Other public institutions/organizations Federal Grants
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426-450 of 612 for Other public institutions/organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Other public institutions/organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To support projects aimed at developing a science-based, multi-dimensional approach that will allow for the maintenance or improvement of environmental quality while at the same time allowing for economic growth.
To donate Federal personal property no longer required for Federal use to eligible nonfederal entities in order to maximize the use of Federal property
Awards for projects to develop research studies for the improvement of family planning services delivery of projects funded under Title X, Section 1001 of the Public Health Service Act.
The objectives of the Gulf of Mexico Program, housed within the Gulf of Mexico Division (GMD) are (1) To assist States, Indian Tribes, interstate agencies, and other public or nonprofit organizations in developing and demonstrating innovative...
To provide a system so that any Federal Firearm Licensee (FFL) could receive an immediate determination by telephone or by other electronic means, on whether receipt of a firearm and/or explosive by a prospective buyer would violate Federal or State...
To develop innovative educational programs to assist Native Hawaiians, to supplement and expand programs and authorities in the area of education, and to encourage the maximum participation of Native Hawaiians in planning and management of Native...
The objectives are (1) to support Poison Control Centers efforts to prevent, and provide treatment recommendations, for poisonings and toxic exposures; (2) to comply with operational requirements to sustain accreditation; and/or achieve...
To investigate solutions to problems directly relevant to individuals with deafness or disorders of human communication in the areas of hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech, and language. The National Institute on Deafness and Other...
The Homeland Security Technical Assistance Program (HSPTAP) is established to build State, local, tribal and territorial (SLTT) capabilities to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from major events, including threats or acts of...
The U.S. Repatriation Program was established to provide temporary assistance to private U.S. citizens and their dependents identified by the Department of State (DOS) as having returned from a foreign country to the U.S. because of (1) destitution,...
To facilitate productivity-improving research and development and application of advanced construction technologies through collaborative research and development, field demonstration, licensing agreements, and other means of commercialization and...
To support earthquake hazards research and monitoring in order to develop information, knowledge, and methods relevant to the major Earthquake Hazards Program elements: Assessment and Characterization of Earthquake Hazards; Monitoring and Reporting...
To establish and operate voluntary family planning services projects, which shall provide family planning services to all persons desiring such services, with priority for services to persons from low-income families. These projects will serve the...
To provide grants and cooperative agreements for habitat conservation activities including coastal and marine habitat restoration and protection. Projects are funded to carry out public policy pertaining to protection and restoration of the Nation's...
These grants are for increasing the availability of comprehensive civil and criminal legal services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking in matters relating to or arising from the abuse or violence. The goal...
To make grants to community-based organizations primarily serving and representing Native Hawaiians for programs or portions of programs authorized by, and consistent with, the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, as amended...
To strengthen and enhance the national scientific enterprise through the expansion of fundamental knowledge and increased understanding of the polar regions. To encourage and support basic research that is best conducted in or can only be conducted...
To address the economic and housing self-sufficiency needs of public and Indian housing residents by providing grant-funded service coordinators who link residents to the supportive services they need in order to achieve economic and housing...
To develop a State plan, to assist States in the application process, and to provide oversight of funded AmeriCorps programs within each State. The funds enable States to form a 15 to 25 member, independent, bipartisan commission appointed by a...
The Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program supports comprehensive and coordinated state and territory EHDI systems, so families with newborns, infants, and young children up to three years of age who are deaf or hard of hearing...
To develop and implement HIV prevention programs of public information and education.
To support and stimulate basic and applied research and technology at educational institutions, non-profits and other research organizations, which have potential for superiority in the improvement of naval operations, and to train and motivate...
To provide communities with a source of financing for economic development, housing rehabilitation, public facilities, and large scale physical development projects.
The EAA program provides a wide range of technical, planning, and public works and infrastructure assistance in regions experiencing adverse economic changes that may occur suddenly or over time. These adverse economic impacts may result from a...
NCCOS provides research, scientific information and tools to help balance the Nations ecological, social and economic goals. Our partnerships with local and national coastal managers are essential in providing science and services to benefit...