Project Grants Federal Grants

Showing results 576-600 of 2,346 for Project Grants federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Project Grants federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Integrative Activities
Enhance the competitiveness of the Nations research through activities that build capacity for science and engineering and broaden participation in research and education and develops critical infrastructure for the nation's STEM enterprise. The...

Section 223 Demonstration Programs to Improve Community Mental Health Services
Funding to support development of proposals to participate in time-limited community based behavioral health demonstration programs described in subsection (d) of section 223 of P.L. 113-93 Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014, 42 USC 1396(a)...

Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Grant
The goals of the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV Program) are to: (1) strengthen and improve the programs and activities carried out under Title V of the Social Security Act; (2) improve coordination of services...

Wetland Mitigation Banking Program
The Wetland Mitigation Banking Program is used to help establish wetland mitigation banks to help producers meet their wetland conservation compliance responsibilities needed to maintain eligibility for many USDA programs administered by the FSA and...

Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians, Field Operations
The objectives of these Office of the Special Trustee (OST) grants will be to support and initiate a wide range of projects that facilitate Trust Improvement and Reform, including but not limited to the areas of Probate/Estates, Individual and...

Transition Assistance – Entrepreneurship Track (Boots to Business)
Boots to Business (B2B) grant/cooperative agreement funding enables eligible organizations to provide follow-on online entrepreneurship training, information and resources, and domestic and global delivery of the B2B two-day Introduction to...

Nutrition and Physical Activity Programs
The purpose of this program is to achieve three goals related to risk factors for illness, disability, and premature death as follows: Improve dietary quality to support healthy child development and reduce chronic disease Decrease prevalence of...

Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting
The Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (Tribal MIECHV) is administered by The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Office of Early Childhood Development (ECD), in collaboration with the Health Resources and...

Route 66 Corridor Preservation
To preserve the cultural resources of the Route 66 corridor and to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to provide assistance. The program provides cost-share grants to help preserve the most significant and representative historic sites related...

Specially Adapted Housing Assistive Technology Grant Program
Pursuant to the Veterans Benefit Act of 2010, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Secretary), through the Loan Guaranty Service (LGY) of the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), is authorized to provide grants of financial assistance to develop...

Organized Approaches to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening
The purpose of the program is to increase colorectal cancer (CRC) screening rates among an applicant-defined target population of persons 50-75 years of age within partner health system(s), defined geographical areas, or disparate populations. This...

Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support
This Program supports activities to: provide information and education on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities (DD) to increase public awareness; promote research into the development and validation of reliable...

Broad Agency Announcement
This BAA is a mechanism to encourage research, education and outreach, innovative projects, or sponsorships that are not addressed through NOAA's competitive discretionary programs.

Tribal Technical Colleges
To provide grants for to pay the costs (including institutional support costs) of operating postsecondary career and technical education programs for Indian students at tribally controlled postsecondary career and technical institutions.

Geographic Programs - Southeast New England Coastal Watershed Restoration Program
To develop and support the Southeast New England Program (SNEP) for coastal watershed restoration. SNEP is a geographically-based program intended to serve as a collaborative framework for advancing ecosystem resiliency, protecting and restoring...

Ebola Healthcare Preparedness and Response for Select Cities with Enhanced Airport Entrance Screenings from Affected Countries in West Africa
To enable select public health departments serving regions where enhanced airport screenings are occurring to procure personal protective equipment and supplies, train staff, retrofit facilities, and carry out other necessary Ebola-specific...

Promoting the Cancer Surveillance Workforce, Education and Data Use
The purpose of this program is to expand the capacity of CDC-funded National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) through external partners, to pursue activities that impact the national cancer surveillance workforce.

Smart Prosecution Initiative
Goal(s): The purpose of the Innovative Prosecution Solutions (IPS) for Combating Violent Crime Program is to provide state, local, and tribal prosecutors with resources to reduce crime and increase public safety. The program encourages prosecutors...

Cooperative Agreement to Support Navigators in Federally-facilitated Exchanges
The Cooperative Agreement to Support Navigators in Federally-facilitated Exchanges (Funding Opportunity) will enable recipients to operate as Exchange Navigators in states with a Federally-facilitated Exchange (FFE), as authorized by the Affordable...

Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Programs Financed Solely by Prevention and Public Health Funds (PPHF)
These cooperative agreements are intended to increase the number of evidence-based falls prevention programs available to older adults, while concurrently increasing the sustainability of these proven programs in the aging and disability networks....

Public Health Preparedness and Response Science, Research, and Practice
The overall goal of this program is to conduct research and related public health preparedness and response (PHPR) program activities to build the scientific evidence base for public health preparedness, response, and recovery (PHPRR). Scientific...

The Healthy Brain Initiative: Technical Assistance to Implement Public Health Actions related to Cognitive Health, Cognitive Impairment, and Caregiving at the State and Local Levels
The purpose of the listing is to implement public health actions through engagement of national partners and public health networks at national, state and local levels to apply public health strategies to promote cognitive health; address cognitive...

A Comprehensive Approach to Good Health and Wellness in Indian County – financed solely by Prevention and Public Health
The program supports initiatives and public health capacity to prevent heart disease, diabetes and associated risk factors in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities through a holistic approach to population health and wellness.

Justice Reinvestment Initiative
Goal: Under the enacted appropriations language, the Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI), helps states identify and respond to crime and other public safety problems, explore evidence-based or innovative and cost-saving strategies, and to invest...

Protecting and Improving Health Globally: Building and Strengthening Public Health Impact, Systems, Capacity and Security
CDCs global health efforts are to assist Ministries of Health and other international partners to plan, manage effectively, and evaluate public health programs; achieve U.S. Government program and international organization goals to improve health,...