Training Federal Grants
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1-25 of 449 for Training federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Training federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
The objective is the expansion of the National Computer Forensics Institute's (NCFI) current facility at Hoover, Alabama. This grant is for the creation of three 35-person classrooms, a 250-person auditorium, and 20 administrative offices for...
To enable select public health departments serving regions where enhanced airport screenings are occurring to procure personal protective equipment and supplies, train staff, retrofit facilities, and carry out other necessary Ebola-specific...
This program covers two separate, but related projects: Part A Health Care System Preparedness for Ebola and Part B Development of a Regional Network for Ebola Patient Care. The purpose of this program is to (1) improve healthcare system...
The primary objectives of the IAF Assistance for Programs Overseas in Latin America and the Caribbean program is to: (1) Strengthen the bonds of friendship and understanding among the peoples in the Western Hemisphere; (2) Support self-help efforts...
The Denali Commission is a Federal agency designed to provide funding and partner coordination for critical utilities and infrastructure projects throughout Alaska, particularly in distressed and disadvantaged communities.
The mission of the Commission is to help build sustainable communities and promote economic growth across the Southeast Crescent region, which encompasses some of the highest poverty rates in the United States. The federal-state partnership is...
The ACCESS Program is a pre-apprenticeship or apprenticeship program that 1) leads to recognized postsecondary credentials for secondary school and postsecondary students; 2) is focused on skills and qualifications needed, as determined by the...
The objective of this program is to provide financial assistance to eligible entities to support community engagement and capacity building efforts and activities to facilitate the ability of community members, residents, and organizations to...
The goals of this program are to make awards for the design and management of a new Environmental Justice (EJ) competitive pass-through program where EPA will competitively select pass-through entities to provide grant funds via subawards to...
Grants are awarded to support education, outreach, training, and technical assistance to farm workers on how to prevent or mitigate pesticide-related illness and injury; to health care providers on recognizing and treating pesticide-related illness...
Emerging Leaders is a free educational series that provides executives with the organizational framework and resources to build sustainable businesses and support economic development within underserved communities.
NASA Community Projects/NASA Special Projects are provided by Congress for specific projects or programs in such a manner that the allocation (a) circumvents a merit-based or competitive allocation process, (b) applies to a very limited number of...
This initiative is designed to provide opportunities for internships and fellowships at American Latino museums for students enrolled in Institutions of Higher Education, including Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). The initiative will nurture...
21MP has two program goals with two or three objectives associated with each goal such as the following: GOAL 1, Support the professional development of the museum workforce, including those from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds. Objective...
The objectives of this federal assistance are to expand and provide training and technical assistance to agencies that regulate real estate appraisers in their states. This includes curriculum development and training to increase professional...
Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) grants seek to fulfill the mission of the Library of Congress to use its collections to connect with those representing diverse communities, beliefs, and endeavors to engage, inspire, and inform Congress and the...
Advance the abilities of emergency responders to manage pipeline emergencies through improved training, cooperation, and communication.
The HM State Inspection Grant provides training and financial support for State entities to perform hazardous material shipper inspections. The goal of this program is to expand PHMSA and the States ability to ensure industry compliance therefore,...
Section 5001 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act ("CARES Act") established the $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund ("the Fund"). Eligible entities may use Fund payments to cover only those costs that: (1) are necessary...
To support the ability of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to support, prepare for, and respond to the economic impact of the coronavirus.
The objective of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement Training and Support grant program is to train non-Federal employees who conduct commercial motor vehicle enforcement activities in accordance with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations,...
Veterans Pilot Training grants program will allow up to $5,000,000 for competitive grants to facilitate the future supply of adequate pilots and award grants to flight schools that are accredited by the Department of Education or hold a restricted...
The goal is to fund projects in the amounts specified in the table titled "Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending" included in the Division H explanatory statement accompanying the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022.
The WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Outlying Areas Consolidated Grants, Title I, implement the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act legislation, allowing the Department to reform and modernize our nation's workforce development system....
The purpose of this program is to support the prevention and early intervention services, including mentoring and other direct support services, for girls who are at risk of or are victims of sex trafficking. The goal of this program is to...