Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations Federal Grants

Showing results 1051-1075 of 1,087 for Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


STAT-USA: Key Business, Economic, and International Trade Information
STAT-USA's objective is to provide the public with access to key business, economic, and international trade information in formats that are easy to use and located in a "one-stop shop." STAT-USA(r)/Internet is a single point of access for...

Patent and Trademark Technical Information Dissemination
To promote the continued growth of American technology and commerce through the utilization and dissemination of technical information available through patents and trademarks, and maintenance of public search centers containing patents and...

Remedies for Unfair Foreign Trade Practices_Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations
To protect U.S. industry from injury by U.S. sales of foreign merchandise at less than fair value and by unfair subsidies bestowed by foreign governments.

Shelter Plus Care
The Shelter Plus Care Program provides rental assistance, in connection with supportive services funded from sources other than this program, to homeless persons with disabilities (primarily persons who are seriously mentally ill; have chronic...

Supervised Visitation, Safe Havens for Children
To provide an opportunity for communities to support supervised visitation and safe exchange of children, in situations involving domestic violence, dating violence, child abuse, sexual assault, or stalking.

Vulnerability Assessments and Related Security Improvements at Large Drinking Water Utilities
EPA's funding priority is to provide grant assistance to large (regularly serving 100,000 people or more) publicly-owned community drinking water systems, for up to $115,000 to each eligible utility to develop/revise a vulnerability assessment...

Civil Rights and Privacy Rule Compliance Activities
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) promotes and ensures that people have equal access to and the opportunity to participate in and receive services from all HHS-funded programs without facing...

Fair Housing and Equal Credit Opportunity
The Fair Housing Act provides freedom from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap and familial status in connection with the sale, rental, and financing of housing and other related activities. The Equal...

Javits Fellowships
To provide fellowships for graduate study in the arts, humanities, and social sciences to individuals of superior ability selected on the basis of demonstrated achievement, financial need, and exceptional promise. Fellowships are awarded to...

Mitigation of Environmental Impacts to Indian Lands Due to Department of Defense Activities
To provide financial assistance to American Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages to mitigate environmental impacts to their lands due to Department of Defense activities by assisting the tribes and villages in the planning, development and...

Protection of Voting Rights
To provide protection of an individual's right to register and vote in all elections without discrimination based on race, color, membership in a language minority group. To assure the rights of persons with disabilities or persons who are unable to...

Shipping_Dispute Resolution and Investigation of Complaints
To provide assistance to those engaged in international ocean shipping, including those making household goods shipments. Assistance may include helping locate missing cargo and helping resolve issues with respect to costs or service. To provide a...

Support Mechanisms for Disadvantaged Businesses
To develop support mechanisms, including liaison and assistance programs, that will provide outreach and referrals for technical assistance to small disadvantaged business enterprises (DBEs) to successfully compete on transportation-related...

Tobacco Loss Assistance Program
This program defrays tobacco production costs and enhances producers and quota-holders solvency. In the short-term, the cost to the government roughly equals the benefits paid to the tobacco producers. In the long-term, to the extent that these...

Vulnerability Assessments and Related Security Improvements at Large Privately-Owned Community Drinking Water Utilities
To provide grant assistance to large (regularly serving 100,000 people or more) privately-owned community drinking water systems, for up to $115,000 to each eligible utility to develop/revise a vulnerability assessment (V/A), emergency...

Adolescent Family Life Research Grants
To encourage and support research projects and dissemination activities concerning the societal causes and consequences of adolescent sexual activity, contraceptive use, pregnancy and child rearing. To determine ways to alleviate, eliminate or...

Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons
To initiate actions for redress in cases involving deprivations of rights of institutionalized persons secured and protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. To initiate actions for redress in cases involving denial of government...

Community Relations Service
To provide free Federal conciliation and mediation services to communities in preventing and resolving community tensions, conflicts, and civil disorders arising from actions, policies, and practices that are perceived to be based on race,...

Education Technology State Grants
To provide grants to State educational agencies (SEAs) on a formula basis to (a) improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in schools; (b) assist all students in becoming technologically literate by the end of eighth grade;...

Family and Community Violence Prevention Program
Support interventions that employ a public health approach to provide critical life skills development, academic skills, career advisement, and mentoring. Support interventions that integrate violence prevention and crime reduction models with...

Food Donation
To improve the diets of school and preschool children; the elderly; needy persons in charitable institutions; other individuals in need of food assistance; and, to increase the market for domestically produced foods acquired under surplus removal or...

Healthy Homes Weatherization Cooperation Demonstration Grants
HUD, through this Healthy Homes and Weatherization Cooperation Demonstration (HHWCD) NOFO, is interested in supporting demonstrations in up to 5 communities that provide housing interventions in lower-income households that are conducted jointly...

Indian Country Alcohol and Drug Prevention
To assist tribal governments in the development and enhancement of tribal justice strategies to address crime issues related to alcohol and substance abuse.

Matching Grants for Health Professions Scholarships to Indian Tribes
To provide scholarships to Indians for health professions education through Indian tribes and tribal organizations. Scholarships must be for health careers listed in the current fiscal year Federal Register Notice for the Indian Health Professions...

Mortgage Insurance_Growing Equity Mortgages
To provide a rapid principal reduction and shorter mortgage term by increasing payments over a 10-year period, thereby expanding housing opportunities to the homebuying public.