Project Grants Federal Grants

Showing results 626-650 of 2,346 for Project Grants federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Project Grants federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Family Self-Sufficiency Program
To promote the development of local strategies to coordinate the use of assistance under the Housing Choice Voucher, Public Housing and Project-Based Rental Assistance programs with public and private resources to enable participating families to...

Special International Exchange Grant Programs
To provide special grants for international exchanges and other activities that support and address current and emerging issues of mutual interest to the United States and other countries, consistent with the program criteria established in the...

Demonstration Grants for Domestic Victims of Human Trafficking
The Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) currently funds the following three programs under the Domestic Victims of Human Trafficking (DVHT) Program. In FY 23, under the DVHT Program model, OTIP funded the Domestic Victims of Human Trafficking-...

Rural Business Development Grant
To promote sustainable economic development and facilitate the development of small and emerging private business, industry, and related employment for improving the economy in rural communities.

21st Century Conservation Service Corps
Through this program, work and training opportunities are provided to young people and veterans in order to develop the next generation of lifelong conservation stewards and protect, restore and enhance Americas Great Outdoors.

Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Policy Research Center
The Policy Research Center was established to collect, analyze, and evaluate data to develop policy recommendations for the protection and promotion of the interest of socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers. The Center will serve as a public...

Healthy Watersheds Consortium Grant Program
To support strategically protecting healthy watersheds across the country. The focus of the grant program is to protect freshwater, estuarine, and marine ecosystems and their watersheds. Additional background information on the Healthy Watersheds...

Sexual Assault Services Culturally Specific Program
To increase culturally specific intervention, advocacy, accompaniment, support services, and related assistance for adult, youth, and child victims of sexual assault; family and household members of such victims; and those collaterally affected by...

Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program
To support programs or projects in Indian tribal lands and Alaska native villages that increase intervention, advocacy, accompaniment, support services, and related assistance for adult, youth, and child victims of sexual assault; family and...

Smart Prosecution Initiative
Goal(s): The purpose of the Innovative Prosecution Solutions (IPS) for Combating Violent Crime Program is to provide state, local, and tribal prosecutors with resources to reduce crime and increase public safety. The program encourages prosecutors...

Cooperative Agreement to Support Navigators in Federally-facilitated Exchanges
The Cooperative Agreement to Support Navigators in Federally-facilitated Exchanges (Funding Opportunity) will enable recipients to operate as Exchange Navigators in states with a Federally-facilitated Exchange (FFE), as authorized by the Affordable...

Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Programs Financed Solely by Prevention and Public Health Funds (PPHF)
These cooperative agreements are intended to increase the number of evidence-based falls prevention programs available to older adults, while concurrently increasing the sustainability of these proven programs in the aging and disability networks....

Water Bank Program
To preserve and improve major wetlands as habitat for migratory waterfowl and other wildlife, conserve surface waters, reduce soil and wind erosion, contribute to flood control, improve water quality, improve subsurface moisture, and enhance the...

Central Valley Project Conservation
Provide financial support for activities to benefit federally listed endangered and threatened terrestrial species to compensate for impacts to species resulting from the operation and maintenance of the Central Valley Project (CVP) of California.

Fiscal Year 2013 Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Grants to the National Railroad Passenger Corporation
To provide supplemental assistance to the National Passenger Railroad Corporation for disaster assistance related to Hurricane Sandy.

Prevention of Disease, Disability, and Death through Immunization and Control of Respiratory and Related Diseases
The purpose of this program is to strengthen capacity to prevent disease, disability, and death through immunization and control of respiratory and related diseases. The specific objectives may include, but are not limited to: 1. Increase the...

Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Information System (EHDI-IS) Surveillance Program
The objective of this program is to assist EHDI programs in developing and maintaining a sustainable, centralized newborn hearing screening tracking and surveillance system capable of accurately identifying, matching, collecting, and reporting data...

NOAA Programs for Disaster Relief Appropriations Act - Non-construction and Construction
1. Protect, Restore, and Manage the Use of Coastal and Ocean Resources through an Ecosystem Approach to Management; 2. Understand Climate Variability and Change to Enhance Society's Ability to Plan and Respond; 3. Serve Society's Needs for Weather...

Youth Engagement, Education, and Employment
To provide experiential, education, and employment opportunities for youth and veterans between the ages of 16 and 30, inclusive, or veterans aged 35 or younger. The intent of these education, career and leadership development programs is to engage,...

Public Transportation Emergency Relief Program
The Emergency Relief Program is intended to provide operating assistance and capital funding to aid recipients and sub-recipients in restoring public transportation service, and in repairing and reconstructing public transportation assets to a state...

Prevention of Disease, Disability, and Death by Infectious Diseases
The purpose of this program is to prevent disease, disability and death by infectious diseases. The specific objectives may include, but are not limited to: strengthening public health fundamentals; increasing capacity to prevent disease, disability...

Rare Disorders: Research, Surveillance, Health Promotion, and Education
To (1) Promote public health capacity by conducting research to expand the knowledge base around people with complex disabling conditions, including muscular dystrophy, fragile X syndrome and spina bifida across the lifespan, with the goal of...

Arrangements for Interdisciplinary Research Infrastructure
To establish an strengthen new and/or existing centers, consortia, or other arrangements for interdisciplinary research infrastructure where NIST, academic, industry and/or other federal researchers will collaborate on emerging areas of basic and...

Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Activities-FWS
To provide technical and financial assistance to identify, protect, conserve, manage, enhance or restore habitat and structures on both public and private lands that have been negatively impacted by Hurricane Sandy.

Pipeline Safety Research Competitive Academic Agreement Program (CAAP)
The CAAP initiative is intended to spur innovation by enabling an academic research focus on high-risk and high pay-off solutions for the many pipeline safety challenges. It will potentially deliver solutions that can be hand-offs to PHMSAs core...