U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Grants

Showing results 651-675 of 1,167 for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint
DESCRIPTION: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is please to issue a request for proposals for South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint. This opportunity is open to all State and Federal agency personnel, cities, towns or county governments,...

Muddy River Stream Bank Habitat Rehabilitation Project
Development of a habitat restoration along the Muddy River on the Moapa River Indian Reservation.

USFWS Mountain Praire Conservation
The tasks to be performed under this agreement include, but are not limited to: Development of outreach products such as: Photos, videos, multimedia materials Print products, such as fact sheets, brochures, maps and handouts Strategic planning...

Conservation of Non-game Species
The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows: Continued inventorying and monitoring of non-game species, particularly species identified in the State Wildlife Action Plan as species of concern. Annual reporting of work accomplished...

Gulf Coast Prairie LCC FY15 Support
- Communication support - CESU Support - Advance identification of a suite of science needs

Upper Arkansas Stewardship/Management Plan(s) for LTUA Properties
The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows: develop and draft management plan(s) for the Taylor property (and others) acquired with NRDAR funding; mark property boundaries with appropriate signage; monitor wildlife use on the...

Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Project CNE 79: Removal of Norton Mill Dam, Colchester, CT
Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Project CNE 79: Removal of Norton Mill Dam, Colchester, CT. Award to remove Norton Mill Dam, resulting in reduction of flood hazards, restore ecosystem function, provide better fish passage.

Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief, Proj SA 024: Restoration and Resiliency of Beach Habitat, NJ
Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief, Proj SA 024: Restoration and Resiliency of Beach Habitat, NJ. Award to develop technical report outlining best management practices for preservation and enhancement and to provide two workshops with The Rutgers...

Developing a Proactive Framework for Adaptive Management of Chronic Wasting Disease on the National Elk Refuge
The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows: 1) Develop a Bayesian state-space model to support adaptive management of CWD in the Jackson elk population. The model will provide a framework for using multiple sources of data to...

Spatiotemporal Variation of Asian Carp eDNA in Lotic Systems
Funding will be provided to develop a habitat suitability model and restoration plan for lake sturgeon in the Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Applicants should be familiar with the development of habitat suitability models and how to incorporate this work...

Research Project with University Of Nevada, Las Vegas
Population monitoring and Genetic Analyses of Endangered Butterflies in Nevada.

Implementation of PPJV activities in North Dakota
The tasks to be performed under this agreement may include as follows: habitat conservation projects, landowner outreach projects working with PPJV partners, assistance on various monitoring/research projects, and hosting/arranging meetings specific...

Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Jackson Elk Herd
Tasks to be performed: 1) Obtain at least 285 retropharyngeal lymph node (RLN) samples from harvested elk, other opportunistic elk mortalities, and elk euthanized for targeted surveillance within the boundaries of the JEH unit in FY 2015. This...

Restoring resiliency to the Great Marsh; Parker River NWR, MA; DOI Project #PKR 43; Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief
This is an announcement for issuing a single source financial assistance award to the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC, Cooperator). This announcement is for notification purposes only. The intent of the award is to provide combined...

FE Waren Air Force Base, threatened and endangered species
The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows: The results provide a baseline for FEWAFB to address Colorado butterfly plant status as part of the RNA and RMP frameworks (Grunau et al. 2004), and as originally addressed in a...

Biological Monitoring on Federal Lands
The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows: - Map and photograph noxious weeds on Federal lands - Use repeatable methods so results from subsequent years can be effectively compared - Incorporation of long term datasets into...

Autumn Buttercup - Wild vs. Cultured Plants
Tasks to be completed: 1. Test seed germination of wild vs. culture produced seeds of autumn buttercup. 2. Initiate and maintain autumn buttercup in tissue culture. The number of propagules depends upon the availability of seeds and germination...

Clay Phacelia Herbivory Protection
Tasks to be performed: 1. Identify at least 10 triplets of clay phacelia plants. 2. Develop 2 types of enclosures (one for large mammals and one for smaller mammals) and place around clay phacelia plants. 3. Install and analyze wildlife cameras to...

Breeding Vital Rates of Nesting Cinnamon Teal
Tasks to be performed: develop a research project that will estimate breeding vital rates (nest success, duckling survival, hen survival) for nesting cinnamon teal in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Research will begin in the summer of 2015 and will...

Invasive Species Treatment on National Wildlife Refuges
The objectives of this agreement are to address invasive species issues on national wildlife refuges in the southwest region. This project will benefit the public by eradicating and/or suppressing invasive species from national wildlife refuge lands...

Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief, Science Applications
Develop and Implement Pilot Training Programs for Aquatic Connectivity and Flood Resilience: Trout Unlimited, Arlington, VA.

Tillamook County Southern Flow Corridor Restoration
This project will restore fish passage and tidal wetland restoration and reconnection for a number of USFWS trust species in one of our focus watersheds.

NIFO Schlepp Agriculture to Wetland Project
Cooperative agreement for the planning and implementation of wetland restoration, operation, and maintenance on the Schlepp Agriculture to Wetland Conservation Easement Area to design, prepare, and implement wetland restoration for waterfowl use,...

Sea Turtle Lighting on Santa Rosa Island, Florida
THIS IS A NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD TO A SINGLE SOURCE, AND THERE IS NO FULL ANNOUNCEMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS NOTICE. This Notice is NOT a request for competitive proposals. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) intends to award a...

Refuges Inventory & Monitoring Program
Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance


Popular U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Grants

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