Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations Federal Grants
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776-800 of 1,087 for Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To evaluate complementary and integrative health approaches. The following objectives support this goal: (1) coordinate and facilitate the investigation of complementary and integrative health approaches through peer-reviewed grant solicitations;...
Dental Reimbursement Program (DRP): To partially compensate accredited dental schools, postdoctoral dental education programs, and dental hygiene education programs for unreimbursed costs they have incurred in providing oral health services to low...
(1) To conduct social, economic, and demographic research on topics important to the Social Security Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs and the current and future well-being of their...
This program provides funding to state and tribal courts to improve the quality of court processes and legal representation. The program provides courts flexibility to design assessments which identify barriers to timely and effective...
The objectives of this assistance listing are to fund surveys, research, investigations, demonstrations, and special purpose activities related to the causes, effects (including health and welfare effects), extent, prevention, and control of air...
Funding has not been provided for this program. The listing remains active in anticipation of future funds that will be used to make awards to further the objectives of this program.
Provide water and waste disposal facilities and services to low income rural communities whose residents face significant health risks.
This program provides Federal Financial Participation (FFP) to states, Indian tribes, tribal organizations and tribal consortia (tribes) in adoption subsidy costs for the adoption of children with special needs who cannot be reunited with their...
To provide Federal financial assistance to State, local and tribal governments, other public entities, educational institutions, and private nonprofit organizations to identify, evaluate, interpret, and protect historic battlefields and sites...
The objective of the Patrick Leahy Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) program is to protect the lives of law enforcement officers by helping State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies provide law enforcement officers with armor vests....
To assist states and eligible Indian tribes in establishing and carrying out programs designed to assist youth who experienced foster care at age 14 or older, youth who leave foster care for adoption or kinship guardianship after attaining age 16,...
The objectives of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) are to provide assistance to states and local communities, working through a network of community action agencies (CAAs) and other neighborhood-based organizations, for the reduction of...
The purpose of this program is to serve as a national clearinghouse for information on rural health to support access to healthcare and improve population health in rural communities.
To provide job specific training for personnel working in Title X settings to improve the delivery of family planning services.
The purpose of the State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) grant program is to assist states in strengthening rural health care delivery systems by maintaining a focal point for rural health within each state. The program provides funding for an...
The purpose of the Healthy Start (HS) program is to improve health outcomes before, during, and after pregnancy, and reduce racial/ethnic differences in rates of infant death and adverse perinatal outcomes. The HS program provides grants to...
To assist Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments by providing the resources necessary to develop a self-sustaining economic base. The program provides opportunities for business development, the coordination and integration of programs...
To provide financial assistance for basic needs for eligible American Indians who reside on or near reservations, including those American Indians living under Bureau of Indian Affairs service area jurisdictions. IA assistance is provided when such...
The Special Projects of Regional and National Significance Program (SPRANS) carries out maternal and child health (MCH) projects to support training and research; oral health integration; genetic disease testing, counseling, and information...
To provide for the development of information describing and analyzing the health care workforce and workforce-related issues in order to provide necessary information for decision-making regarding future directions in health professions in response...
The purpose of the Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS) program is to promote economic and social self-sufficiency for American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Native American Pacific Islanders from American Samoa, Guam,...
The objective of the NWD program is to increase the diversity of the nursing workforce by supporting students from disadvantaged backgrounds in becoming registered nurses to decrease health disparities and increase health equity. The objective of...
The objectives are (1) to support Poison Control Centers efforts to prevent, and provide treatment recommendations, for poisonings and toxic exposures; (2) to comply with operational requirements to sustain accreditation; and/or achieve...
To support research and evaluations, demonstration projects, research networks, and multidisciplinary centers and to disseminate information on health care and on systems for the delivery of such care involving: (1) The quality, effectiveness,...
To improve the structural integrity of dams on Indian lands, including operations and maintenance of these dams.