Other public institutions/organizations Federal Grants
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151-175 of 612 for Other public institutions/organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Other public institutions/organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
The OAP plays an integral role in maintaining long-term monitoring; conducting research designed to enhance the conservation of marine ecosystems sensitive to ocean acidification; promoting ocean acidification educational opportunities; engaging in...
To make awards to, or conclude cooperative agreements with appropriate entities, including any Federal, State, or local governmental unit, or institution of higher education, to aid and promote statistical, research, and methodology activities...
The Feral Swine Pilot Program will allow NRCS and APHIS to respond to the threat feral swine pose to agriculture; native ecosystems; and human and animal health in selected pilot areas.
The Rural Energy Savings Program (RESP) provides loans to entities who provide energy efficiency services in rural areas that agree to make affordable loans to help Qualified consumers implement cost- effective, energy efficiency measures. This...
To increase participation by partners in Agricultural rangeland and forestry research activities, agricultural formal teaching activities, and agricultural extension services.
Through a multidisciplinary collaborative program, identify and provide information needed to sustain subsistence fisheries and wildlife management on public lands for rural Alaskans. The program includes maintaining sound management principles and...
To increase participation of non-federal cooperators in all authorized Forest Service programs and activities in a manner that is of mutual benefit and benefit interest to the partner and the Forest Service.
The program aims to develop globally minded United States agriculturists with experience living abroad; help meet the food and fiber needs of the domestic population of eligible countries; and strengthen and enhance trade linkages between eligible...
School Nutrition Training Grant for Allied Professional Organizations funds will assist allied professional organizations in planning, developing, promoting, delivering, and evaluating a workforce development and training initiative to provide...
The Farm to School Cooperative Agreement solicitation is open to organizations with experience providing technical assistance support and services that further expand farm to school initiatives. These Cooperative agreements allow more involvement...
The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) administers 15 Federal nutrition assistance programs of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The mission of FNS is to reduce hunger and food insecurity in partnership with cooperating organizations...
The purpose of the Telehealth Intervention Strategies for WIC (THIS-WIC) is to competitively select State Agencies to implement promising and well-designed telehealth innovations that supplement the WIC nutrition education including breastfeeding...
The Centers of Excellence at 1890 Institutions Program will establish new federally-funded Centers of Excellence, building on three existing non-federal Centers established in 2015 in conjunction with the 125th Anniversary of the Second Morrill Act...
The purposes of the Program are- (1) to increase capacity for food, garden, and nutrition education within host organizations or entities and school cafeterias and in the classroom; (2) to complement and build on the efforts of the farm to school...
To establish a competitive grants program for the purpose of educating agricultural producers about the full range of risk management activities to enhance profitability of their operations. These activities include futures, options, agricultural...
The RREA-NFF, Assistance Listing 10.515, program goal is to enhance the sustainability of US forest and rangeland resources, and to enable landowners and managers to achieve their desired goals and objectives by making sound research available to...
The purpose of this funding is to support agricultural and forestry extension activities at 1890 Land-Grant Institutions, including Tuskegee University, West Virginia State University, and Central State University.
The purpose of the Veterinary Services Grant Program (VSGP) is to relieve veterinarian shortage situations and support veterinary services. The Secretary shall carry out a program to make competitive grants to qualified entities that carry out...
To support the efforts of such States, tribal governments, and research institutions to promote the domestic maple syrup industry through the following activities: (1) Promotion of research and education related to maple syrup production. (2)...
Support the foreign assistance goals and objectives of the Department of State, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA), as delineated in the Fiscal Year Bureau Strategic and Resource Plan. This program is for all grant awards for the entire fiscal...
The Price Loss Coverage program (PLC) is carried over from the 2014 Farm Bill. PLC provides income support through price loss payments to eligible producers.
The Office of Security Affairs in the Department of States Bureau of African Affairs (AF/SA) supports U.S. foreign policy goals in sub-Saharan Africa through a variety of programs and policies designed to bolster peace and security.
NASAs Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) aims to transform future missions while ensuring American leadership in aerospace. As NASA embarks on the next era of space exploration with Artemis, STMD is advancing technologies and testing new...
To conduct research and education programs that are objective, operationally independent, and external to the Federal Government and that concern the effect of public policies and trade agreements on: (1) the farm and agricultural sectors (including...
To support and coordinate research and its utilization in order to improve the lives of people of all ages with physical and mental disabilities, especially persons with severe disabilities, through: (1) identifying and eliminating causes and...