Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations Federal Grants

Showing results 501-525 of 1,087 for Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance
The objectives of the Fish and Aquatic Conservation activities conducted under this program are as follows: State and Interstate Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plans (ANS Plans): To provide funding to States to implement ANS Plans approved by...

Investments for Public Works and Economic Development Facilities
Through the primarily construction-oriented Public Works program, EDA provides catalytic investments to help distressed communities build, design, or engineer critical infrastructure and facilities that will help implement regional development...

Headquarters and Regional Underground Storage Tanks Program
This grant program funds activities in both the LUST prevention and cleanup programs. On the Prevention program, grants are used for activities that promote the prevention, compliance, and identification of underground storage tanks. For the cleanup...

Indian Law Enforcement
To provide funds to Indian Tribal Governments to operate police departments and detention facilities.

Intermediary Relending Program
To finance business facilities and community development.

Minerals and Mining on Indian Lands
The objectives of the Energy and Mineral Development Program are to: (1) provide funds to Tribes to perform technical evaluations of the energy (both renewable and conventional) and mineral resource potential of Indian reservations; (2) provide...

Nonpoint Source Implementation Grants
To assist States, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marianas, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands (hereinafter referred to as States), and qualified Indian Tribes and intertribal consortia in implementing EPA-approved Section 319...

Outdoor Recreation Acquisition, Development and Planning
To provide financial assistance to the States and their political subdivisions project that are included in Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plans (SCORPs) and acquisition and development of outdoor recreation areas and facilities for the...

Promote the Survival and Continuing Vitality of Native American Languages
The Administration for Native Americans (ANA) offers Native Language programs to promote and ensure the survival and continuing vitality of Native American languages for American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Native American Pacific...

Regulation of Surface Coal Mining and Surface Effects of Underground Coal Mining
To assist the States and Tribes with active coal mining in administering approved regulatory programs.

Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Assistance Program
(1) to identify, assess, and appropriately respond to child, youth, and adult victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking in rural communities, by encouraging collaboration among (A) domestic violence, dating...

Services for Trafficking Victims
Specific goals vary by solicitation, but the overarching goal of the Services for Victims of Trafficking program is to develop, expand, or strengthen victim service programs for victims of trafficking. Specific objectives vary by solicitation, but...

WIC Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children
To provide low-income pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants, and children up to age five who are determined to be at nutritional risk with supplemental nutritious foods, nutrition education, and referrals to health and social...

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Projects of Regional and National Significance
SAMHSA was given the authority to address priority substance abuse treatment, prevention and mental health needs of regional and national significance through assistance (grants and cooperative agreements) to States, political subdivisions of...

The NASA Mission draws support from NASAs world- class capability for aeronautical research founded on a tradition of expertise in aeronautical engineering and core research areas from within the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD). ARMD...

Hazardous Waste Management Grant Program for Tribes
The Hazardous Waste Management Grant Program for Tribes provides assistance for the development and implementation of hazardous waste management programs; for building capacity to improve and maintain regulatory compliance; and for developing...

Vision Research
1) To support eye and vision research projects that address the leading causes of blindness and impaired vision in the U.S. These include retinal diseases; corneal diseases; cataract; glaucoma and optic neuropathies; strabismus; amblyopia; and low...

Regional Wetland Program Development Grants
To assist state, territory, tribal, and/or local government (S/T/LG) agencies in building programs which protect, manage, and restore wetlands. The primary focus of the grants is to build state, territory, and tribal wetland programs. A secondary...

Airport Improvement Program, COVID-19 Airports Programs, and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Programs
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has several strategic goals: Safety, People, Global Leadership, and Operational excellence. The FAA Office of Airports (ARP) grant programs described in this listing contribute to these goals, as outlined in...

Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research
The purpose of the BRAG program Assistance Listing 10.219, is to support the generation of new information that will assist Federal regulatory agencies [USDAs Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - Biotechnology Regulatory Services...

Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program
The purpose of the CHGME Payment Program is to compensate for the disparity in the level of Federal Graduate Medical Education (GME) funding for freestanding childrens teaching hospitals versus other types of teaching hospitals. Hospitals typically...

Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Reductions in Defense Industry Employment
Assist States and local governments to plan and carry out community adjustment and economic diversification activities in response to reductions in defense industry employment.

Trible Justice Assistance
Goal: The overall goal of BJAs Tribal Justice Assistance Program is to strengthen tribal justice system capacity by addressing physical infrastructure needs. Objective: To support the critical and priority needs of tribal justice systems, to prevent...

Economic Development Support for Planning Organizations
Through the Planning program, EDA provides assistance to eligible recipients to create regional economic development plans in order to stimulate and guide the economic development efforts of a community or region. As part of this program, EDA...

Primary Care Training and Enhancement
The overarching purpose of the PCTE Program is to strengthen the primary care workforce by supporting enhanced training for future primary care. Activities include: (1) plan, develop, and operate a program that provides training experiences in new...