Department of Health and Human Services Federal Grants

Showing results 1526-1550 of 4,306 for Department of Health and Human Services federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Health and Human Services federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Child Care and Development Block Grant
The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) is the primary federal funding source to help certain low-income families access child care and to improve the quality of child care for all children. As a block grant, CCDF gives funding to States,...

Family Violence Prevention and Services/State Domestic Violence Coalitions
The purpose of this program is to provide funding for State Domestic Violence Coalitions (Coalitions): 1) to confirm the federal commitment to reducing domestic violence; 2) to urge states, localities, cities, and the private sector to improve the...

Refugee and Entrant Assistance State/Replacement Designee Administered Programs
The Refugee Cash and Medical Assistance (CMA) Program reimburses States and Replacement Designees for the cost of cash and medical assistance provided to refugees, certain Amerasians from Vietnam, Cuban and Haitian entrants, asylees, victims of a...

Special Programs for the Aging, Title VII, Chapter 3, Programs for Prevention of Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation
To support activities to develop, strengthen, and carry out programs for the prevention, detection, assessment, and treatment of, intervention in, investigation of, and response to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation (including financial...

Centers for Research and Demonstration for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
The funded Prevention Research Centers aims are to: 1. Establish, maintain, and operate multi-disciplinary academic-based centers that conduct high-quality applied health promotion and disease prevention research; 2. Improve public health practice...

Immunization Cooperative Agreements
To assist states and communities in establishing and maintaining preventive health service programs to immunize individuals against vaccine-preventable diseases (including measles, rubella, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B,...

Centers of Excellence
The goal of this program is to assist eligible schools in supporting programs of excellence in health professions education for underrepresented minority (URM) individuals. The Centers of Excellence (COE) program is a catalyst for institutionalizing...

Primary Care Training and Enhancement
The overarching purpose of the PCTE Program is to strengthen the primary care workforce by supporting enhanced training for future primary care. Activities include: (1) plan, develop, and operate a program that provides training experiences in new...

Healthy Start Initiative
The purpose of the Healthy Start (HS) program is to improve health outcomes before, during, and after pregnancy, and reduce racial/ethnic differences in rates of infant death and adverse perinatal outcomes. The HS program provides grants to...

Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP)
The Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) seeks to increase the number of qualified nursing faculty nationwide by providing low interest loans for individuals studying to be nurse faculty and loan cancelation for those who then go on to work as faculty....

Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program
The Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program supports eligible small rural hospitals in meeting value-based payment and care goals for their respective organizations through purchases of hardware, software, and training.

Injury Prevention Program for American Indians and Alaskan Natives Cooperative Agreements
To improve the quality of the health of American Indians and Alaskan Natives by developing the capacity of tribes to address their injury problems.

Alcohol Research Programs
To develop a sound fundamental knowledge base which can be applied to the development of improved methods of treatment and more effective strategies for preventing alcoholism and alcohol-related problems. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and...

Cancer Research Manpower
To make available support to nonprofit and for-profit institutions interested in providing biomedical training opportunities for individuals interested in careers in basic, clinical, and prevention research important to the National Cancer Program.

Minority Health and Health Disparities Research
To support basic, clinical, social, and behavioral research; promote research infrastructure and training; foster emerging programs; disseminate information; and reach out to minority and other health disparity communities. The National Institute on...

Oral Diseases and Disorders Research
NIDCR extramural research provides research funds to support basic, translational, and clinical research in dental, oral, and craniofacial health and disease through grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts that support scientists working in...

Child Care Mandatory and Matching Funds of the Child Care and Development Fund
The Mandatory and Matching portion (or Child Care Entitlement or CCE) of the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program consists of Mandatory funds (which are 100% federal) and Matching funds (which require a State match and maintenance of...

Family Violence Prevention and Services/Domestic Violence Shelter and Supportive Services
The purpose of this program is to assist States* and Native American Tribes (including Alaska Native Villages) and Tribal Organizations [Tribes] in efforts to increase public awareness and support primary and secondary prevention of family violence,...

Traumatic Brain Injury State Demonstration Grant Program
To create and strengthen a system of services and supports that maximizes the independence, well-being, and health of people with TBI across the lifespan and all other demographics, their family members, and support networks.

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Projects, State and Local Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention and Surveillance of Blood Lead Levels in Children
To (1) Develop and/or enhance a surveillance system that monitors all blood lead levels; (2) assure that children who are potentially exposed to lead receive follow up care; (3) assure awareness and action among the general public and affected...

Immunization Research, Demonstration, Public Information and Education Training and Clinical Skills Improvement Projects
To assist states, political subdivisions of states, and other public and private nonprofit entities to conduct research, demonstration projects, and provide public information on vaccine-preventable diseases and conditions.

Children's Health Insurance Program
The objective of the Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is to provide funds to States to enable them to maintain and expand child health assistance to uninsured, low-income children, and at a state option, low-income pregnant women and legal...

Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program
The purpose of the CHGME Payment Program is to compensate for the disparity in the level of Federal Graduate Medical Education (GME) funding for freestanding childrens teaching hospitals versus other types of teaching hospitals. Hospitals typically...

Grants to States for Loan Repayment
To increase the availability of primary health care clinicians in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) by assisting States in operating programs for the repayment of educational loans of health professionals in return for their practice in...

HIV Care Formula Grants
To enable States and Territories to improve the quality, availability, and organization of a comprehensive continuum of HIV health care, treatment, and support services for eligible individuals with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease.


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