Science and Technology Federal Grants

Showing results 501-525 of 2,074 for Science and Technology federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Science and Technology federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


FY16 Great Lakes Bay Watershed Education and Training Program
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (Great Lakes Region) is seeking proposals under the Great Lakes B-WET Program. The Great Lakes B-WET Program is a competitive grant program that supports existing, high quality environmental education programs,...

2016 Alaska Pinniped Research Program
The National Marine Fisheries Service (hereinafter, "NMFS") is responsible for the stewardship, conservation, and management of pinniped species in Alaska, including the Steller sea lion, Northern fur seal, ringed seal, bearded seal, spotted seal,...

NPT Monitoring and Evaluations
To develop and implement a program to evaluate survival and harvest of fish release on the lower Snake River in the state of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

WDFW Operations and Maintenance
Develop and implement a program to rear sufficient numbers of Chinook and Steelhead smolts so a sufficient number of adults return back to the Snake River basin to compensate for fish losses.

CTUIR Monitoring and Evaluations
To develop and implement a program to evaluate survival and harvest of fish release on the lower Snake River in the states of Oregon and Washington.

ODFW Operations and Maintenance
Develop and implement a program to rear sufficient numbers of Chinook and Steelhead smolts so a sufficient number of adults return back to the Snake River basin to compensate for fish losses.

PSFMC Hatchery Evaluation
Develop and implement a program to evaluate survival and harvest of fish release on the lower Snake River.

WDFW Monitoring and Evaluations
Develop and implement a program to evaluate survival and harvest of fish release on the lower Snake River.

PSMFC Data Management
Develop and implement a program to collect LSRCP data regarding fish inventory along the lower Snake River basin.

ODFW Monitoring and Evaluations
Develop and implement a program to evaluate survival and harvest of fish release on the lower Snake River.

STARBASE Wright-Patt
The objective of this BAA is to invite proposals from school districts within a 15 mile radius of Wright Patterson AFB that can assist STARBASE Wright-Patt. STARBASE is a DOD program that serves the local community youth by offering students an ...

D.2 Leading Edge Aeronautics Research for NASA Project (LEARN3)
Amendment 9 to the NASA ARMD Research Opportunities in Aeronautics (ROA) 2015 NRA has been posted on the NSPIRES site. This release includes a topic in Appendix D.2 in support of the Leading Edge Aeronautics Research for NASA (LEARN) Project. This...

Neurotoxin Exposure Treatment Parkinson's Depression Research Award
Applications to the Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) Neurotoxin Exposure Treatment Parkinson’s Research (NETPR) program are being solicited by the U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA). The executing agent for this Program...

Exploiting Parallelism and Scalability
Computing systems have undergone a fundamental transformation from the single-core processor-devices of the turn of the century to today's ubiquitous and networked-deviceswith multicore/many-core processors along with warehouse-scale...

FY16 CRCP Coral Reef NGO Partnership
The purpose of this notice is to invite Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) with demonstrated expertise and experience in supporting coral reef management in the United States to submit proposals to establish partnerships with the NOAA Coral Reef...

Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) requests interested entities to submit restoration, research and Regional Project proposals for the restoration of the Great Lakes Basin fish and wildlife resources, as authorized under the Great Lakes...

FY16 Coral Reef Conservation Program, Domestic Coral Reef Conservation Grants
The NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Grant Program, 16 U.S.C. §§ 6401-6409, provides matching grants of financial assistance through the Domestic Coral Reef Conservation Grant program to institutions of higher education, non-profit organizations,...

FY2016 NOAA Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Hawaii Program
The NOAA Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Hawaii Program is a federal funding opportunity which meets NOAA's mission of science, service and stewardship. This B-WET program supports the vision of a future where societies and their...

2016 NOAA California Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Program
The California B-WET Program is a competitive grant program that supports existing, high quality environmental education programs, fosters the growth of new, innovative programs, and encourages capacity building and partnership development for...

DoD FY15 Vision Research Program Technology/Therapeutic Development Award
The FY15/16 Vision Research Program (VRP) challenges the scientific community to design innovative research that will foster new directions for, and address neglected issues in, the field of vision research. The FY15/16 VRP...

B.2 Airspace Technology Demonstration (ATD) Project
Amendment 8 to the NASA ARMD Research Opportunities in Aeronautics (ROA) 2015 NRA has been posted on the NSPIRES site. This release includes the following 4 subtopics in Appendix B.2 for Airspace Technology Demonstration (ATD) Project (2.1)...

DoD FY15 Vision Research Program Clinical Trial Award
The FY15/16 Vision Research Program (VRP) Clinical Trial Award (CTA) supports research with the potential to have a major impact on the treatment or management of visual injury and/or dysfunction. Funding from this award mechanism must support a...

Environmental System Science
The Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) of the Office of Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) hereby announces its interest in receiving applications for research in Environmental Systems Science (ESS), including...

ROSES 2015: SERVIR Applied Sciences Team
This ROSES NRA (NNH15ZDA001N) solicits basic and applied research in support of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD). This NRA covers all aspects of basic and applied supporting research and technology in space and Earth sciences,...

Fiscal Year 2016 NOAA Gulf of Mexico Bay-Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Program
The National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Region (Fisheries Southeast Regional Office) is seeking proposals under the Gulf of Mexico B-WET Program. The Gulf of Mexico B-WET program is a competitive, environmental education, grants program that...


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