Project Grants Federal Grants
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1026-1050 of 2,346 for Project Grants federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Project Grants federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To provide, through interagency collaboration, an integration of program activities and services that are designed to increase well-being, improve permanency outcomes, and enhance the safety of children who are in an out-of-home placement or are at...
This program supports, under cooperative agreements with HUD, the delivery of a broad array of training activities for counselors from agencies participating in HUD's Housing Counseling program. The primary objectives of the program are to improve...
To ensure a safe and adequate rural, municipal, and industrial water supply for the residents of the Rocky Boy's Reservation in the State of Montana, and to assist the citizens residing in Chouteau, Glacier, Hill, Liberty, Pondera, Teton, and Toole...
This program seeks to utilize qualified non-profit youth and veteran serving organizations to carry out appropriate natural and cultural resource conservation, education, volunteer service and education projects on Department of the Interior lands...
To enter into successful partnerships between OSDBU and chambers of commerce, community-based organizations, colleges and universities, community colleges, or trade associations, to establish regional Small Business Transportation Resource Centers...
To bring public health and epidemiologic principles to the aid of populations affected by complex humanitarian emergencies. Work will focus on the following main program areas: (1) Providing technical assistance including rapid health and nutrition...
To assist small communities with populations of 50,000 or less and 100 Public Housing units or less in the rejuvenation of historic or traditional central business districts or "Main Street Areas" by replacing unused commercial space in buildings...
To design, construct, operate, and maintain water quality projects within the San Gabriel Basin, Los Angeles County, California.
Program activities support integrated viral hepatitis surveillance and prevention programs in states and large cities in the United States. Key strategies include viral hepatitis outbreak planning and response; and surveillance for acute hepatitis...
The goal of the OSMRE Applied Science Program is to develop and demonstrate improved science based technologies to address environmental, and restoration topics related to the mining of coal. The first objective to help us meet this goal is to...
To enhance culturally specific services for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
To support Federally-recognized Indian Tribes' efforts to understand, assess and characterize air quality; design methods and plans to protect and improve air quality on tribal lands through surveys, studies, research, training, investigations, and...
To provide financial and technical assistance to: (1) identify salt source areas; (2) develop project plans to carry out conservation practices to reduce salt loads; (3) install conversation practices to reduce salinity levels; (4) carry out...
To authorize the Bureau of Reclamation to provide cost sharing for the endangered fish recovery implementation programs for the Upper Colorado and San Juan River Basins.
Goals: To assist states, the District of Columbia, principal U.S. territories and tribes with developing and/or enhancing programs designed to implement requirements of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), Title I of the Adam...
The Diesel Emissions Reduction Act, 42 U.S.C. 16132 et seq., as amended, authorizes EPA to award grants, rebates and loans to eligible entities to fund diesel emissions reductions. Emission reductions are achieved through the implementation of a...
The English for Heritage Language Speakers (EHLS) program is designed to provide intensive English language instruction for U. S. citizens who are native speakers of critical languages. The goal of the program is to enable participants to reach...
To increase awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault against American Indian and Alaska Native women; enhancing the response to violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women at the tribal, Federal, and State levels; identifying...
To assist in financing the acquisition of clean fuel vehicles and related facilities for agencies providing public transportation and operating in an urbanized and non-urbanized area designated as a non-attainment or maintenance area for ozone or...
To implement special Congressionally mandated spending for projects or programs identified in EPA's annual appropriations act, explanatory statements and/or committee reports incorporated by reference into the annual appropriations act, and other...
This program provides funding to prevent terrorism, reduce fraud and improve the reliability and accuracy of personal identification documents that states and territories issue. The program is intended to address a key recommendation of the 9/11...
Assisted in financing the evaluation of all reasonable modal and multimodal alternatives and general alignment options for identified transportation needs in a particular, broadly defined travel corridor.
The BioWatch program is a federally managed, locally operated early warning system that is designed to detect the intentional release of select aerosolized biological agents. The BioWatch programs mission is to deploy, sustain, and maintain a...
Goal(s): The Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) supports cross-system collaboration to improve public safety responses and outcomes for individuals with mental health disorders (MHDs) or co-occurring mental health and substance...
The objective of the Comprehensive Literacy Development program is to advance literacy skills, including pre-literacy skills, reading and writing for students from birth through grade 12, including English learner and students with disabilities.