Children, Education Federal Grants
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26-50 of 84 for Children, Education federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Children, Education federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To (1) effect long-range improvement in science and engineering education at predominantly minority institutions and (2) increase the participation of underrepresented ethnic minorities, particularly minority women, in scientific and technological...
To support scientifically rigorous research contributing to the solution of specific early intervention and education problems associated with children with disabilities.
Section 291 of HAVA provides that funds be made available to Protection and Advocacy Systems to: (1) ensure full participation in the electoral process for individuals with disabilities; (2) provide education, training and assistance to individuals...
The purpose of this program is: to pay the costs of developing the standards and high-quality assessments required by Title I of the ESEA. Once a State has put in place those standards and assessments, it may use program funds to pay for the...
To provide quality rental housing for the elderly.
To assist State educational agencies in reforming and improving their systems for personnel preparation and professional development in early intervention, educational and transition services, to improve results for children with disabilities. As...
To help low income youth, between the ages of 14 and 24, acquire the educational and occupational skills, training, and support needed to achieve academic and employment success and successfully transition into careers and productive adulthood.
Head Start programs promote school readiness by enhancing the cognitive, physical, behavioral, and social-emotional development of children through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social, and other services to their enrollees -...
The purpose of the Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities program is to promote academic achievement and to improve results for children with disabilities by providing technical...
To support projects that recognize and address the unique educational needs of Alaska Native students, to recognize the role of Alaska Native languages and cultures and to integrate Alaska Native languages and cultures into education, to support...
To provide financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) where affected by Federal activities, i.e., where the tax base of a district is reduced through the Federal acquisition of real property (Section 7002, ESEA), and where the...
Teaching and Learning Resources and Curriculum Development programs enhance the teaching and study of the humanities by creating new resources, programs, and curricula. Humanities Initiatives at Colleges and Universities, Community Colleges,...
To expand the supply of supportive housing for very low-income persons with disabilities.
The program supports startup of new charter schools and the replication and expansion of high-quality charter schools. Charter schools increase educational options for parents and students and, in exchange for stricter academic accountability, are...
To provide leadership and ensure the vitality of the Nation's science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education enterprise. The STEM Education component of the National Science Foundation sponsors programs that support the...
To maintain school facilities used to serve federally connected military dependent students that are owned by the Department of Education and operated by local educational agencies (LEAs), and to transfer those facilities to the LEAs, where...
To develop innovative educational programs to assist Native Hawaiians, to supplement and expand programs and authorities in the area of education, and to encourage the maximum participation of Native Hawaiians in planning and management of Native...
Fellowships and Stipends provide support for individual scholars to produce humanities scholarship, including books, articles, and digital projects. Fellowships are competitive awards granted to individual scholars pursuing projects that embody...
To expand the supply of multifamily housing with supportive services for very low income elderly persons.
The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) pursues NASA's strategic objectives, particularly Strategic Goal 1: Expand Human Knowledge through new Scientific Discoveries, using aircraft, balloon, and spaceflight programs to enable the execution of both...
To ensure that all homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education available to other children, the Education for Homeless Children and Youth program provides assistance to States to: (1) establish or...
To provide grants to State Educational Agencies (SEAs), and, through the SEAs, to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) in order to increase student academic achievement consistent with challenging State academic standards; improve the quality and...
To promote the development of local strategies to coordinate the use of assistance under the Public Housing program with public and private resources to enable participating families to achieve economic independence and housing self-sufficiency.
Section 261 of HAVA provides that funds be made available to States to: (1) make polling places, including the path of travel, entrances, exits, and voting areas of each polling facility, accessible to individuals with the full-range of disabilities...
The Supportive Housing Program is designed to promote the development of supportive housing and supportive services to assist homeless individuals and families in the transition from homelessness and to enable them to live as independently as...