Science and Technology Federal Grants

Showing results 476-500 of 2,074 for Science and Technology federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Science and Technology federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Chesapeake Watershed CESU
The US Geological Survey is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner for integrative research in the field of ecosystem ecology and ecosystem services. Collaborators will conduct nutrient cycling studies along gradients of nutrient loading...

Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Colorado Plateau CESU
The Southwest Biological Science Center of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is offering a funding opportunity to one member of the Colorado Plateau Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU) Program. The goal of this project is to promote...

Reverse Osmosis Concentrate Management through Halophyte Farming
The costs of concentrate management of a conventional Reverse Osmosis (RO) facility are up to 50% of the capital requirements and operation expenses. These costs are primarily associated with mitigating the environmental impacts of the concentrate....

NOAA Great Lakes Habitat Restoration Regional Partnership Grants
NOAA delivers funding and technical expertise to restore Great Lakes coastal habitats. These habitats support valuable fisheries and other resources; improve water quality; provide recreational opportunities for the public's use and enjoyment; and...

Reverse Osmosis Concentrate Management through Halophyte Farming
The costs of concentrate management of a conventional Reverse Osmosis (RO) facility are up to 50% of the capital requirements and operation expenses. These costs are primarily associated with mitigating the environmental impacts of the concentrate....

Hydrodynamic Model of Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility
The US Fish and Wildlife Service���s Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility (FCF) was designed to replicate the natural conditions occurring in Devils Hole. The 100,000 gallon tank contains a reconstruction of the shallow shelf of...

Strengthening the Public's and/or K-12 Students' Environmental Literacy for Community Resilience to Extreme Weather Events and Other Environmental Hazards
The goal of this Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) is to strengthen the public’s and/or K-12 students’ environmental literacy to enable informed decision-making necessary for community resilience to extreme weather events and other...

Project description: This is a continuation of research to gather baseline information that will help support the creation of the roads and trails management plan for the park, which is currently underway. This research is intended to inform and...

FY16 Rail Safety Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) Co-operative Research Program
Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) programs explore promising but unproven concepts with the potential to advance specific surface transportation systems. The Rail Safety IDEA program investigates innovative concepts and methods to...

Stormwater Threats and Clean Water Solutions for Puget Sound Salmonids
The proposed scientific research project will assess the impacts of toxic stormwater runoff on Pacific salmonids and their habitats in urban and urbanizing watersheds of Puget Sound. Moreover, the effectiveness of pollution reduction technologies...

Complex Adaptive System Composition And Design Environment (CASCADE)
The Defense Sciences Office at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative research proposals that will enable and demonstrate new design capabilities for complex adaptive systems. Proposed research should develop...

SMART-NAS Test Bed for Safe, Trajectory-Based Operation Project
Amendment 10 to the NASA ARMD Research Opportunities in Aeronautics (ROA) 2015 NRA has been posted on the NSPIRES site. This release includes a topic in Appendix B.3 in support of the SMART-NAS Test Bed for Safe, Trajectory-­‐Based...

Deployed Warfighter Protection Program FY 16 Call For Research
The US Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground Natick Contracting Division, Fort Detrick invites applications for funding opportunities for the fiscal year 2016 Deployed War Fighter Protection Research Program (DWFP), renewable for up to...

Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Basin CESU
The USGS is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner for research on whether there has been a geographic shift in the breeding area source of the population-wide production of black brant (hereafter, brant) in the eastern Pacific Flyway and...

Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU
The purpose of the Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center (WY-MT WSC) funding opportunity is to provide the sequencing and analysis of DNA extracted from sediment water samples collected from sites in Bighorn Lake (Montana and Wyoming). This work is...

Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program - Fiscal Year 2016 Great Lakes Competition
The purpose of this notice is to solicit grant proposals from eligible Great Lakes states for coastal and estuarine land conservation (land acquisition) projects under the Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP). Applications...

BLM (Arizona), Arizona Fossil Recovery and Curation, Arizona State Office
Description of Program and/or Project a. Background: Paleontologists and other professional staff will assist the BLM AZSO, paleontology program coordinators and Field Office Mangers in Arizona to monitor, inventory and recover paleontological...

National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) Land Acquisition and Construction Program for Fiscal Year 2016
The National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS or System) consists of estuarine areas of the United States and its territories designated and managed for research and educational purposes. Each Reserve within the system is chosen to represent...

ROSES 2015: Land-Cover/Land-Use Change
This ROSES NRA (NNH15ZDA001N) solicits basic and applied research in support of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD). This NRA covers all aspects of basic and applied supporting research and technology in space and Earth sciences,...

Notice of Intent to Award - Center for the Development and Use of Alternative Water Supplies
Alternative waters are waters of marginal quality and not ready for use, including brackish and produced waters. Alternative waters represent important new water sources for sustainable water supplies in New Mexico and the western US where water...

IDFG Monitoring and Evaluations
Develop and implement a program to evaluate survival and harvest of fish release on the lower Snake River.

FY 2016 Air Quality Research and Forecasting
Through the U.S. Weather Research Program (USWRP), OAR’s Office of Weather and Air Quality (OWAQ) is soliciting proposals to conduct air quality research and development activities related to advancing air quality forecasting that will...

SBT Monitoring and Evaluations
Develop and implement a program to evaluate survival and harvest of fish release on the lower Snake River.

2016 Marine Education and Training Mini Grant Program
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA/NMFS) is soliciting competitive applications for the 2016 Pacific Islands Region Marine Education and Training Mini-Grant Program. Projects are being solicited to improve communication, education, and...

FY16 Great Lakes Bay Watershed Education and Training Program
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (Great Lakes Region) is seeking proposals under the Great Lakes B-WET Program. The Great Lakes B-WET Program is a competitive grant program that supports existing, high quality environmental education programs,...


Popular Science and Technology Federal Grants

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