Visual Disorders Federal Grants
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76-100 of 128 for Visual Disorders federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Visual Disorders federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
This program provides federal funds for experimental, pilot, or demonstration projects that are likely to assist in promoting the objectives of Section 1115, Part D of Title IV of the Social Security Act, which stipulates that "the project - 1) must...
The Institutes program promotes better teaching and research in the humanities for higher education faculty and K-12 educators. The Landmarks of American History and Culture program promotes better teaching of American history and culture through...
The Social Services Research and Demonstration program (SSRD) was authorized to promote research and demonstration projects related to the prevention and reduction of dependency, or to improve the administration and effectiveness of programs...
The Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Managements mission is to minimize the environmental impacts of fossil fuels while working towards net-zero emissions. The Offices programs use research, development, demonstration, and deployment approaches to...
National marine sanctuaries conduct and support monitoring programs tailored to the information needs of each sanctuary. These programs target a wide array of topics involving natural processes, human influences on water, habitat, living resources...
To support innovate research and training through multi-project, interdisciplinary grants; individual investigator research grants; research education program grants; Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grants; time-sensitive grants; and...
Regional Geographic Initiatives (RGI) is a unique funding source that supports Regional strategic priorities and environmental risks that are not addressed wholly or in part by existing national environmental programs. Funding Priority - Fiscal Year...
If made available, the funds would provide financial resources to build and improve the compliance assurance and enforcement capacity of federally-recognized Indian tribes (tribes), inter-tribal consortia, or tribal organizations. Such capacity...
To support the coordination and acceleration of research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects (including health and welfare effects), extent, prevention, reduction, and...
The Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (REMAP) is a partnership between the EPA Regional Offices and the Office of Research and Development (ORD) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP), with the primary goal to...
Competitions and assistance under this announcement would focus one or more of three topic areas: 1) supporting analyses, studies, evaluations, demonstration projects and conferences that lead to an improved understanding for states and communities...
To conduct a broad-scale effort in biometry and risk estimation. Most of the research conducted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) in statistics, biomathematics, epidemiology, and risk estimation is directed towards...
To provide dental services.
To assure non-discrimination and affirmative action in employment by covered Federal contractors, including Federal construction contractors, and federally assisted construction contractors.
This program is designed to help meet the goal of significantly increasing America's use of fuels, chemicals, materials, and power made from domestic biomass on a sustainable basis. This is a Congressionally-directed project. Funding is not...
To provide outpatient medical services, hospital care, medicines and supplies to eligible veterans in receipt of VA health care.
Prior to FY2013, this programs objectives included to ensure a continuing and adequate supply of well-trained scientists who are able to conduct research on mental health problems. The program provides training grants to institutions and fellowships...
To provide, through purchase and/or fabrication, prosthetic and related appliances, equipment and services to eligible veterans so that they may live and work as productive citizens.
To: (1) Build upon and amplify the results from past and on-going research in the Great Lakes basin; (2) develop information, databases and research methodology that will provide long-term benefit to human health effects research in the Great Lakes...
Prior to FY2013, this programs objectives included to provide support for research career development relating to causes, risk, diagnosis, genetics, development, epidemiology, prevention, treatment, and services use for mental illness, behavioral...
Diabetes Prevention and Control Programs (DPCPs) are funded by the CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation to address the following national level goals: 1) Prevent diabetes. 2) Prevent the complications, disabilities, and burden associated with...
For nuclear waste disposal activities to carry out the purposes of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, Public Law 97425, as amended (NWPA); to conduct appropriate activities and participate in licensing activities in accordance with the NWPA.
The general objectives of this program are to build and improve the capacity of States, multijurisdictional State organizations and federally recognized tribes by providing assistance agreements to foster environmental enforcement and compliance...
To ensure that skilled personnel are available to provide rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities through: (1) Vocational, medical, social, and psychological rehabilitation programs; (2) supported employment programs; and (3)...
PLEASE SEE PROGRAM 93.855; Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research