Science and Technology Federal Grants
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1426-1450 of 2,074 for Science and Technology federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Science and Technology federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
Since 1970, NIST, as part of its research program, has provided funding under the Precision Measurement Grant Program (PMGP) primarily to universities and colleges so that faculty may conduct significant research in the field of fundamental...
The Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. Consulate Chennai is soliciting proposals for public diplomacy grants from individuals, non-governmental organizations, and other legally-recognized non-profit institutions that meet Indian and/or U.S....
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is soliciting competitive applications for the fiscal year 2014 Partnerships for the Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Program. Projects are being solicited to support specific programmatic activities related...
Identify an international expert in railway suidcides to provide background support regarding issues associated with suicide on railroad rights-of-way, including but not limited to support for the upcoming Working Group Meeting of International...
The National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellowship (NSSEFF) program is sponsored by the Basic Research Office, Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (ASD (R&E)). NSSEFF supports innovative basic research...
NNH13ZDA001N, entitled "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences - 2013 (ROSES-2013)," will be available on or about February 14, 2013, by opening the NASA Research Opportunities homepage at and then linking...
Facilitate the adoption of database use by field crews and subsets of the database for use by volunteer organizations to assist with restoration work and ensure improvement of existing protocol for making restoration decisions.
The US Geological Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner to investigate the impacts of Hurricane Sandy on migrating landbirds and their use of coastal habitats.
The US Geological Survey, Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK), is offering a funding opportunity to establish a collaborative computing capability which is key to making progress on current and future science activities, especially...
The USGS Florida Water Science Center (FLWSC) is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner for research investigating four high-priority science goals which have been identified in Florida over the next decade and include: advancing...
NNH13ZDA001N, entitled "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences - 2013 (ROSES-2013)," will be available on or about February 14, 2013, by opening the NASA Research Opportunities homepage at and then linking...
The US Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center is offering a funding opportunity for research designed to use modeling and empirical approaches to address the ultimate goal of conducting research that allows us to evaluate, compare, and...
Climate and Earth System Modeling is part of the Climate and Environmental Sciences Division (CESD) of the U.S. Department of Energy?s Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER). The Climate and Earth System Modeling programs seek to...
The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research (OBER), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), hereby announce their interest in receiving...
In support of the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NPLCC), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Pacific Region is requesting project proposals that will help implement the NPLCC¿s Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge...
The NOAA Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Program is an environmental education program that promotes locally relevant, experiential learning in the K-12 environment. B-WET was established in 2002 in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and...
This RA solicits ground-breaking single-investigator proposals from junior faculty for research and development in the areas of Physical Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine, Biology, Information and Social Sciences of interest to...
The opportunities available under this agreement are as follows: Hands on work and training in natural resource conservation, fish hatchery operations, broodstock management, fish health lab operations, and public/visitor education. Training and...
The NOAA Marine Debris Program (MDP), authorized in the Marine Debris Act (33 U.S.C. 1951 et seq.), provides funding to projects that will lead to the prevention of marine debris in the marine and coastal environments through the implementation of...
Cyberspace has transformed the daily lives of people. The rush to adopt cyberspace, however, has exposed its fragility and vulnerabilities: corporations, agencies, national infrastructure and individuals have been victims of cyber-attacks. In...
NIST is soliciting applications from eligible applicants to provide undergraduate/graduate students and post-doctoral associates with fellowship opportunities and financial assistance to obtain laboratory experiences within the NIST Boulder...
NNH13ZDA001N, entitled "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences - 2013 (ROSES-2013)," will be available on or about February 14, 2013, by opening the NASA Research Opportunities homepage at and then linking...
The California B-WET Program is a competitive grant program that supports existing, high quality environmental education programs, fosters the growth of new, innovative programs, and encourages capacity building and partnership development for...
A well-prepared, innovative science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce is crucial to the Nation's health and economy. Indeed, recent policy actions and reports have drawn attention to the opportunities and challenges inherent...
The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program seeks to encourage talented science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors and professionals to become K-12 mathematics and science teachers. The Noyce Scholarship Track provides funds to...