Public Health Education, Training Federal Grants

Showing results 26-50 of 88 for Public Health Education, Training federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Public Health Education, Training federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services
To make grants to the governing bodies of Indian tribes (and consortia of such governing bodies) located on Federal and State reservations to provide vocational rehabilitation services to American Indians with disabilities who reside on or near such...

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Projects, State and Local Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention and Surveillance of Blood Lead Levels in Children
To (1) Develop and/or enhance a surveillance system that monitors all blood lead levels; (2) assure that children who are potentially exposed to lead receive follow up care; (3) assure awareness and action among the general public and affected...

Epidemiology and Other Health Studies Financial Assistance Program
To provide financial support for research, education, conferences, communication, and other activities relating to the health of Department of Energy workers, as well as other populations potentially exposed to health hazards associated with energy...

Health Professions Preparatory Scholarship Program for Indians
To provide scholarships to American Indians and Alaska Natives for the purpose of completing compensatory pre-professional education to enable the recipient to qualify for enrollment or re- enrollment in a health professions school or curriculum.

Intramural Research Training Award
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) IRTA Traineeships/Fellowships are established for the principal benefit of the participants and to provide opportunities for developmental training and practical research experience in a variety of disciplines...

Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program
The purpose of the CHGME Payment Program is to compensate for the disparity in the level of Federal Graduate Medical Education (GME) funding for freestanding childrens teaching hospitals versus other types of teaching hospitals. Hospitals typically...

Epidemiology Program
The purpose of this program is to fund Tribes, Tribal and urban Indian organizations, and intertribal consortia to provide epidemiological support for the American Indian / Alaska Native (AI/AN) population served by IHS. Tribal Epidemiology Center...

Health Professions Recruitment Program for Indians
(1) To identify American Indians and Alaska Natives with a potential for education or training in the health professions, and to encourage and assist them to enroll in health or allied health professional schools; (2) to increase the number of...

Medical Assistance Program
To provide financial assistance to States for payments of medical assistance on behalf of cash assistance recipients, children, pregnant women, and the aged who meet income and resource requirements, and other categorically-eligible groups. In...

Family Planning Personnel Training
To provide job specific training for personnel working in Title X settings to improve the delivery of family planning services.

Health Professions Scholarship Program
To provide scholarships to American Indians and Alaska Natives at health professions schools in order to obtain health professionals to serve Indians. Upon completion, scholarship recipients are obligated to serve in the Indian Health Service or an...

Medical Library Assistance
To meet a growing need for investigators trained in biomedical informatics research and data science by training qualified pre- and post-doctoral candidates; to conduct research in biomedical informatics, bioinformatics and related computer,...

Rural Health Care Services Outreach, Rural Health Network Development and Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement
Delta Region Community Health Systems Development Program: enhances health care delivery in the Delta Region through intensive technical assistance to providers in select rural communities, including Critical Access Hospitals, small rural hospitals,...

Commodity Supplemental Food Program
To improve the health of low-income elderly persons at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA Foods, distributed through public and non-profit private local agencies such as food banks and community action...

Graduate Psychology Education
The Graduate Psychology Education Program supports training of doctoral health psychology students, interns, and post-doctoral residents to provide integrated, interdisciplinary, behavioral health and Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and other Substance...

Health Professions Student Loans, Including Primary Care Loans and Loans for Disadvantaged Students
To increase educational opportunities by providing long-term, low-interest loans to students in need of financial assistance and in pursuit of a course of study in an approved health discipline.

Area Health Education Centers
The Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program enhances access to high quality, culturally competent health care through academic-community partnerships. The goal of the AHEC Program is three fold: (1) to prepare a diverse, culturally-competent...

Rural Health Research Centers
The Rural Health Research Center program supports publicly available, policy-relevant research to assist decision makers in understanding the challenges faced by rural communities and providers. The Rapid Response Rural Data Analysis and Issue...

Community Programs to Improve Minority Health Grant Program
Support public and private evidence-based interventions and innovative models to improve the health outcomes of racial and ethnic minority communities. Conduct policy demonstrations which coordinate integrated services, community-outreach and...

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
The Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) is a nutrition assistance program that may be operated at the request of a Tribe or Indian Tribal Organization (ITO) on an Indian reservation, approved areas near a reservation, or...

Health Program for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
To work closely with State, local, and other Federal agencies to reduce or eliminate illness, disability, and death resulting from exposure of the public and workers to toxic substances at spill and waste disposal sites.

National Center for Health Workforce Analysis
To provide for the development of information describing and analyzing the health care workforce and workforce-related issues in order to provide necessary information for decision-making regarding future directions in health professions in response...

Special Diabetes Program for Indians Diabetes Prevention and Treatment Projects
To promote improved health care among American Indians/Alaska Natives through special diabetes prevention and treatment services with objectives and priorities determined at the local level. Since FY 2016, this program includes a new grant...

Geriatric Academic Career Awards Department of Health and Human Services
The purpose of the GACA program is to support the career development of individual junior faculty in geriatrics at accredited health professions schools or graduate programs approved by the Secretary, including schools of allopathic medicine,...

HIV Prevention Activities Health Department Based
To assist States and political subdivisions of States in meeting the cost of establishing and maintaining Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevention programs.