Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations Federal Grants
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976-1000 of 1,087 for Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To provide grant assistance to large (regularly serving 100,000 people or more) privately-owned community drinking water systems, for up to $115,000 to each eligible utility to develop/revise a vulnerability assessment (V/A), emergency...
To encourage and support research projects and dissemination activities concerning the societal causes and consequences of adolescent sexual activity, contraceptive use, pregnancy and child rearing. To determine ways to alleviate, eliminate or...
To initiate actions for redress in cases involving deprivations of rights of institutionalized persons secured and protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. To initiate actions for redress in cases involving denial of government...
To provide free Federal conciliation and mediation services to communities in preventing and resolving community tensions, conflicts, and civil disorders arising from actions, policies, and practices that are perceived to be based on race,...
To provide grants to State educational agencies (SEAs) on a formula basis to (a) improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in schools; (b) assist all students in becoming technologically literate by the end of eighth grade;...
Support interventions that employ a public health approach to provide critical life skills development, academic skills, career advisement, and mentoring. Support interventions that integrate violence prevention and crime reduction models with...
To improve the diets of school and preschool children; the elderly; needy persons in charitable institutions; other individuals in need of food assistance; and, to increase the market for domestically produced foods acquired under surplus removal or...
HUD, through this Healthy Homes and Weatherization Cooperation Demonstration (HHWCD) NOFO, is interested in supporting demonstrations in up to 5 communities that provide housing interventions in lower-income households that are conducted jointly...
To assist tribal governments in the development and enhancement of tribal justice strategies to address crime issues related to alcohol and substance abuse.
To provide scholarships to Indians for health professions education through Indian tribes and tribal organizations. Scholarships must be for health careers listed in the current fiscal year Federal Register Notice for the Indian Health Professions...
To provide a rapid principal reduction and shorter mortgage term by increasing payments over a 10-year period, thereby expanding housing opportunities to the homebuying public.
The objective of this program is to encourage smart, sensible and sustainable pest control in agriculture. The Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP) grants initiative, an extension of the PESP, will enable grantees to implement...
To provide supplemental financing to extend and improve telecommunications services in rural areas.
To assist State health departments in developing a State-based surveillance system for monitoring hazardous substance emergency events. This surveillance system will allow the State health department to better understand the public health impact of...
To substantially enhance the proficiency of personnel engaged in the operations and maintenance of treatment works and related activities by financing pilot programs.
Funding Priority - Fiscal Year 2015: No funds are...
To reduce police and other official criminal misconduct, to reduce violent activity by private citizens (including organized hate groups) against others because of their race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity,...
To provide leadership and direction in improving the functioning of the criminal justice system.
To bring private non-industrial forest land under intensified management; to increase timber production; to assure adequate supplies of timber; and to enhance other forest resources through a combination of public and private investments on the most...
To develop and implement programs that design, test, and demonstrate effective approaches, techniques and methods for preventing and controlling juvenile delinquency such as community based- alternatives to institutional confinement; developing and...
To protect the public from risks inherent in commercial vehicle operations on the public highways, and to minimize risks involved in moving hazardous materials over public highways.
Innovation grants support innovative demonstration service programs that build the ethic of service among Americans of all ages and backgrounds. These include the September 11th and Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service grants, and Disability...
To foster the competitiveness and growth of U.S. industries and promote their increased participation in international markets.
Work Incentive Grants (WIGs) and Disability Program Navigators (DPNs) were established to increase the labor force participation and career advancement of persons with disabilities by effecting systemic change in the One Stop Career Centers. These...
To provide financial assistance to States, Local agencies, and Indian Tribes for chemical accident prevention activities that relate to the Risk Management Program under the Clean Air Act Section 112(r). To provide financial assistance to Tribes for...
(1) To serve as a national clearinghouse for information to the public in respect to discrimination or denials of equal protection of the Laws because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability or national origin; to hold public hearings and...