Other public institutions/organizations Federal Grants

Showing results 601-612 of 612 for Other public institutions/organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Other public institutions/organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Demolition and Revitalization of Severely Distressed Public Housing
Revitalization Grants enable PHAs to improve the living environment for public housing residents of severely distressed public housing projects through the demolition, substantial rehabilitation, reconfiguration, and/or replacement of severely...

Grants for Agricultural Research_Competitive Research Grants
To support research, education and extension grants that address key problems of national, regional and multistate importance in sustaining all components of agriculture (farming, ranching, forestry, aquaculture, rural communities, human nutrition...

Registered Apprenticeship
To promote, engage, and assist industry in the development, expansion, and improvement of Registered Apprenticeship. This program is designed to: provide skilled workers required by U.S. employers, ensure equal employment opportunities, and ensure...

Statewide Family Engagement Centers
To provide financial support to statewide organizations that conduct parent education and family engagement programs or provide technical assistance to State and local educational agencies to support family-school partnerships.

Family and Community Violence Prevention Program
Support interventions that employ a public health approach to provide critical life skills development, academic skills, career advisement, and mentoring. Support interventions that integrate violence prevention and crime reduction models with...

Payments in Lieu of Taxes
Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) are Federal payments to local governments that help offset losses in property taxes due to non-taxable Federal lands within their boundaries.

Program Development and Innovation Grants
Innovation grants support innovative demonstration service programs that build the ethic of service among Americans of all ages and backgrounds. These include the September 11th and Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service grants, and Disability...

Assisted Living Conversion for Eligible Multifamily Housing Projects
To preserve the current elderly housing stock by converting units with a grant into Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs) or Service-Enriched Housing (SEH) for the frail elderly aging in place, as defined in Section 232(B)(6) of the National Housing Act...

Direct and Counter-cyclical Payments Program
To provide income support to eligible producers of covered commodities.

Assets for Independence Demonstration Program
The statutory purposes for the AFI program, as stated in Section 403 of the AFI Act, are to provide for the establishment of demonstration projects designed to determine: (1) the social, civic, psychological, and economic effects of providing to...

Qualified Participating Entities (QPE) Risk Sharing
Under this program HUD provides reinsurance on multifamily housing projects whose loans are originated, underwritten, serviced, and disposed of by qualified participating entities (QPEs) and/or its approved lenders. The program encourages the...

Supportive Housing Program
The Supportive Housing Program is designed to promote the development of supportive housing and supportive services to assist homeless individuals and families in the transition from homelessness and to enable them to live as independently as...