U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Grants
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101-125 of 1,167 for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
This cooperative agreement: 1. adds funding for continued science coordination team activities under the original cooperative agreement number F12AC00415, 2. provides details on coordination and collaboration between the Association and FWS on...
This agreement is being implemented in order to assist invasive species control activities within the State of Hawaii. The objective is to conduct a tier-1 screening assessment of the leaching potentials of the three chemicals used in anticoagulant...
The USFWS and the Cow Creek Band will be working on a climate change vulnerability assessment for Pacific Lamprey. Pacific Lamprey are a tribal trust species for the Service. We are depending on Cow Creek for dempgraphic, habitat and threat...
This agreement is being implemented in order to provide funding for the initial management of a newly created conservation area. The objective is to install a protective fence which will restrict invasion by non-native mammals and allow for...
This agreement is being implemented in order to fence and protect 185 acres of coastal strand habitat on the northern coast of Molokai within the Moomomi Preserve. A 6-7 foot fence will be constructed to prevent intrusion of Axis deer, feral/stray...
The recipient is currently caring for the captive Mariana crows and is uniquely qualified to manage their release into the wild. The staff has experience handling, banding and placing radio transmitters on the birds, and experience in tracking...
This agreement is being implemented to undertake critically needed conservation actions in Ka`ū Forest Reserve including removal of invasive ungulates (feral cattle, pigs and sheep) from inside a 2000-acre fenced management unit in the FR. ...
This agreement is being implemented in order to assist invasive species activities within the State of Hawaii. The objective is to support the Oahu Invasive Species Committee (OISC) in the implementation of Early Detections/Rapid Response efforts...
This agreement is being implemented in order to restore and enhance fish and invertebrate passage through the lower reaches of Waipa Stream. By removing and controlling invasive vegetation and re-establishing a native riparian vegetation community...
This agreement is being implemented in order to support the Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC) to conduct surveys for invasive plants, vertebrates, and invertebrates; organize and facilitate rapid response efforts to detected species in...
The estuary/fishpond complex at Kiholo Bay is currently overgrown by invasive riparian vegetation along the majority of the shoreline, reducing the extent native aquatic vegetation that supports juvenile fish recruitment and survival. The depth of...
The purpose of this project to remove ungulates and invasive weeds from 1,358 acres of prime habitat for three critically endangered forest birds, Akikiki, Puaiohi and Akekee at Halehaha on lands owned by the State of Hawaii, Department of Land and...
he Maui Invasive Species Committee (MISC) is a voluntary partnership of state, federal and private agencies united to protect Maui, Molokai, and Lanai from the most harmful invasive plants and animals that threaten our environment, economy, and...
This agreement is being implemented in order to restore and enhance fish and invertebrate passage through the lower reaches of Kahana Stream, Oahu. By removing and controlling invasive vegetation and re-establishing a native-dominated riparian...
The purpose of this project is to implement habitat restoration activities identified in the plan at this site previously occupied by speckled dace.
The purpose of this project is to protect and restore 59 acres of lowland wet forest in the Lower Limahuli Preserve (LLP) and to conduct rare plant restoration in the ungulate-free Upper Limahuli Preserve (ULP) on the island of Kauai to benefit...
The Fishery Dept was established in 2002 to help facilitate the Tribe's position in the recovery effort of the Lahontan cutthroat trout (LCT). The department works with USFWS and NDOW in planning and evaluation of issues relating to Walker Lake and...
P-1 Pump Removal
To provide educational outreach opportunities tot he Northwest Arkansas Metro Area establishing outreach presence.
To evaluate the effects of altered hydrologi regimes on forest succession in bottomland hardwood forests of Deep Fork NWR and whether these effects are related to observed declines in the forest and changing forest succession.
Provide notice of intent to make a single-source award (i.e., obligate FY 2013 funding) to the Friends of Aransas & Matagorda Island NWR (FAMI) via this cooperative agreement.
The Texas Mid-coast Wetlands Project proposes to construct marsh terraces or hard structures along the shoreline to prevent erosion and marsh degradation, colonial nesting waterbird habitat in Cowtrap Lake
This agreement is a continuation of Cooperative Agreement F07AC00011 and is being implemented in order to manage efforts for the recovery of Hawaiian birds through the operation, design, and construction of captive propagation facilities in the...
To test the effectiveness of using eDNA detection methods for invasive northern pike.
The goal of the White-nose Syndrome Grants to States is to provide needed assistance to state agencies in addressing the spread of WNS, the resultant loss of cave bat populations, and the threat to federally listed bat species. The Service...