Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Federal Grants
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726-750 of 893 for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
The purpose of this announcement is to support research to rigorously evaluate the effectiveness of primary prevention strategies for the perpetration of sexual violence. The National Center for Injury Prevention and ControlÂ’s research...
The purposes of the NCIPC extramural violence prevention research program are to: 1. Build the scientific base for the prevention of violence by helping to expand and advance our understanding of the primary prevention of interpersonal violence....
The purpose of this award is to strengthen public health Systems in the Caribbean Region by supporting the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Reflief PEPFAR)
The purpose of the program is to evaluate housing factors that are energy efficient and have the potential to mitigate the negative health outcomes of low income children with asthma. This program addresses the “Healthy People 2020” focus...
The NCIRD Influenza Division (ID) is seeking a cooperative agreement with the University of Liverpool, Liverpool School of Tropical MedicineÂ’s Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme to strengthen the capacity in Malawi to...
The purpose of this FOA is to provide necessary training to strengthen the skills and capacity of Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) and other PS provider staff working in or with state/local health department STD/HIV prevention programs to...
The purpose of this FOA is to provide support for research to determine the effectiveness of empiric influenza antiviral therapy, in addition to standard care, for hospitalized patients with lower respiratory tract illness (LRTI) during the periods...
The purpose of this program is to publish in 2014 the manuscripts from a Consensus Statement developed by the Task Force on the Delivery of Mass Critical Care During a Disaster and disseminate the report widely to clinicians, healthcare...
Purpose The purpose of the program is to develop consensus-based operational guidance to Immunization Programs and Immunization Information Systems (IIS) that will support the movement towards the use of IIS as the primary source for provider...
The purpose of the program is to enhance the ability of the nationÂ’s vital statistics system to provide timely and high quality data to the National Vital Statistics System, to expand the number of states that are effectively using electronic...
Purpose: As a critical component of the nationÂ’s pandemic response plan, the IIS Sentinel Sites would be called upon to report vaccination of both children and adults. In an effort to increase pandemic preparedness and readiness for a...
The purpose of the program is to enhance the ability of the nationÂ’s public health workforce to operate efficiently and provide timely and high quality data to the National Vital Statistics System through the enhanced skills acquired by...
The primary purpose of this supplemental fund is to expand the current pipeline program funded under FOA MN 11-1101 to support under-represented students in public health for entry into graduate schools of public health with special emphasis on the...
Consistent with the NPHII goal and the LEI vision and mission, the goal of this funding is to assure that the nationÂ’s public health laboratory system maintains the capacity to perform tests that address public health priorities identified by...
The purpose of this research program is to demonstrate and document the impact of a JE vaccination program with the SA 14-14-2 JE vaccine in Cambodia. Higher incidence of Japanese encephalitis in Cambodia provides the opportunity to learn more about...
NIOSH is encouraging submission of an application from qualified organizations for a National Center for Construction Safety and Health Research and Translation. An applicant is encouraged to consider holistic, trans-disciplinary approaches for high...
Immunization-Enhanced Surveillance for New Vaccine Preventable Disease financed in part by 2013 Prevention and Public Health Funds
The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support 6 applicants through cooperative agreements for 1 year to maintain and expand their capacity to collect and disseminate accurate, timely, and comprehensive surveillance data on all violent deaths...
The purpose of the program is to identify international cancer control practices that can be applied to our domestic programs. Program activities will focus on 1) the establishment or strengthening of high quality cancer registries through...
The purpose of NVDRS is to maintain and enhance the capacity of applicants to collect and disseminate accurate, timely, and comprehensive surveillance data on violent deaths. Specifically, funding enables applicants to collect comprehensive...
The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support 5 applicants through cooperative agreements for 1 year to maintain and expand their capacity to collect and disseminate accurate, timely, and comprehensive surveillance data on all violent deaths...
This FOA will support a network of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Centers (PRCs) that: 1) focuses on the major causes of disease and disability, with an emphasis on underserved and minority populations; 2) improves public health...
CDC announces the availability of Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 funds to supplement and expand the project period for those awardees that were funded under CDC–RFA-PS12-1209PPHF to continue early identification of persons with chronic HBV and HCV...
The purpose of this FOA is to support implementation of a viral hepatitis testing initiative to increase early identification of persons with hepatitis B and hepatitis C (or both), with a focus on medically underserved populations and populations...
To assist awardees in achieving the purpose of this FOA, CDC will conduct the following activities: • Provide ongoing guidance, technical assistance, training, and support in the following areas: o Evidence-based and practice-based cessation...