Training Federal Grants
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176-200 of 449 for Training federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Training federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To support programs, projects and activities to include (but not limited to) cultural, educational, alumni, information and media efforts in the Middle East and North Africa. NEA Public Diplomacy objectives are focused on active promotion of...
To promote economic revitalization and community development through financial and technical assistance to Native Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs).
To provide United States assistance for global development through the Millennium Challenge Corporation; to provide such assistance in a manner that promotes economic growth and the elimination of extreme poverty and strengthens good governance,...
To increase the intellectual capacity and proficiency of future scientists and engineers in disciplines critical to defense; and to increase the number of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) qualified individuals in the DoD...
The Regional Public Health Training Center program improves the Nation's public health system by strengthening the technical, scientific, managerial and leadership competencies of the current and future public health workforce through the provision...
Community Compass brings together technical assistance funding appropriations from across HUD program offices, including the offices of Community Planning and Development, Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Housing, Public and Indian Housing, and...
Promote and stimulate public purposes such as education, job training, development of responsible citizenship, productive community involvement, and furthering the understanding and appreciation of natural and cultural resources through the...
Goal: The goal of this program is to build and enhance capacity and improve delivery of legal services to individuals and tribes as well as to develop policies that improve access to tribal justice systems. Objectives: The objective varies with each...
To increase the number of minorities interested in and prepared for international service, particularly a Foreign Service career in the Department of State as well as provide students with a deeper appreciation of current issues and trends in...
The purpose of the FAST program is to strengthen the technological competitiveness of small business concerns in the U.S.
The U.S. Government (USG) is providing resources to promote diplomatic solutions, through English language instruction and computer training, critical skills development and other public diplomacy programs. These resources support the people,...
Provide rural microentrepreneurs with the skills necessary to establish new rural microenterprises and to provide continuing technical and financial assistance related to the successful operation of rural microenterprises. (1) Make direct loans to...
To explore the Earths largely unknown oceans in all their dimensions for the purpose of discovery and the advancement of knowledge, using state of the art technologies in evolutionary and revolutionary ways within Oceanic and Atmospheric Research...
To support sustainable growth across the globe, the Bureau of Oceans, Environment, and Science (OES) builds international partnerships to address environmental, scientific, and health concerns. Key areas of funding include but are not limited to,...
As authorized by authorizations stated above. Pickering Program offers only graduate fellowships. The purpose of the program is to attract outstanding students who represent all ethnic and social backgrounds and who have an interest in pursuing a...
To assist organizations that are regional and local, community based and National based programs that develop, implement, carry out, or coordinate programs and/or activities to educate the public about their rights under, the Fair Housing Act (42...
To assist in the organizing of fair housing enforcement organizations that will develop, implement, carry out, or coordinate programs and/or activities that provide enforcement of fair housing rights under the Fair Housing Act; (42 U.S.C. 3601-3619)...
To assist private non-profit fair housing enforcement organizations in the investigation and enforcement of violations of the rights granted under title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 2801). To develop, implement, and carry out,...
DWGs are supplemental, time-limited funding assistance provided in response to major economic dislocations or other events that cause significant impact on states and local areas that exceed the capacity of existing formula funds and other relevant...
Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) authorized three of the six WIOA core programs. The WIOA Dislocated Worker program is one of the three core programs. The purpose of the WIOA Dislocated Worker (DW) program is to help...
To provide mine safety and health training and education to miners, mine operators, and other individuals who may work at a mine; and to develop training and other programs (to include research and equipment development) to improve health and safety...
Grant funds will be used to equip underserved youth with the education and employment skills necessary to achieve economic self-sufficiency. Program services include post-secondary education and training opportunities, including apprenticeship;...
Provide technical and financial assistance to State and local government agencies, for-profit and non-profit organizations, educational institutions, hospitals, and other persons (as defined in Title 1 USC Chapter (1)) in support of highway safety...
To provide funding to State agencies in promoting damage prevention, including changes with their State underground damage prevention laws, related compliance activities, training and public education.
To enter into successful partnerships between OSDBU and chambers of commerce, community-based organizations, colleges and universities, community colleges, or trade associations, to establish regional Small Business Transportation Resource Centers...