Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations Federal Grants

Showing results 476-500 of 1,087 for Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Wild Horse and Burro Resource Management
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages and protects wild horses and burros on 26.9 million acres of public lands across ten western states as part of its mission to administer public lands for multiple uses. The Wild Horse and Burro Program's...

Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management State and Tribal Coordination
To ensure that all oil, gas, and solid minerals originated on the public lands and on the Outer Continental Shelf are properly accounted for under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, and for other purposes.

Criminal and Juvenile Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program
Goal(s): The Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) supports cross-system collaboration to improve public safety responses and outcomes for individuals with mental health disorders (MHDs) or co-occurring mental health and substance...

Reentry Employment Opportunities
This program includes both reentry grants focused on serving returning adults and youth focused grants aimed at youth involved or at risk of involvement in crime and violence. The objectives of the youth reentry grants include increasing the...

Highway Research and Development Program
The objective is to carry out the highway research and development program as authorized by the FAST Act and conduct research needed to maintain and improve our vital transportation infrastructure. The FAST Act addresses the many challenges facing...

Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services Program
The Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services program (NANH-Museums) serves federally recognized Native American tribes and Native Hawaiians by supporting projects that sustain heritage, culture, and knowledge. There is one program goal with...

Internships, Training and Workshops for the Office of Air and Radiation
To provide, Internships, Training, Workshops, and Technical Monitoring in support of the Clean Air Act. These activities aim to: (1) support the development of career-oriented personnel qualified to work in occupations involving environmental...

Congressionally Mandated Projects
To implement special Congressionally mandated spending for projects or programs identified in EPA's annual appropriations act, explanatory statements and/or committee reports incorporated by reference into the annual appropriations act, and other...

Drug-Free Communities Support Program Grants
The purpose of the DFC Support Program is to establish and strengthen collaborations to support the efforts of community coalitions working to prevent and reduce substance use among youth.

Migratory Bird Conservation
To maintain and enhance populations and habitats of migratory bird species found in the Upper Midwest (IL, IN, IA, MI, MN, MO, OH, WI) through supporting research, monitoring, and conservation efforts targeted on their behalf. Program focuses on...

Healthy Communities Grant Program
The Healthy Communities Grant Program is a competitive grant program for EPA New England to fund work directly with communities to support EPAs mission to reduce environmental risks, protect and improve human health and improve the quality of life....

Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Training and Special Purpose Activities Relating to Environmental Justice
The program's objective is to provide funding in support of surveys, studies and investigations, training (including technical assistance) and special purpose assistance programs as they relate to environmental and/or public health issues, with a...

Migratory Bird Joint Ventures
The objectives of this program are to support projects that protect, restore, and enhance wetland and upland ecosystems for the conservation of Migratory Birds. Funds support the work of the 23 Migratory Bird Joint Ventures which are independent...

Tribal Wildlife Grants
To support the development and implementation of programs for the benefit of wildlife and their habitats and species of Tribal cultural or traditional importance, including species that are not hunted or fished.

Save America's Treasures
To provide matching grants for preservation or conservation work on nationally significant intellectual and cultural artifacts and nationally significant historic structures and sites. Intellectual and cultural artifacts include artifacts,...

Transitional Housing Assistance for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking, or Sexual Assault
To provide transitional housing assistance and related support services to minors, adults, and their dependents who are homeless, or in need of transitional housing or other housing assistance, as a result of a situation of domestic violence, dating...

Geographic Programs – Long Island Sound Program
The Long Island Sound Program: (1) implements the Long Island Sound Study (LISS) Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP); and (2) assists the states of Connecticut and New York and other public or nonprofit entities in implementation,...

Healthy Homes Technical Studies Grants
To fund technical studies to improve methods for detecting and controlling housing-related health and safety hazards. The purpose of the Healthy Homes Technical Studies program is to improve our knowledge of housing-related health hazards, and to...

Alaska Subsistence Management
To identify and provide information needed to sustain subsistence fisheries and wildlife management on Federal public lands, for rural Alaskans, through a multidisciplinary, collaborative program. Two programs are administered under the Alaska...

Agriculture on Indian Lands
To protect and restore the agricultural (cropland and rangeland) resources on trust lands and facilitate the development of renewable agricultural resources.

Beach Monitoring and Notification Program Implementation Grants
To assist Coastal and Great Lakes States, Territories, and Tribes eligible under Section 518(e) of the Clean Water Act, as amended, in developing and implementing programs that monitor bacterial water quality and notify the public for coastal...

Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
To provide a low-cost, long-term source of drinking water infrastructure financing, EPA awards capitalization grants to States and Puerto Rico to capitalize their Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (DWSRFs). EPA also awards construction grants to...

Child Welfare Research Training or Demonstration
This program supports research and demonstration projects which are of national or regional significance and special projects for the demonstration of new methods which show promise of substantial contribution to the advancement of child welfare....

Commodity Supplemental Food Program
To improve the health of low-income elderly persons at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA Foods, distributed through public and non-profit private local agencies such as food banks and community action...

Environmental Management Indian
To determine environmental impacts of Federal projects on Indian lands; to conduct surveys of Bureau of Indian Affairs controlled Federal lands and facilities, and of Indian lands, in order to identify hazardous waste sites, evaluate the potential...