Children, Education Federal Grants
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76-84 of 84 for Children, Education federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Children, Education federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To offer a disciplined environment conducive to learning, by preventing violence in and around schools and strengthening research based programs that prevent the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, involve parents, and are coordinated with...
To provide grants to nonprofit educational organizations that are established to house research, display, interpret and communicate information to elementary and secondary schools, institutions of higher education, and the general public relating to...
To support activities consistent with the purposes of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, including teacher training, curriculum development, instructional materials or general school improvement and school reform, and direct educational...
To promote improved career and education decision making by individuals.
To support effective, sustainable and coordinated dropout prevention and reentry programs in high schools with annual dropout rates that exceed their State average annual dropout rate. Middle schools that have students who continue on to these high...
To provide high-quality professional development to improve the knowledge and skills of early childhood educators who work in early childhood educator programs located in urban or rural high-poverty communities, and who serve primarily children from...
To provide financial support to statewide organizations that conduct parent education and family engagement programs or provide technical assistance to State and local educational agencies to support family-school partnerships.
To support local efforts to enhance the early language, literacy, and prereading development of preschool-aged children, particularly those from low-income families, through instructional strategies and professional development based on...
To provide national leadership regarding literacy; to coordinate literacy services and policy; and to serve as a national resource for adult education and literacy programs through dissemination.