Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations Federal Grants

Showing results 751-775 of 1,087 for Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Water and Waste Grants and Loans and Loan Guarantees (Section 306C)
Provide water and waste disposal facilities and services to low income rural communities whose residents face significant health risks.

Adoption and Legal Guardianship Incentive Payments
The objective of the Adoption and Legal Guardianship Incentives program is to provide incentives to States and eligible Tribes to increase annually the number of children in foster care who find permanent homes through adoption or legal...

AmeriCorps State and National 94.006
AmeriCorps State and National grants are awarded to eligible organizations that identify an unmet need in their community that will be addressed by AmeriCorps members that the organization recruits, trains, and manages. An AmeriCorps member is an...

Bureau of Indian Affairs Facilities Operations and Maintenance
To provide funds for basic operating services to Bureau-owned or Bureau-operated non-education facilities and to maintain these facilities in a safe operating condition for the conduct of Bureau programs.

Compliance Assistance Support for Services to the Regulated Community and Other Assistance Providers
Since 1996, in partnership with industry associations, universities and other government agencies, EPA has supported the development and maintenance of the Compliance Assistance Centers and Center resources. Each Center is targeted to a specific...

Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research
(1) To promote extramural basic and clinical biomedical research that improves the understanding of the mechanisms underlying disease and leads to improved preventions, diagnosis, and treatment of diabetes, digestive, and kidney diseases....

Family Planning Service Delivery Improvement Research Grants
Awards for projects to develop research studies for the improvement of family planning services delivery of projects funded under Title X, Section 1001 of the Public Health Service Act.

Forestry on Indian Lands
To maintain, protect, enhance, and develop Indian forest resources through the execution of forest management activities.

Higher Education - Multicultural Scholars Grant Program
To increase the ethnic and cultural diversity of the food and agricultural scientific and professional work force, and to advance the educational achievement of minority Americans, by providing grants to colleges and universities that have a...

Indian Education Facilities, Operations, and Maintenance
To provide funds to BIE funded elementary schools, secondary schools and peripheral dormitories for facilities operations and maintenance.

Indian Tribes and Tribal Corporation Loans
To assist Indian tribes to become owners of additional property within the reservation to advance and increase current operations, provide financial prospects for Native American Communities, increase agricultural productivity, and preserve farmland...

Mathematical Sciences Grants
1. The NSA grants program seeks to stimulate new and important developments in the field areas of algebra, discrete mathematics, number theory, probability and statistics. 2. The program also seeks to increase the quantity and quality of domestic...

National Center for Health Workforce Analysis
To provide for the development of information describing and analyzing the health care workforce and workforce-related issues in order to provide necessary information for decision-making regarding future directions in health professions in response...

Native American Programs
The purpose of the Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS) program is to promote economic and social self-sufficiency for American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Native American Pacific Islanders from American Samoa, Guam,...

Nursing Workforce Diversity
The objective of the NWD program is to increase the diversity of the nursing workforce by supporting students from disadvantaged backgrounds in becoming registered nurses to decrease health disparities and increase health equity. The objective of...

Poison Center Support and Enhancement Grant
The objectives are (1) to support Poison Control Centers efforts to prevent, and provide treatment recommendations, for poisonings and toxic exposures; (2) to comply with operational requirements to sustain accreditation; and/or achieve...

Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes
To support research and evaluations, demonstration projects, research networks, and multidisciplinary centers and to disseminate information on health care and on systems for the delivery of such care involving: (1) The quality, effectiveness,...

Safety of Dams on Indian Lands
To improve the structural integrity of dams on Indian lands, including operations and maintenance of these dams.

Social Services Research and Demonstration
The Social Services Research and Demonstration program (SSRD) was authorized to promote research and demonstration projects related to the prevention and reduction of dependency, or to improve the administration and effectiveness of programs...

State Criminal Alien Assistance Program
The State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) is a payment program designed to provide federal assistance to states and localities that incur certain types of costs due to the incarceration of undocumented criminal aliens during a particular...

Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Training Grants - Section 1442 of the Safe Drinking Water Act
To support developing, expanding, planning, implementing, and improving environmental training associated with source water and drinking water. To develop and expand capabilities of programs to carry out the purposes of the Safe Drinking Water Act...

Tribally Controlled Postsecondary Career and Technical Institutions
To make grants to eligible tribally controlled postsecondary career and technical institutions to provide career and technical education (CTE) services and basic support for the education and training of Indian students.

Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities
Provide loan and grant funds for water and waste projects serving the most financially needy communities. Financial assistance should result in reasonable user costs for rural residents, rural businesses, and other rural users.

Adoption Opportunities
The purpose of this program is to eliminate barriers, including geographic barriers, to adoption and to provide permanent, loving home environments for children who would benefit from adoption, particularly children with special needs.

Business and Industry Guaranteed Loans
The purpose of the B&I Guaranteed Loan Program is to improve, develop, or finance business, industry, and employment and improve the economic and environmental climate in rural communities.