Youth Development Federal Grants
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101-125 of 132 for Youth Development federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Youth Development federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To help low income youth, between the ages of 14 and 24, acquire the educational and occupational skills, training, and support needed to achieve academic and employment success and successfully transition into careers and productive adulthood.
The key objective of the McGovern-Dole Program is to reduce hunger and improve literacy and primary education, especially for girls. By providing school meals, teacher training and related support, McGovern-Dole projects help boost school enrollment...
The overall goal of the 2501 Program is to encourage and assist socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, veteran farmers and ranchers, and beginning farmers and ranchers with owning and operating farms and ranches and in participating equitably...
The Title IV-E Foster Care program helps states, Indian tribes, tribal organizations and tribal consortia (tribes) to provide safe and stable out-of-home care for children under the jurisdiction of the state or tribal child welfare agency until the...
The purpose of the Title V State SRAE program is to provide messages to youth that normalizes the optimal health behavior of avoiding non-marital sexual activity. Title V State SRAE is a prevention education program targeted to youth ages 10 to 19....
The Family And Child Education (FACE) program is designed to serve families with children from prenatal to age 5 in home and center-based settings. Families may receive services in one or both settings. FACE provides early childhood for all children...
The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) pursues NASA's strategic objectives, particularly Strategic Goal 1: Expand Human Knowledge through new Scientific Discoveries, using aircraft, balloon, and spaceflight programs to enable the execution of both...
The Title II Formula Grants Program provides funding to support state and local efforts to plan, establish, operate, coordinate, and evaluate policies and projects, directly or through grants and contracts with public and private agencies, for the...
The Administration for Native Americans (ANA) offers Native Language programs to promote and ensure the survival and continuing vitality of Native American languages for American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Native American Pacific...
To help the regional economy become more competitive by putting in place the building blocks for self-sustaining economic development, while continuing to provide special assistance to the Region's most distressed counties and areas. This program...
The purpose of the Basic Center Program is to establish or strengthen the capacity of community-based public and private agencies to address the immediate needs of runaway and homeless youth under the age of 18 and their families. Emergency shelter...
To help the regional economy become more competitive by putting in place the building blocks for self-sustaining economic development, while continuing to provide special assistance to the Region's most distressed counties and areas. This program...
To improve outcomes for at-risk and high-risk youth, and reduce negative outcomes (including juvenile delinquency, substance use, and gang participation) through the provision of mentoring services. The performance measures associated with this...
To improve students' safety and well-being during and after the school day.
Per the authorizing legislation [Drug-Free Communities Act 1997, Public Law No. 105-20, and Reauthorized Public Law No. 115?271], the DFC Support Program has two goals: 1. Establish and strengthen collaboration among communities, public and private...
The Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) promotes a fair global playing field for workers in the United States and around the world by enforcing trade commitments, strengthening labor standards, and combating international child labor,...
The principal objective of the Fort Huachuca Environmental Intern Program is to support environmental programs through the use of student interns. The intern program encourages the development of science, mathematics, and engineering educational...
This program will support implementation of the Department of Justice/OJJDP component of a major new program undertaken with the Department of Health and Human Services/SAMHSA, and the Department of Education. This program is part of the...
To promote economic and social self-sufficiency for American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other Native American Pacific Islanders from American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands through grants or...
The purpose of this program is to provide leadership of strategic public health efforts to prevent and control obesity, chronic disease, and other health conditions through regular physical activity and good nutrition. Approaches used to combat...
To facilitate the creation of produce, recreation, and/or wildlife gardens in urban and rural areas, which will provide opportunities for science-based non-formal education.
The Workforce Innovation Fund funds projects that demonstrate innovative strategies or replicate effective evidence-based strategies that align and strengthen the workforce investment system in order to improve program delivery and education and...
To support projects that fulfill U.S. government global engagement goals to strengthen civil society and counter extremism, including: social media training, media empowerment, leadership and social entrepreneurship development that establishes...
Review funding opportunity announcement for additional information. Construction is only allowed with Congressional authorization.
Basic Research, Educational Outreach, or Training Opportunities in the area of Office of Inspector General.
Office of Inspector General funds (Treasury Account Symbol = 80-0109-0-1-252) will be used to fund NASA Federal Financial...