U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Grants

Showing results 726-750 of 1,167 for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Professor, Animal Range Science, Montana State University
Tasks to be performed: Address key uncertainties in the existing grazing management plan for Red Rock Lakes NWR and other NWR's. Create habitat management plan for grazing on NWR's that used fine and coarse filter monitoring approaches. Specific...

Virgin River Resource Management and Recovery Program
Tasks to be performed: Flow and Temperature Monitorinr(I.14.02),Water Acquisition Projects (II.14.02), Santa Clara Restoration Implementation Monitoring (II.14.02), Non-Native Species Eradication (IV.14.01), Operations and Maintenance of ponds and...

Biological control of noxious weeds on Federal installations in Colorado, Kansas and Wyoming.
This project will reduce or eliminate infestations of federal and state listed noxious weeds, and control the spread of these weeds through the use of approved biocontrol agents on Federal lands. The objectives of this project include: 1....

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - Sustain Our Great Lakes Program
The Sustain Our Great Lakes program is a public-private partnership among Arcelor Mittal, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S.D.A. Forest Service, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, National Oceanic and...

Whooping Crane Captive Propagation
In 1989, the world's only captive whooping crane flock, housed at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, was subdivided and a portion of the flock shipped to the International Crane Foundation (ICF). The purpose of the move was to provide protection...

Adaptive Science
Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, as amended (16 U.S.C 703-712).; The Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. 742a-742j, not including 742 d-1; Stat. 1119), as amended; Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 2901-2911; 94 Stat. 1322);...

Sea Duck Joint Venture
Conservation partnership focused on North American sea ducks

Egli Property Restoration
The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows: 1) Immediate repair of the Egli house roof, which is leaking and could result in serious damage to the interior of the house; 2) Replacement of the Egli garage roof, and make sure the...

Youth environmental education and habitat improvement project
Put youth to work in a natural resource environment, thereby providing environmental education and encouraging good work ethic. Projects include invasive plant removal, habitat maintenance, trail work, and facility maintenance.

Conservation of Priority Wetland and Upland Habitat in the RWBJV Administrative Area
The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows: Biological Planning, Conservation Design, Implementation of Conservation projects, Research/Inventory/Monitoring, and Communication/Outreach activities to facilitate wetland and...

Museum Samples of LCT
Re-analysis of Museum Samples of Lahontan cutthroat trout from the Tahoe Basin

Comprehensive Wetland Assessment within Northeast Montana Wetland Management District
The objective of this project is to develop a base-line assessment and subsequently a long-term monitoring program of wetlands within fee-title lands in the NE MT WMD. Characterization will include the Level 2 Rapid Assessment developed by the...

DOI Project #AC94A; Hurricane Sandy; Restore the Wreck Pond Inlet and Dune; Monmouth County, New Jersey.
This is an announcement for issuing a single source financial assistance award to American Littoral Society in Highlands, New Jersey. This announcement is for notification purposes only. The intent of the award is to restore the Wreck Pond Inlet...

Golden Eagle Survey and Monitoring
A NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD is issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Oregon Eagle Foundation, according to 505 DM 2.14 B(2)and B(4)(see attached NOI). NO COMPETITION IS EXPECTED. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY. This agreement is being implemented...

CESU Greater Sage Grouse Research
Funding for research and data collection of invasive plant effects on greater sage grouse

Removal of Bloede Dam, Catonsville, MD: Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief, DOI Project 89, Bloede Dam
Removal of the Bloede Dam from the Patapsco River in Catonsville, MD by fall 2016. The removal of this dam will restore the impounded areas in the river and riparian habitat, provide fish passage, increase flood resiliency in the river, reduce...

DOI Project #PKR 43; Implement Invasive Plant Control Measures, Parker's River NWR; Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief
This is an announcement for issuing a single source financial assistance award to Dr. David Burdick, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. The Department of the Interior project is PKR #43. This announcement is for notification purposes only. ...

Recovery activities for the Karner Blue Butterfly (KBB) in Concord, NH. CFDA 15.650
This is an announcement for issuing a single source financial assistance award to the New Hampshire Fish and Game (NHFG, Cooperator). This announcement is for notification purposes only. The intent of the award is to provide funding to NHFG to...

California Landscape Conservation Cooperative
THE USFWS CA LCC works in partnership with agencies and organizations to provide scientific information to resource managers.

Wolf-Livestock Demonstration Project Grant Program (WLDPGP)
Subtitle C of the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009 (P.L. 111-11) (Act) authorized the Wolf-Livestock Demonstration Project Grant Program with two purposes: 1) prevention - grant dollars to assist livestock producers in undertaking...

Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance
Biological Monitoring and Research on Don Edwards San Francisco Bay NWR Tasks: 1. Waterbirds and Facilities Use 2. Snowy Plovers 3. Cargill and SBSPRP Pond Monitoring 4. Marsh-Upland Transition Zone Restoration Projects 5. Warm Springs Surveys and...

DOI Project #, NE009; Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief; Removal of the Whittenton Dam and West Britannia Dam on the Mill River, MA
This is an announcement for issuing a single source financial assistance award to the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game ¿ Division of Ecological Restoration (MADER). This announcement is for notification purposes only. The intent of the...

Department of the Interior Project # CHN76; Hurricane Sandy; construct two living shoreline projects and two acres of oyster reef on the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, VA
This is an announcement for issuing a single source financial assistance award to The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The Department of the Interior Project # is CHN76. This announcement is for notification purposes only. The intent of the award is to...

Wildlife Without Borders-Critically Endangered Animals Conservation Fund
The Wildlife Without Borders - Critically Endangered Animals Conservation Fund will fund projects that conserve the worlds most endangered species that currently face a very high risk of extinction. Species should meet the criteria to be...

Wildlife Without Borders-Amphibians in Decline
The Wildlife Without Borders- Amphibians in Decline program will fund projects that conserve the worlds rapidly declining amphibian species. Species eligible for funding are those frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, and caecilians that currently face...


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