Department of Health and Human Services Federal Grants
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1501-1525 of 4,306 for Department of Health and Human Services federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Health and Human Services federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To assist public and private nonprofit institutions and individuals to establish, expand and improve biomedical research and research training in infectious diseases and related areas; to conduct developmental research, to produce and test research...
To develop the means to cure as many cancer patients as possible and to control the disease in those patients who are not cured. Cancer Treatment Research includes the development and evaluation of improved methods of cancer treatment through the...
This listing is no longer in use. To recruit and retain health professionals performing research in fields required by the NIH to carry out its mission by providing educational loan repayment for participants with substantial amounts of educational...
To evaluate complementary and integrative health approaches. The following objectives support this goal: (1) coordinate and facilitate the investigation of complementary and integrative health approaches through peer-reviewed grant solicitations;...
The Mandatory and Matching portion (or Child Care Entitlement or CCE) of the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program consists of Mandatory funds (which are 100% federal) and Matching funds (which require a State match and maintenance of...
The purpose of this program is to assist States* and Native American Tribes (including Alaska Native Villages) and Tribal Organizations [Tribes] in efforts to increase public awareness and support primary and secondary prevention of family violence,...
To create and strengthen a system of services and supports that maximizes the independence, well-being, and health of people with TBI across the lifespan and all other demographics, their family members, and support networks.
To (1) Develop and/or enhance a surveillance system that monitors all blood lead levels; (2) assure that children who are potentially exposed to lead receive follow up care; (3) assure awareness and action among the general public and affected...
To assist states, political subdivisions of states, and other public and private nonprofit entities to conduct research, demonstration projects, and provide public information on vaccine-preventable diseases and conditions.
To investigate and prosecute Medicaid provider fraud as well as patient abuse or neglect in health facilities and board and care facilities and of Medicaid beneficiaries in non-institutional or other settings.
To assist institutions and organizations, to establish, expand, and improve research, demonstration, education and information dissemination activities; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), biologics, blood and blood products, therapeutics,...
The Living Organ Donation Reimbursement Program (formerly the Reimbursement of Travel and Subsistence Expenses Incurred toward Living Organ Donation): Funds made available through this program help to remove financial barriers to living organ...
To provide direct financial assistance to Eligible Metropolitan Areas (EMAs) and Transitional Grant Areas (TGAs) that have been the most severely affected by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic to enhance access to a comprehensive,...
To increase educational opportunities by providing long-term, low-interest loans to students in need of financial assistance and in pursuit of a course of study in an approved nursing program.
To promote improved health care among American Indians/Alaska Natives through special diabetes prevention and treatment services with objectives and priorities determined at the local level. Since FY 2016, this program includes a new grant...
To conduct and support laboratory research, clinical trials, and studies with people that explore health processes. NICHD researchers examine growth and development, biologic and reproductive functions, behavior patterns, and population dynamics to...
The Division of Lung Diseases supports research and research training on the causes, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of lung diseases and sleep disorders. Research is funded through investigator-initiated and Institute-initiated grant programs...
The purpose of this program is to enforce the support obligations owed by absent parents to their children, locate absent parents, establish paternity, and obtain child, spousal and medical support.
The Title IV-E Foster Care program helps states, Indian tribes, tribal organizations and tribal consortia (tribes) to provide safe and stable out-of-home care for children under the jurisdiction of the state or tribal child welfare agency until the...
The Matching Grant Program was created in 1979 as an intensive case management program with the objective to fast-track new arrivals toward economic self-sufficiency within eight months (240 days) of program enrollment, without accessing public cash...
To pay the Federal share of the cost of administration and operation of interdisciplinary centers that: (1) Provide interdisciplinary training for personnel concerned with developmental disabilities; (2) provide community service activities that...
Through its programs, the Injury Center works with national organizations, state health agencies, and other key groups to develop, implement, and promote effective injury and violence prevention and control practices. NON-RESEARCH STATE AND...
To provide financial assistance to any State which is able and willing to determine through its State health agency or other appropriate State agency that providers and suppliers of health care services are in compliance with Federal regulatory...
TThe Black Lung Clinics Program aims to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with occupationally-related coal mine dust lung disease (CMDLD) through the provision of quality medical, outreach, educational, and benefits counseling services...
The purpose of the RWHAP Part C Early Intervention Services Program (EIS) funding is to provide comprehensive HIV primary care and support services in an outpatient setting for low income people with HIV. This includes: 1) counseling for individuals...