Other public institutions/organizations Federal Grants
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76-100 of 612 for Other public institutions/organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Other public institutions/organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
Provide financial assistance to facilities that purchase and process byproducts from ecosystem restoration projects for wood products infrastructure.
To plan for, establish, manage and protect trees, forests, green spaces and related natural resources in and adjacent to cities and towns. The urban and community forestry program provides ecosystem services, social and economic benefits. It links...
These are specific projects selected by Congress for funding through the Consolidated Appropriations Act.
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) establishes new and supplemental funding to address natural resources-related infrastructure, wildfire management and ecosystem restoration.
The focus of this program is to support the contracting or employing crews of laborers to modify and remove flammable vegetation on Federal land and for using materials from treatments, to the extent practicable, to produce biochar and other...
The Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP) is a new program that will expand the availability of domestic ethanol and biodiesel by incentivizing the expansion of sales of renewable fuels. To accompany the program, a new online grant...
To help struggling communities by funding job accelerators in low-income rural communities by supporting jobs accelerator partnerships to improve the ability of distressed rural and energy communities to create high wage jobs, accelerate the...
The Powering Affordable Clean Energy (PACE) Program is intended to provide loans to qualified applicants to finance power generation projects for Renewable Energy Resource systems or Energy Storage Systems that support Renewable Energy Resource...
The Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) establishes a new fund for five years to address the maintenance backlog of the US Forest Service and other federal land management agencies.
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) establishes new funds to address natural resources-related infrastructure, wildfire management and ecosystem restoration
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) establishes new funds to address natural resources-related infrastructure, wildfire management and ecosystem restoration
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) establishes new funds to address natural resources-related infrastructure, wildfire management and ecosystem restoration
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) establishes new funds to address natural resources-related infrastructure, wildfire management and ecosystem restoration
SEP aims to educate a new generation of agricultural scientists, increase scientific knowledge and collaborative research, and extend knowledge to users and intermediaries in the international agricultural marketplace.
ASCE addresses barriers unique to specialty crops exports. It supports projects that advance U.S. specialty crop exports by expanding domestic understanding of foreign food safety systems and foreign understanding of U.S. food safety systems. The...
The National Institute of Food and Agricultures Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative (AG2PI) Assistance Listing 10.332, focuses on collaborative science engagement that brings together a community of researchers across both crops and animals to...
The Food Supply Chain Guaranteed Loan Program will make loan guarantees to lenders to facilitate financing to qualified borrowers and projects for the start-up or expansion of activities in the middle of the food supply chain, particularly the...
The purpose of FPEP is to expand capacity, improve competition, and increase supply chain resilience within the agricultural fertilizer and nutrient management sector, in connection with the production of agricultural commodities. To meet its...
National Institute of Food and Agriculture issues a competitive grant to support the establishment of an Agriculture Business Innovation Center at a HBCU to serve as a technical assistance hub to enhance agriculture-based business development...
Section 780 of the FY 2022 Consolidated Appropriations Act (P.L. 117-103), appropriated funding, to remain available until expended, for costs associated with the establishment of an Institute of Rural Partnership, Located at the University of...
Section 778 of the FY 2022 Consolidated Appropriations Act (P.L. 117-103), appropriated funding, to remain available until expended, for costs associated with the establishment of Institute of Rural Partnerships, 7 USC 2204b4
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, hereafter referred to as WIC, is administered by the USDAs Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) and serves to safeguard the health of eligible women who are pregnant,...
The Laying Hen and Turkey Research program under assistance listing number 10.245 will support one or more research projects for improving the efficiency and sustainability of laying hen and turkey production through integrated collaborative...
RFAP seeks to strengthen the quality and expand the scope of fundamental and applied research at eligible institutions, by providing them with opportunities to assist in the construction, alteration, acquisition, modernization, renovation, or...
This program establishes technical assistance to support the applicants and awardees of USDA grant programs which focus on expanding domestic meat and poultry processing capacity, as part of a strategy to build a fairer, more competitive, and more...