U.S. Territories Federal Grants
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901-925 of 982 for U.S. Territories federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a U.S. Territories federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To provide necessary assistance to a State government in order to provide an adequate response to an uncommon situation which requires law enforcement, which is or threatens to become of serious or epidemic proportions, and with respect to which...
To enforce Federal laws providing equal employment opportunities for all without regard to race, religion, national origin, and sex, and to defend the lawfulness and constitutionality of Federally authorized affirmative action programs.
STAT-USA's objective is to provide the public with access to key business, economic, and international trade information in formats that are easy to use and located in a "one-stop shop." STAT-USA(r)/Internet is a single point of access for...
To assist State health departments in developing a State-based surveillance system for monitoring hazardous substance emergency events. This surveillance system will allow the State health department to better understand the public health impact of...
To provide that facilities financed, constructed, altered or leased by the Federal government with specific design standards shall be accessible to persons with physical disabilities.
To provide library service to the blind and physically handicapped residents of the United States and its Territories, and to American citizens living abroad.
(1) To serve as a national clearinghouse for information to the public in respect to discrimination or denials of equal protection of the Laws because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability or national origin; to hold public hearings and...
To defray travel and per diem expenses of State, local, tribal, and Territorial emergency management personnel who attend training courses conducted by the Emergency Management Institute, at the Emmitsburg, Maryland facility; the Center for Domestic...
HUD, through this Healthy Homes and Weatherization Cooperation Demonstration (HHWCD) NOFO, is interested in supporting demonstrations in up to 5 communities that provide housing interventions in lower-income households that are conducted jointly...
To serve as the central Energy Information Administration (EIA) office for providing energy information and assistance in support of Federal agencies, State and local governments, the academic community, industrial and commercial organizations, and...
EPA's funding priority is to provide grant assistance to large (regularly serving 100,000 people or more) publicly-owned community drinking water systems, for up to $115,000 to each eligible utility to develop/revise a vulnerability assessment...
To train and educate individuals in providing geriatric care for the elderly.
FLP: To transfer surplus Federal real property for state and local public park and recreation use; HSPP: To transfer Federal historic real property to state and local governments for historic preservation purposes.
To prevent business practices that are anticompetitive or deceptive or unfair to consumers; to enhance informed consumer choice and public understanding of the competitive process; and to accomplish these missions without unduly burdening legitimate...
To assist State and local educational agencies in the reform of elementary and secondary education.
The President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities (PCPID), provides advice to the President and to the Secretary of Health and Human Services through the Commissioner of the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental...
The objective of this program is to encourage smart, sensible and sustainable pest control in agriculture. The Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP) grants initiative, an extension of the PESP, will enable grantees to implement...
To improve service provided to the public by U.S. and foreign air carriers.
To provide grant assistance to large (regularly serving 100,000 people or more) privately-owned community drinking water systems, for up to $115,000 to each eligible utility to develop/revise a vulnerability assessment (V/A), emergency...
To provide financial assistance to States, Local agencies, and Indian Tribes for chemical accident prevention activities that relate to the Risk Management Program under the Clean Air Act Section 112(r). To provide financial assistance to Tribes for...
To support the efforts of museums to conserve the nation's historic, scientific, and cultural heritage. The Conservation Assessment Program (CAP) is supported through a cooperative agreement between the Institute of Museum and Library Services and...
The Fair Housing Act provides freedom from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap and familial status in connection with the sale, rental, and financing of housing and other related activities. The Equal...
To encourage elementary and secondary schools and community-based agencies to create, develop, and offer service- learning opportunities for school- age youth; educate teachers about service- learning and incorporate service-learning opportunities...
To encourage States to adopt effective programs to reduce highway deaths and injuries resulting from individuals riding unrestrained or improperly restrained in motor vehicles.
Innovation grants support innovative demonstration service programs that build the ethic of service among Americans of all ages and backgrounds. These include the September 11th and Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service grants, and Disability...