U.S. Geological Survey Federal Grants
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26-50 of 445 for U.S. Geological Survey federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a U.S. Geological Survey federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
The US Geological Survey is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner to participate as a team member in a high-level planning process related to recovery of the endangered Pallid Sturgeon as part of the Missouri River Recovery Program.
Section 104(g) of the Water Resources Research Act of 1984 requires that this competitive grant program focus on water problems and issues of a regional or interstate nature beyond those of concern only to a single State and which relate to specific...
The Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP) Cooperative Agreement Program LTRMP is a monitoring effort with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and five Upper Mississippi River System states (Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin).
The Cooperative Research Units Program is a unique collaborative relationship between States, Universities, the Federal government and a non-profit organization. The program is comprised of 40 Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units on...
See attached Notice of Intent
The Western Ecological Research Center of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is offering a funding opportunity to one Member of the Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU) Program. The project is titled ¿Conservation Corridors for Desert...
Section 104g of the Water Resources Research Act of 1984 requires that this competitive grant program focus on water problems and issues of a regional or interstate nature beyond those of concern only to a single State and which relate to specific...
The primary objectives of the STATEMAP component of the NCGMP are to establish the geologic framework of areas determined to be vital to the economic, social, or scientific welfare of individual States. The State Geologist shall determine mapping...
The primary objective of the EDMAP component of the NCGMP is to train the next generation of geologic mappers. To do this NCGMP provides funds for graduate and selected undergraduate students in academic research projects that involve geologic...
To enable the National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers (NRCASC) to be responsive to the research and management needs of Federal and State agencies by working with partners to provide science and technical support regarding the...
To promote the uses of space-based land remote sensing data and technologies through education and outreach at the State and local level and through university based and collaborative research projects. Technologies of interest include multispectral...
To promote the uses of space-based land remote sensing data and technologies through education and outreach at the State and local level and through university based and collaborative research projects. Technologies of interest include multispectral...
To advance the scientific understanding of volcanic processes and to lessen the harmful impacts of volcanic activity. The Volcano Hazards Program (VHP) monitors active and potentially active volcanoes, assesses their hazards, responds to volcanic...
To preserve and provide access to geological, geophysical, and engineering samples (and any related data) extracted from the Earth to improve the breadth of information available and to inform science and decision making now and in the future.
To provide financial support to Water Resources Research Institutes located at designated State universities in each of the 50 States, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern...
To work in partnership with States and universities to address the information needs of local, State, and Federal fish, wildlife, and natural resource agencies through research, technical assistance, and education.
To support earthquake hazards research and monitoring in order to develop information, knowledge, and methods relevant to the major Earthquake Hazards Program elements: Assessment and Characterization of Earthquake Hazards; Monitoring and Reporting...
To produce geologic maps of areas in which knowledge of geology is important to the economic, social, or scientific welfare of individual States. StateMap supports: (1) projects which produce new geologic maps with attendant explanatory information...
To support research complementary to USGS program efforts in classification of the public lands and examination of the geological structure, water, mineral, and biological resources, and products of the national domain. This entry covers a variety...
To provide decision makers with information needed to maintain the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) as a sustainable large river ecosystem given its multiple-use character. Congress has declared the UMRS to be both a nationally significant...
This agreement represents a continuation of assistance provided to the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study (SCWDS) to provide wildlife health related services to federal and state wildlife agencies in the southeastern United States and...
Notice of Intent to award a Cooperative Agreement to the University of Utah for seismic monitoring and seismic data collection and data distribution for the Yellowstone National Park Region in support of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory(YVO).
US Geological Survey is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner for research titled â¿¿Contraceptive efficacy and safety of intrauterine devices in horsesâ¿ Recently, the National Academies of Science (NAS) conducted a...
Non-competitive Cooperative Agreement