Public Health Education, Training Federal Grants

Showing results 76-88 of 88 for Public Health Education, Training federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Public Health Education, Training federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Area Health Education Centers Infrastructure Development Awards
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care act, Public Law 111-148, amended the PHS Act, Section 751, Area Health Education Centers. The required program activities in the amended legislation embrace the following goals to: (1) educate and train...

Geriatric Training for Physicians, Dentists and Behavioral/Mental Health Professionals
Grants are given for faculty training projects in geriatric medicine, geriatric dentistry, and geriatric behavioral or mental health. The purpose of this grant program is to provide support, including fellowships, for geriatric training projects to...

Podiatric Residency Training in Primary Care
Grants are awarded to plan and implement projects in preventive and primary care training for podiatric physicians in approved or provisionally approved residency programs that shall provide financial assistance in the form of traineeships to...

Human Health Studies-Applied Research and Development
To solicit scientific proposals designed to answer public health questions arising from situations commonly encountered at hazardous waste sites. The objective of this research program is to fill gaps in knowledge regarding human health effects of...

Tribal Recruitment and Retention of Health Professionals into Indian Health Programs
To make financial assistance awards to Indian tribes and tribal and Indian health organizations to enable them to recruit, place, and retain health professionals to fill critical vacancies and to meet the staffing needs of Indian health programs and...

National Institutes of Health Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Research Loan Repayment Program
To help assure an adequate supply of trained researchers (physicians, registered nurses and scientists) with respect to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) by providing for the repayment of...

Capacity Building Among American Indian Tribes
To address the Tribal public health issues that result from hazardous substances in the environment by: 1) building Tribal environmental health capacity 2) addressing health issues from releases of hazardous substances into the environment, and 3)...

Prevention and Public Health Fund (PPHF) Public Health Traineeships
To provide traineeship support to cover the costs associated with tuition, fees, stipends and allowances ( including travel, subsistence expenses and dependency allowances) for students pursuing graduate training or specialized education in six core...

Health Administration Traineeships and Special Projects Program
This program was developed to support eligible students enrolled in accredited graduate programs in health administration, hospital administration, or health policy analysis and planning. Applicants are encouraged to use the traineeships to...

Quentin N. Burdick Programs for Rural Interdisciplinary Training
The goal of this program is to provide or improve access to health care in rural areas. Specifically, projects funded under this authority shall be designed to: (a) Use new and innovative methods to train health care practitioners to provide...

Health Education and Training Centers
The legislative purpose of this initiative is to improve health care, increase retention, increase representation of minority faculty members, enhance the practice environment, and provide information dissemination and educational support to reduce...

Biometry and Risk Estimation-Health Risks from Environmental Exposures
To conduct a broad-scale effort in biometry and risk estimation. Most of the research conducted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) in statistics, biomathematics, epidemiology, and risk estimation is directed towards...

Employment Discrimination Project Contracts-Indian Tribes
To insure the protection of the employment rights of Indians working on or near reservations.