Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Federal Grants

Showing results 876-893 of 893 for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


ARRA - Prevention and Wellness-State, Territories and Pacific Islands
This funding was appropriated under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S. Code 241(a) and 247b (k) 2). The ARRA funds are intended to reduce Chronic Disease risk factors, prevent and delay chronic...

ARRA - Prevention and Wellness - Communities Putting Prevention to Work Funding Opportunities Announcement (FOA)
This funding was appropriated under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S. Code 241(a) and 247b (k) 2) to reduce Chronic Disease risk factors, prevent and delay chronic disease, promote wellness, and...

Arra Immunization
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) appropriated $300 million to the Section 317 Immunization program (Section 317) which funds 64 immunization programs that include all 50 states, Washington DC, 5 urban areas, the U.S. Territories,...

Arra Preventing Healthcare-associated Infections
This funding was appropriated under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).  The ARRA funds are intended to reduce preventable healthcare-associated infections through State health department efforts to prevent HAIs...

Centers For Genomics And Public Health
To provide technical assistance to community, State and regional organizations by responding to identified needs and requests for information assistance and training in genomics and population health for the health workforce, with a particular focus...

Laboratory Training, Evaluation, and Quality Assurance Programs
To improve the quality of laboratory testing practices relevant to clinical and public health settings and to determine standardized approaches to quality assurance in pathology and laboratory medicine that can be applied in multiple, diverse...

Public Health Research Accreditation Project
To assess the role of accreditation of human research protection programs to enhance protections afforded to persons involved in the full-range of public health research programs, e.g., epidemiologic research, health services research, and social...

Cooperative Agreements for Diabetes Control Programs
Diabetes Prevention and Control Programs (DPCPs) are funded by the CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation to address the following national level goals: 1) Prevent diabetes. 2) Prevent the complications, disabilities, and burden associated with...

Occupational Health and Surveillance Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation
To (1) Recognize new hazards; (2) define the magnitude of the problem; (3) follow trends in incidence; (4) target exceptional hazardous workplaces for intervention; and (5) evaluate the effectiveness of prevention efforts. The goal of this program...

Cooperative Agreements to Support Comprehensive School Health Programs to Prevent the Spread of HIV and Other Important Health Problems
To improve the health and well-being of youth and prepare them to be healthy adults.

Occupational Safety and Health-Training Grants
To develop specialized professional and paraprofessional personnel in the occupational safety and health field with training in occupational medicine, occupational health nursing, industrial hygiene, and occupational safety.

Great Lakes Human Health Effects Research
To: (1) Build upon and amplify the results from past and on-going research in the Great Lakes basin; (2) develop information, databases and research methodology that will provide long-term benefit to human health effects research in the Great Lakes...

Health and Safety Programs for Construction Work
To support the development of health and safety programs for construction workers. The goal is to reduce the toll of occupational injuries and illnesses in the construction industry.

Research, Prevention, and Education Programs on Lyme Disease in the United States
To develop, implement and evaluate practical and effective measures for the primary and secondary prevention of Lyme disease in the United States.

Surveillance of Hazardous Substance Emergency Events
To assist State health departments in developing a State-based surveillance system for monitoring hazardous substance emergency events. This surveillance system will allow the State health department to better understand the public health impact of...

Agricultural Health and Safety Programs
Centers for Agricultural Research: To address the research, education, and intervention activities that are unique to agriculture by establishing centers for agricultural research, education, and disease and injury prevention. Musculoskeletal: To...

Human Health Studies-Applied Research and Development
To solicit scientific proposals designed to answer public health questions arising from situations commonly encountered at hazardous waste sites. The objective of this research program is to fill gaps in knowledge regarding human health effects of...

Cooperative Agreements for State-Based Comprehensive Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Programs
To work with official State and territorial health agencies or their designees, and tribal health agencies in developing comprehensive breast and cervical cancer early detection programs. To the extent possible, increase screening and follow-up...