving environmental protection and public health. The P3 competition highlights the use of scientific principles in creating...

Institutional Capacity Building (ICB)
To strengthen the capacity of new and experienced Food for Peace Title II Partners, both to plan and implement effective food security programs which reduce vulnerability of food insecure populations, including in emergency situations.

Migratory Bird Joint Ventures
The objectives of this program are to support projects that protect, restore, and enhance wetland and upland ecosystems for the conservation of Migratory Birds. Funds support the work of the 23 Migratory Bird Joint Ventures which are independent...

Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission Grants
to promote educational, intellectual, artistic and cultural exchange and research between Japan and the United States.

Foreign Assistance to American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA)
The purpose of the American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) program is to furnish assistance to schools and libraries outside the United States founded or sponsored by United States citizens and serving as study and demonstration centers for...

Food for Peace Development Assistance Program (DAP)
To improve access, availability and utilization of food in food insecure environments abroad. The priority for Title II development programs is a focus on improving household nutrition and health status, especially in children and mothers, and on...

Tribal Wildlife Grants
To support the development and implementation of programs for the benefit of wildlife and their habitats and species of Tribal cultural or traditional importance, including species that are not hunted or fished.

Innovations in Applied Public Health Research
To foster the new knowledge necessary to develop, enhance, and disseminate effective public health services, programs, and policies that improve health and quality of life for the population.

Food for Peace Emergency Program (EP)
To improve access, availability and utilization of food in food insecure environments abroad. The priority for Title II emergency programs is to prevent hunger and malnutrition in food insecure areas or countries.

Latin America and Caribbean Regional
To support the creation, implementation, and/or replication of innovative training programs in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) that will train future generations of resource managers through a holistic, cooperative, ecosystem-oriented approach...

John Ogonowski Farmer-to-Farmer Program
Improve global food production and marketing by transferring technical skills of the U.S. agricultural community to farmers in participating countries. The purpose of the program is to assist farmers in increasing food production and distribution,...

State Vital Statistics Improvement Program
To enhance the performance of the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) by convening states to aid in a) improving vital statistics data quality, timeliness and public health utility, b) increasing the competencies of the vital statistics...

Denton Program
To put the empty space on U.S. Military transport to good use by providing humanitarian relief transportation for nongovernmental organizations or private citizens, at little or no cost to them.

Health Systems Strengthening and HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
Fund human resources for health, quality improvement and other health system strengthening activities in countries hit hardest by HIV/AIDS through the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

Global Development Alliance
The Global Development Alliance (GDA) business model provides a framework for enabling public-private alliances (PPA's) to carry-out activities that promote international development objectives. Through the leveraging, sharing the cost of resources...

Save America's Treasures
To provide matching grants for preservation or conservation work on nationally significant intellectual and cultural artifacts and nationally significant historic structures and sites. Intellectual and cultural artifacts include artifacts,...

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Activity
To develop and implement HIV prevention programs of public information and education.

Air Pollution Control Program Support
The objectives of the 105 program are to assist state, tribal, municipal, intermunicipal, and interstate air pollution control agencies in planning, developing, establishing, improving, and maintaining adequate programs for the continuing prevention...

AmeriCorps State and National 94.006
AmeriCorps State and National grants are awarded to eligible organizations that identify an unmet need in their community that will be addressed by AmeriCorps members that the organization recruits, trains, and manages. An AmeriCorps member is an...

Assistance to State Water Resources Research Institutes
To provide financial support to Water Resources Research Institutes located at designated State universities in each of the 50 States, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern...

Block Grants for Community Mental Health Services
To provide financial assistance to States and Territories to enable them to carry out the State's plan for providing comprehensive community mental health services to adults with a serious mental illness and to children with a serious emotional...

Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities
To provide financial assistance in meeting the transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities where public transportation services are unavailable, insufficient or inappropriate. The Section 5310 program is designed to supplement...

Child Care Mandatory and Matching Funds of the Child Care and Development Fund
The Mandatory and Matching portion (or Child Care Entitlement or CCE) of the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program consists of Mandatory funds (which are 100% federal) and Matching funds (which require a State match and maintenance of...