Training Federal Grants

Showing results 351-375 of 449 for Training federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Training federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Middle East Partnership Initiative
The U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative supports organizations and individuals in their efforts to promote political, economic, and social engagement in the Middle East and North Africa.

Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers
The overall goal of the 2501 Program is to encourage and assist socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, veteran farmers and ranchers, and beginning farmers and ranchers with owning and operating farms and ranches and in participating equitably...

State and Tribal Response Program Grants
The primary objectives of EPA's CERCLA Section 128(a) State and Tribal Response Program grants are to provide financial support to States, US Territories, and Tribal Nations to (1) establish or enhance the four statutory elements of an effective...

Enhanced Training and Services to End Violence and Abuse of Women Later in Life
To provide training, services, and collaboration to address the needs of victims of abuse in later life, including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, exploitation, and neglect.

Women's Bureau
The Womens Bureau was created by law in 1920 to formulate standards and policies to promote the welfare of wage-earning women, improve their working conditions, increase their efficiency, and advance their opportunities for profitable employment....

Adult Education National Leadership Activities
To support applied research, development, demonstration, dissemination, evaluation, and related activities that contribute to the improvement of adult education and literacy activities nationally.

Child Welfare Research Training or Demonstration
This program supports research and demonstration projects which are of national or regional significance and special projects for the demonstration of new methods which show promise of substantial contribution to the advancement of child welfare....

Health Professions Recruitment Program for Indians
(1) To identify American Indians and Alaska Natives with a potential for education or training in the health professions, and to encourage and assist them to enroll in health or allied health professional schools; (2) to increase the number of...

Interagency Hazardous Materials Public Sector Training and Planning Grants
Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant (HMEP): To increase State, local, territorial and tribal effectiveness to safely and efficiently handle hazardous materials accidents and incidents; enhance implementation of the Emergency Planning...

National Farmworker Jobs Program
To help individuals, and their dependents, who are primarily employed in agricultural and fish farming labor that is characterized by chronic unemployment and underemployment, obtain and retain unsubsidized employment, or stabilize their...

Overseas Programs Special Bilateral Projects
To increase mutual understanding and knowledge between the people of the United States and those in other countries by offering qualified U.S. educators opportunities to participate in short-term study seminars abroad on topics in the social...

Rural Community Development Initiative
To develop the capacity and ability of private, nonprofit community-based housing and community development organizations and low income rural communities to improve housing, community and economic development projects, and community facilities in...

State Indoor Radon Grants
EPA assists states and federally recognized tribes to provide radon risk reduction through activities that will result in increased radon testing, mitigation, and radon resistant new construction through the authorizing statute: Title III of the...

Training Interpreters for Individuals who are Deaf and Individuals who are Deaf-Blind
To support projects that increase the numbers and improve the skills of manual, tactile, oral, and cued speech interpreters providing services to individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing and individuals who are deaf-blind.

Women's Business Ownership Assistance
To fund private, nonprofit organizations to assist, through training and counseling, small business concerns owned and controlled by women, and to remove, in so far as possible, the discriminatory barriers that are encountered by women in accessing...

PPHF2018-National Organization for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion-financed in part by 2018 Prevention and Public Health Funds
This program supports the development of effective state chronic disease programs to strengthen public health science and practice by addressing crosscutting functions, domains, settings, risk factors and diseases. Long-term outcomes include:...

States' Economic Development Assistance Program
The Delta Regional Authority works to improve regional economic opportunity by helping to create jobs, build communities, and improve the lives of the 10 million people who reside in the 252 counties and parishes of the eight state Delta region. Led...

International Labor Programs
The Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) promotes a fair global playing field for workers in the United States and around the world by enforcing trade commitments, strengthening labor standards, and combating international child labor,...

Gulf States Regional Law Enforcement Technology Training and Technical Assistance Initiative
Goal: The design of the program is to select a training and technical assistance (TTA) provider who will then develop a program that will directly assist local law enforcement with projects to gather, analyze, and disseminate pertinent information...

Collaborative Mental Health and Anti-Recidivism Initiative
Prison populations across the country have been severely impacted by the increased incarceration of individuals with mental illness. Individuals with mental illness are often associated with higher recidivism rates due to their limited access to...

DOI National Fire Plan
The purpose of this program is to issue Cooperative Agreements to assist the Office of the Secretary, Office of Wildland Fire (OWF) in facilitating communication, cooperation and coordination between Federal, State, and local partners in support of...

Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention Program and Diabetes Prevention - State and Local Public Health Actions to Prevent Obesity, Diabetes, and Heart Disease and Stroke
The purpose of this program is to support implementation of population-wide and priority population approaches to prevent obesity, diabetes, and heart disease and stroke and reduce health disparities in these areas among adults.

Domestic Ebola Supplement to the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC).
This ELC Competing Supplement addresses priority domestic capacity building around Ebola and other emerging and highly-infectious diseases. The Competing Supplement (1) provides additional resources to accelerate ELC activities around infection...

Support to the World Health Organization (WHO) for Response to the Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in Western Africa
The objective of the project is to contribute to on-going efforts to reduce the morbidity, mortality and to break the chain of transmission of EVD by strengthening capacities at the district level of affected countries in western Africa to actively...

Professional Standards for School Nutrition Employees
The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010, Section 306, directed the United States Department of Agriculture to establish minimum national professional standards for all school nutrition employees who manage and operate the National School...