U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Grants
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176-200 of 1,167 for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
This program funds Marine Turtle and Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle (TFT) projects. Objectives of the Marine Turtle projects are to assist in the conservation of marine turtles and the nesting habitats of marine turtles in foreign countries by...
To maintain and enhance populations and habitats of migratory bird species found in the Upper Midwest (IL, IN, IA, MI, MN, MO, OH, WI) through supporting research, monitoring, and conservation efforts targeted on their behalf. Program focuses on...
To support the development and implementation of programs for the benefit of wildlife and their habitats and species of Tribal cultural or traditional importance, including species that are not hunted or fished.
To support the creation, implementation, and/or replication of innovative training programs in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) that will train future generations of resource managers through a holistic, cooperative, ecosystem-oriented approach...
To identify and provide information needed to sustain subsistence fisheries and wildlife management on Federal public lands, for rural Alaskans, through a multidisciplinary, collaborative program. Two programs are administered under the Alaska...
The objectives of this program are to support projects that protect, restore, and enhance wetland and upland ecosystems for the conservation of Migratory Birds. Funds support the work of the 23 Migratory Bird Joint Ventures which are independent...
The objectives of the Fish and Aquatic Conservation activities conducted under this program are as follows: State and Interstate Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plans (ANS Plans): To provide funding to States to implement ANS Plans approved by...
To provide financial assistance for projects for the effective long-term conservation of great apes and their habitats. This program supports projects that focus on one or more of the following areas: applied research on ape populations and their...
This program provides funds for the enhancement of hunter and archery education programs and the enhancement or construction of firearm shooting ranges and archery ranges as well as acquiring land for, expanding, or constructing public target...
This program provides funding for sport fish and wildlife restoration projects identified by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Recipients awarded under the Traditional Multistate Conservation Funds (T-MSCGP) may use the funds for sport...
To assist in the conservation of neotropical migratory birds by providing financial resources for the projects of partnerships in countries within the ranges of neotropical migratory birds.
To provide grant funds for wetlands conservation projects in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Deliver Department of the Interior priorities and US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) mission by providing financial and technical assistance to private landowners and Native American Tribes interested in voluntarily working with USFWS to conserve,...
To provide financial assistance to support projects that will enhance sustainable conservation programs to ensure effective, long-term conservation of African elephants. The African Elephant Conservation Fund supports projects that promote...
To provide financial assistance for projects for the effective long-term conservation of rhinoceros and tigers. This program supports projects that focus on one or more of the following areas: Enhanced protection of at-risk rhinoceros and tiger...
To provide financial assistance to support the effective long-term conservation of Asian elephants. This program provides support for projects that focus on one or more of the following areas: Applied research, including surveys and monitoring;...
Sport Fish Restoration funds support activities designed to restore, conserve, manage, or enhance sport fish populations; the public use and benefits from these resources; and activities that provide boat access to public waters. Sport fisheries...
This program provides funding to States, the District of Columbia, Commonwealths, and territories for the construction, renovation, operation, and maintenance of sewage pumpout stations, waste reception facilities, and pumpout boats for recreational...
This program provides funding to States, the District of Columbia, Commonwealths, and territories for the construction, renovation, and maintenance of docking, mooring, and other facilities for transient, recreational boats 26 feet or greater in...
To provide technical and financial assistance to partners to implement voluntary coastal habitat protection, restoration, and improvement projects that benefit federal trust species, including species listed as threatened or endangered, migratory...
The primary purpose of the the Competitive State Wildlife Grant (C-SWG) Program is to help State and Territory fish and wildlife agencies design and implement strategic, proactive conservation programs. C-SWG Program funds, pooled with recipient...
To provide competitive matching grants to coastal States for coastal wetlands conservation projects. The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (Section 305, Title III, Public Law 101-646 U.S.C. 3954) established the National...
The Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act provides grants to State, Commonwealth, and territorial fish and wildlife agencies for projects to restore, conserve, manage, and enhance wild birds and mammals and their habitat. Projects also include...
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund grants provide Federal financial assistance to States and Territories that have entered into a cooperative agreement pursuant to section 6(c) of the Endangered Species Act for species and habitat...
The US Fish and Wildlife Service is beginning a study within the southeast Missouri lead mining district to assess injury to songbirds. Substantial involvement on the part of the Service is anticipated for the successful completion of the activities...