Department of Health and Human Services Federal Grants

Showing results 1351-1375 of 4,306 for Department of Health and Human Services federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Health and Human Services federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Public Health Training Centers Program
The Regional Public Health Training Center program improves the Nation's public health system by strengthening the technical, scientific, managerial and leadership competencies of the current and future public health workforce through the provision...

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Personal Responsibility Education Program
The purpose of this program is to support projects that educate youth between 10 and 19 years of age and pregnant and parenting youth under age 21 on abstinence and contraception for the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections...

Grants for Capital Development in Health Centers
To award Health Center Capital Development Grants for (1) immediate facility improvements or (2) building capacity.

Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), Biodefense Medical Countermeasure Development
The purpose of this program is to coordinate the acceleration of countermeasure and product advanced research and development by(A) facilitating collaboration between the Department of Health and Human Services and other Federal agencies, relevant...

Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program
The purpose of the Teenage Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program is to support competitive grants to public and private entities to (1) replicate effective teen pregnancy prevention program models that have been shown to be effective through rigorous...

Grants for New and Expanded Services under the Health Center Program
To provide for expanded and/or sustained national investment in health centers funded under section 330 of the Public Health Service Act, or designated by HRSA as meeting the requirements of the Health Center Program (referred to as look-alikes)....

Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities - Prevention and Surveillance
To work with State health agencies, universities, and public and private nonprofit organizations in planning, implementing coordinating or evaluating programs, research or surveillance activities related to improved birth outcomes, prevention of...

Environmental Public Health and Emergency Response
To bring public health and epidemiologic principles together to identify, clarify, and reduce the impact of complex environmental threats, including terrorist threats and natural disasters, on populations, domestic and foreign. These programs and...

Guardianship Assistance
The objective of the Guardianship Assistance Program (GAP) is to provide Federal financial participation (FFP) to states, Indian tribes, tribal organizations and tribal consortia (tribes) who opt to provide guardianship assistance payments to...

Family Connection Grants
This program provides matching grants to state, local, or tribal child welfare agencies, institutions of higher education, and private nonprofit organizations that have experience working with foster children or children in kinship care arrangements...

Medicare Enrollment Assistance Program
To provide enhanced outreach to eligible Medicare beneficiaries regarding their preventive, wellness, and limited income benefits; application assistance to individuals who may be eligible for LIS or MSPs; and outreach activities aimed at preventing...

Lifespan Respite Care Program
To expand and enhance respite care services to family caregivers; improve the statewide dissemination and coordination of respite care; and to provide, supplement, or improve access and quality of respite care services to family caregivers, thereby...

Technical Assistance and Provision for Foreign Hospitals and Health Organizations
To provide support for a quality of care improvement project based in a partner healthcare institution around the world, to provide continuing education and refresher training to physicians and other staff at hospitals and other Health Organizations...

Tribal Self-Governance Program: Planning and Negotiation Cooperative Agreement
To enable Federally recognized Indian tribes to enter into agreements that would allow them to assume programs, services, functions, and activities (PSFA) (or portions thereof) that the IHS would otherwise provide for Indians because of their status...

Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals
To establish and maintain a national interoperable network of state systems. Each system is maintained by a State or group of States for the purpose of verifying the credentials, certifications, licenses, relevant training, and hospital privileges...

National Center for Research Resources, Recovery Act Construction Support
To renovate existing research facilities and build new research facilities to meet basic and clinical space requirements, laboratory safety, biohazard containment, and animal care standards in order to support the facility demands of NIH research...

ARRA – Emergency Contingency Fund for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) State Program
This funding was to provide economic stimulus to the nation while furthering the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) mission to promote the economic and social well-being of children, youth, families, and communities. The objective of the...

Advancing System Improvements for Key Issues in Women's Health
To promote program and systems innovation, policy and performance management, and strategic communications that will advance improvement for key issues in women's health. Programs will use evidence-based methodologies to support model programs,...

Enhance Safety of Children Affected by Substance Abuse
To provide, through interagency collaboration, an integration of program activities and services that are designed to increase well-being, improve permanency outcomes, and enhance the safety of children who are in an out-of-home placement or are at...

National Family Caregiver Support, Title VI, Part C, Grants To Indian Tribes And Native Hawaiians
To assist Indian Tribal and Native Hawaiian Organizations in providing multifaceted systems of support services for: (1) Family caregivers; and (2) grandparents or older individuals who are relative caregivers. Services to be provided include:...

Public Health Emergency Preparedness
Public health emergency preparedness and response capacity continues to be tested at national, state, local, tribal, and territorial levels. Since 9/11, CDC's Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) program has collaborated with state, local,...

Complex Humanitarian Emergency and War-Related Injury Public Health Activities
To bring public health and epidemiologic principles to the aid of populations affected by complex humanitarian emergencies. Work will focus on the following main program areas: (1) Providing technical assistance including rapid health and nutrition...

Viral Hepatitis Prevention and Control
Program activities support integrated viral hepatitis surveillance and prevention programs in states and large cities in the United States. Key strategies include viral hepatitis outbreak planning and response; and surveillance for acute hepatitis...

Nurse Corps Scholarship
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program's objective is to increase the supply and distribution of registered nurses (RN) and nurse practitioners (NPs) in eligible health care facilities across the nation, with a critical shortage of nurses by providing...

Healthy Marriage Promotion and Responsible Fatherhood Grants
Under the Family, Relationship, and Marriage Education Works opportunity, the purpose is to fund projects that provide healthy marriage activities and integrate career advancement opportunities for adults. Under the Relationships, Education,...


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