Department of Agriculture Federal Grants
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51-75 of 811 for Department of Agriculture federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Agriculture federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
Summer EBT is a Federally-assisted program through which participating States and Indian Tribal Organizations provide EBT benefits to children who lose access to free and reduced price meals through the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and...
P-EBT Administrative Expenses: To provide Federal financial participation to State agencies and local entities for costs incurred to operate the Pandemic EBT Food Benefit Program (P-EBT).
SEP aims to educate a new generation of agricultural scientists, increase scientific knowledge and collaborative research, and extend knowledge to users and intermediaries in the international agricultural marketplace.
ASCE addresses barriers unique to specialty crops exports. It supports projects that advance U.S. specialty crop exports by expanding domestic understanding of foreign food safety systems and foreign understanding of U.S. food safety systems. The...
Provide assistance to supplement the capital costs 1) for installing a wood energy system that utilizes wood and wood biomass (including residuals) as the primary fuels source and 2) for building an innovative wood products facility which can...
To provide funding for state operated farm to school programs to further strengthen food and agriculture supply chain resiliency in accordance with section 1001(b)(4) of the American Rescue Plan to increase the capacity of institutions participating...
Provides grants to qualified nonprofits (NP) and public housing authorities (PHA) which will in turn provide technical assistance to RHS MFH borrowers and applicants to facilitate the acquisition of Section 515 properties by NPs and PHAs.
Provide grant funds to qualified private and public nonprofit (NP) agencies to provide technical assistance to other qualified organizations to obtain loans and grants for the construction of domestic and migrant farm labor housing projects.
The Equipment Grants Program (EGP) serves to increase access to shared-use special purpose equipment/instruments for fundamental and applied research for use in the food and agricultural sciences programs at institutions of higher education,...
This program assists with scholarships to Tribal Students for recruiting; tuition and related fees; experiential learning; student services to include tutoring; counseling; academic advising and other student services that would increase retention...
Agricultural producers who have coverage under most crop insurance policies are eligible for a premium benefit from USDA if they planted cover crops during this crop year. The Pandemic Cover Crop Program, offered by USDAs Risk Management Agency...
Agriculture producers who have crop insurance coverage on crops in transition to organic or a certified organic grain or feed crop are eligible for premium assistance from USDA for the 2023 reinsurance year. The Transitional and Organic Grower...
The objective of the of the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) program is to provide nutrition assistance on EBT cards for: (1) school-age children who would have received free or reduced price school meals under the National School Lunch...
The National Institute of Food and Agricultures Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative (AG2PI) Assistance Listing 10.332, focuses on collaborative science engagement that brings together a community of researchers across both crops and animals to...
To make competitive grants in support of research, education, and extension activities for the purposes of facilitating the development of urban, indoor, and other emerging agricultural production.
The Biofuel Producer Program will make payments to eligible biofuel producers for unexpected market losses because of COVID-19.
The Food Supply Chain Guaranteed Loan Program will make loan guarantees to lenders to facilitate financing to qualified borrowers and projects for the start-up or expansion of activities in the middle of the food supply chain, particularly the...
USDA is making grant funding available to meat and poultry processors for start-up and expansion. The objective is to provide more and better processing options to producers as soon as possible.
Grants can be made to intermediaries to facilitate financing to qualified ultimate recipients. Eligible ultimate recipient projects involve the start-up or expansion of meat and poultry processors to increase processing capacity and help create a...
The purpose of FPEP is to expand capacity, improve competition, and increase supply chain resilience within the agricultural fertilizer and nutrient management sector, in connection with the production of agricultural commodities. To meet its...
This program will provide funds to Tribal governments as defined by the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act (List Act) of 1994 (Pub. L. No. 103-454), their wholly owned arms and instrumentalities, or joint or multi tribal government entities....
The Agriculture Subcommittee on Appropriations provides $1,000,000 for the Secretary to enter into an agreement with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine within 60 days of the enactment of this Act to conduct an analysis of...
Section 778 of the FY 2022 Consolidated Appropriations Act (P.L. 117-103), appropriated funding, to remain available until expended, for costs associated with the establishment of Institute of Rural Partnerships, 7 USC 2204b4
The MPPRI Program is part of the broader USDA investment to transform the food supply chain. Given that the meat and poultry processing sector is particularly vulnerable to disruption, increasing capacity and promoting competition in this sector is...
To increase the quantity and quality of locally grown food through small-scale gardening, herding, and livestock operations in food insecure communities in Alaska, Hawaii, and the insular areas or territories (American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the...