Department of Health and Human Services Federal Grants

Showing results 1401-1425 of 4,306 for Department of Health and Human Services federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Health and Human Services federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Head Start
Head Start programs promote school readiness by enhancing the cognitive, physical, behavioral, and social-emotional development of children through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social, and other services to their enrollees -...

Basic Center Grant
The purpose of the Basic Center Program is to establish or strengthen the capacity of community-based public and private agencies to address the immediate needs of runaway and homeless youth under the age of 18 and their families. Emergency shelter...

Occupational Safety and Health Program
To (1) recognize new hazards; (2) define the magnitude of the problem; (3) follow trends in incidence; (4) target exceptional hazardous workplaces for intervention; and (5) evaluate the effectiveness of prevention efforts. The goal of this program...

Health Center Program (Community Health Centers, Migrant Health Centers, Health Care for the Homeless, and Public Housing Primary Care)
To improve the health of the Nation's underserved communities and vulnerable populations by ensuring continued access to comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services for communities and populations currently served...

Grants to States for Operation of State Offices of Rural Health
The purpose of the State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) grant program is to assist states in strengthening rural health care delivery systems by maintaining a focal point for rural health within each state. The program provides funding for an...

Technical and Non-Financial Assistance to Health Centers
State and Regional Primary Care Associations (PCAs) provide training and technical assistance (T/TA) to health centers and look-alikes located in their state or region. PCAs support health centers to improve the health of individuals and...

Tribal Self-Governance Program: IHS Compacts/Funding Agreements
To allow Federally recognized Indian Tribes to enter into an agreement with the Indian Health Service (IHS) to assume full funding and control over programs, services, functions and activities (PSFA) (or portions thereof) that the IHS would...

Block Grants for Community Mental Health Services
To provide financial assistance to States and Territories to enable them to carry out the State's plan for providing comprehensive community mental health services to adults with a serious mental illness and to children with a serious emotional...

Child Welfare Research Training or Demonstration
This program supports research and demonstration projects which are of national or regional significance and special projects for the demonstration of new methods which show promise of substantial contribution to the advancement of child welfare....

Improving the Capability of Indian Tribal Governments to Regulate Environmental Quality
The purpose of the Environmental Regulatory Enhancement (ERE) program is to provide funding for the costs of planning, developing, and implementing programs designed to improve the capability of tribal governing bodies to regulate environmental...

Services to Victims of a Severe Form of Trafficking
Under the Services to Victims of a Severe Form of Trafficking, the Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) has established the: - Trafficking Victim Assistance Program (TVAP) - Aspire: Child Trafficking Victim Assistance Demonstration Program -...

Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grants to States
To expand the availability of diagnostic and support services for persons with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD), their families, and their caregivers, as well as to improve the responsiveness of the home and community-based care...

Cooperative Agreements to Support State-Based Safe Motherhood and Infant Health Initiative Programs
To promote optimal and equitable health in women and infants through public health surveillance, research, leadership, and partnership to move science to practice. In carrying out this mission, the Division of Reproductive Health: 1) Enhances the...

Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs
The Special Projects of Regional and National Significance Program (SPRANS) carries out maternal and child health (MCH) projects to support training and research; oral health integration; genetic disease testing, counseling, and information...

Poison Center Support and Enhancement Grant
The objectives are (1) to support Poison Control Centers efforts to prevent, and provide treatment recommendations, for poisonings and toxic exposures; (2) to comply with operational requirements to sustain accreditation; and/or achieve...

Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
The Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program supports comprehensive and coordinated state and territory EHDI systems, so families with newborns, infants, and young children up to three years of age who are deaf or hard of hearing...

Urban Indian Health Services
Grants provide health-related services to Urban Indians including: (1) Alcohol and substance abuse prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and education; (2) Mental health needs assessment and services; (3) Health promotion and disease prevention...

Environmental Health
To foster understanding of human health effects of exposure to environmental agents in the hope that these studies will lead to: the identification of agents that pose a hazard and threat of disease, disorders and defects in humans; the development...

Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research
(1) To promote extramural basic and clinical biomedical research that improves the understanding of the mechanisms underlying disease and leads to improved preventions, diagnosis, and treatment of diabetes, digestive, and kidney diseases....

International Research and Research Training
The John E. Fogarty International Center (FIC) supports research and research training to reduce disparities in global health and to foster partnerships between U.S. scientists and their counterparts abroad. FIC supports basic biological,...

Block Grants for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse
To provide financial assistance to States and Territories to support projects for the development and implementation of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation activities directed to the diseases of alcohol and drug abuse.

Stephanie Tubbs Jones Child Welfare Services Program
The purpose of the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Child Welfare Services program is to promote state and tribal flexibility in the development and expansion of a coordinated child and family services program that utilizes community-based agencies and ensures...

Social Services Block Grant
The objective is to enable each state and territory to furnish social services best suited to the needs of the individuals residing in the state or territory. Federal funds may be used by recipients to provide services directed toward one of the...

Developmental Disabilities Basic Support and Advocacy Grants
Developmental Disabilities Basic Support and Advocacy Grants: To enable individuals with developmental disabilities to become independent, productive, integrated and included into their communities. Funding under these programs is to assist States...

Surplus Property Utilization
To convey or lease all surplus Federal real properties made available by the disposal agency which are needed and usable by eligible organizations and institutions to carry out health programs, including homeless assistance programs.


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