Science and Technology Federal Grants

Showing results 1376-1400 of 2,074 for Science and Technology federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Science and Technology federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Desalination and Water Purification Research and Development (DWPR) - Pre-proposal Solicitation
The U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), is currently requesting pre-proposals for the Desalination and Water Purification Research and Development Program (DWPR) for research and pilot scale projects aimed at...

Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Southern Appalachian Mountians CESU
The US Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center, is offering a funding opportunity to conduct research that analyzes the response of tree species and forest types across the US to N deposition, emphasizing the consequences for biodiversity,...

Automated Measurement of Stress in Continuous Welded Rail -Artificial Heating Option Study
The overall objective of this grant is to continue the research and development of the nondestructive method for the measurement of the rail NT based on nonlinear ultrasonic guided waves. The specific research tasks include: 2.1 Developing,...

Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Chesapeake Watershed CESU
DISASTER RECOVERY ACT FUNDS - The US Geological Survey, Estuarine Physical Response Project, is offering a funding opportunity for a two-year effort investigating the interaction between hurricanes, estuarine sediment transport, and ecological...

Big Mechanism
See Attachment: DARPA-BAA-14-14 document

Sustainability Research Networks Competition
The goal of the Sustainability Research Networks (SRN) competition is to bring together multidisciplinary teams of researchers, educators, managers, policymakers and other stakeholders to conduct collaborative research that addresses fundamental...

Plant Genome Research Program
This program is a continuation of the Plant Genome Research Program (PGRP) that began in FY 1998 as part of the National Plant Genome Initiative (NPGI). Since the inception of the NPGI and the PGRP, there has been a tremendous increase in the...

NextGen-Concepts and Technology Development Project (CTD1)
This publication announces the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Headquarters, Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 version of the NASA Research Announcement (NRA) entitled, "Research...

NextGen Concepts and Technology Development (CTD2)
This publication announces the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Headquarters, Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 version of the NASA Research Announcement (NRA) entitled, "Research...

This publication announces the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Headquarters, Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) plans to release the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 version of the NASA Research Announcement (NRA) entitled,...

Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands Landscape Conservation Cooperative; FY14
The USFWS is seeking proposals on behalf of the Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands Landscape Conservation Cooperative hereafter shown as ABSI LCC. The Mission of the ABSI LCC is to promote coordination, dissemination, and development of applied...

Cooperative Ecoystem Studies Unit, South Florida/Caribbean CESU
The US Geological Survey, Southeast Ecological Science Center (SESC), is officer a funding opportunity for research on the effects of global climate change (GCC) and sea level rise (SLR) on coastal vegetation, including transitions from freshwater...

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Headquarters has released a solicitation, titled "Early Career Faculty (ECF)", as an Appendix to the Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) NASA Research Announcement (NRA), titled "Space...

Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Southern Appalachian Mountains CESU
The US Geological Survey, Department of the Interior¿s (DOI) Southeast Climate Science Center (DOI SECSC), is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner for research to support the project entitled ¿Development of an adaptive management...

Alaska Native Organization Co-Management Funding Program
The National Marine Fisheries Service (hereinafter, "NMFS") recognizes the unique importance of marine mammals to Alaska Native Organizations (hereinafter, "ANOs") and values ongoing efforts by Alaska Native Tribes and ANOs to conserve and protect...

Science, Technology, Engineering
The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) seeks proposals under authority of the National Defense Education Act (1959) and under the Pre-Engineering Program (PEP) to stimulate young pupils in the sciences, technology, engineering...

ROSES 2013: Earth Science Applications: WATER RESOURCES
NNH13ZDA001N, entitled "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences - 2013 (ROSES-2013)," will be available on or about February 14, 2013, by opening the NASA Research Opportunities homepage at and then linking...

NNH13ZDA001N, entitled "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences - 2013 (ROSES-2013)," will be available on or about February 14, 2013, by opening the NASA Research Opportunities homepage at and then linking...

Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund
NOAA announces the availability of Federal funding, authorized pursuant to Public Law 113-6 (Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013), for necessary expenses associated with the restoration of Pacific salmon populations. The...

National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) Pilots Cooperative Agreement Program
NIST is soliciting applications from eligible applicants to pilot online identity solutions that embrace and advance the NSTIC vision: that individuals and organizations utilize secure, efficient, easy-to-use, and interoperable identity credentials...

Cooperative Agreement for Terrestrial Survey and Monitoring at Eglin AFB
THIS IS A NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD TO A SINGLE SOURCE, AND THERE IS NO FULL ANNOUNCEMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS NOTICE. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) intends to award an agreement to Virginia Tech to conduct terrestrial and biological...

Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Lakes Northern Forest CESU
The US Geological Survey, Kentucky Water Science Center, is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner to assist in establishing and operating a monitoring station on Davis Branch to collect sufficient baseline data about in-stream...

Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III Solid Rocket Mortors Project
This Title III project shall help establish a “digital factory” for the domestic production of solid rocket motors utilized by the Missile Defense Agency to support projects such as Standard Missile–3, Block IB and IIIA as well as...

Alaska Native-Serving and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions Education Competitive Grants Program (ANNH)
The purpose of this program is to promote and strengthen the ability of Alaska Native-Serving Institutions and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions to carry out education, applied research, and related community development programs. NIFA intends...

ROSES 2013: PACE Science Team
NNH13ZDA001N, entitled "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences - 2013 (ROSES-2013)," will be available on or about February 14, 2013, by opening the NASA Research Opportunities homepage at and then linking...


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