U.S. Territories Federal Grants

Showing results 276-300 of 982 for U.S. Territories federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a U.S. Territories federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Equitable Sharing Program
The Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Program is a nationwide law enforcement initiative that removes the tools of crime from criminal organizations, deters crime and deprives wrongdoers of their criminal proceeds, and recovers property that...

Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
Support the foreign assistance goals and objectives of the Department of State, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA), as delineated in the FY Bureau Strategic and Resource Plan. This program is for all grant awards for the entire fiscal year funded...

NIH Office of Research on Women's Health
ORWH will identify projects on women's health that should be conducted or supported by national research institutes; identify multi-disciplinary research related to research on women 's health that should be conducted or supported; and promote...

PPHF: Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health Program financed solely by Public Prevention and Health Funds
The purpose of the Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) program is to support the implementation of projects to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities. Program activities focus on prevention of chronic diseases and...

Criminal Justice Systems
Institutionalize rule of law by developing and expanding criminal justice systems to strengthen partner country law enforcement and judicial effectiveness, foster cooperation in legal affairs, and advance respect for human rights.

Counter Narcotics
Disrupt the overseas production and trafficking of illicit drugs through targeted counter-narcotics and institution-building assistance and coordination with foreign nations and international organizations.

Trans-National Crime
Minimize the impact of transnational crime and criminal networks on the U.S. and its allies through enhanced international cooperation and foreign assistance.

Export Control and Related Border Security
The U.S. Department of States Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Office of Export Control Cooperation (ISN/ECC) administers the Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) Program. The EXBS Program Mission is to enhance...

Buses and Bus Facilities Formula, Competitive, and Low or No Emissions Programs
Provides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities. Provides capital funding for low or no emissions bus projects.

National Priority Safety Programs
The formula grant program is designed to encourage States to address national highway safety priorities fareas identified by Congress which includes Occupant Protection, State Traffic Safety Information System Improvements, Impaired Driving...

PHMSA Pipeline Safety Research and Development “Other Transaction Agreements”
To sponsor research and development (R&D) projects that focus on providing near-term solutions which will improve safety, reduce environmental impact, and enhance reliability of the nations pipeline transportation system.

Faculty Exchange Program
The Faculty Exchange Program is intended to improve the teaching and pedagogical capacities of targeted sectors (currently veterinary science and animal health) in targeted countries, with the objective of improving long-term scientific capacity and...

Scientific Cooperation Exchange Program with China
To facilitate mutual cooperation in agricultural research, education, and extension between the United States and China

VA Grants for Adaptive Sports Programs for Disabled Veterans and Disabled Members of the Armed Forces
To provide grants to eligible adaptive sports entities to plan, develop, manage, and implement programs to provide adaptive sports activities for Veterans and members of the Armed Forces with disabilities.

Conservation Stewardship Program
Through CSP, NRCS provides financial and technical assistance to eligible producers to conserve and enhance soil, water, air, and related natural resources on their land. Eligible lands include cropland, grassland, prairie land, pastureland,...

Urban Waters Small Grants
The objective of EPA's Urban Waters Program is to protect and restore America's urban waterways. EPA's funding priority is to achieve the goals and commitments established in the Framework for the Future included in the 2021 Partner Recommitment...

Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) Model
The Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) Model is a voluntary payment Model. CHART will test whether aligned financial incentives across payers and robust technical support enable rural providers to transform care on a broad...

Training in General, Pediatric, and Public Health Dentistry
The purpose of the Training in General, Pediatric, and Public Health Dentistry and Dental Hygiene programs are to improve access to and the delivery of oral health care services for all individuals, particularly low income, underserved, uninsured,...

Applied Science Grants
The objective of the Applied Science Grants is to improve access to and use of hydrologic data as well as to develop and improve water management tools and improve modeling and forecasting capabilities. Results from these projects will be used by...

Sexual Risk Avoidance Education
The purpose of this program is to promote sexual risk avoidance education as defined by section 1110 of the Social Security Act, for adolescents. The focus of the program is to teach participants how to voluntarily refrain from non-marital sexual...

Mental and Behavioral Health Education and Training Grants
The purpose of the behavioral health programs is to develop and expand the behavioral health workforce and address mental health and provider resiliency concerns among health care workers. Expanding the behavioral health workforce is addressed...

Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program
Goals: The goal of the BCJI is to reduce crime and improve community safety as part of a comprehensive strategy to rebuild neighborhoods and spur revitalization. Through a broad cross-sector partnership team, including neighborhood residents, BCJI...

State Trade Expansion
Grants made to state governments to increase the number of small businesses that are exporting and increase the value of exports for those small businesses that export.

International Compliance and Enforcement Projects
The primary purpose of this program is to support projects that protect human health and the environment while advancing U.S. national interests through international environmental collaboration on environmental compliance and enforcement....

Environmental Monitoring/Cleanup, Cultural and Resource Mgmt., Emergency Response Research, Outreach, Technical Analysis
Provides technical and financial assistance to State and local government entities for the conduct of projects/activities to support DOE missions; requirements to manage cultural resources and commitments to provide the public assurances that...


Popular U.S. Territories Federal Grants

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