U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Grants
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826-850 of 1,167 for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
In partnership with USFWS, the National Wildlife Refuge Association (NWRA) will develop education and outreach materials and programs to promote the benefits of the National Wildlife Refuge System¿s transportation program. The focus of this...
The Asian Elephant Conservation Fund is soliciting project proposals for the conservation of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) throughout its range. In 1997, with recent awareness of the increasing threat to the welfare of the already endangered...
The objective is to develop a baseline assessment, and subsequently a longterm monitoring program, of wetlands within fee title lands in the Lostwood Complex. Characteristics of water quality will be used to better understand surface water...
The CCCWV will provide the infrastructure to run the inaugural FY13 DOI VISTA teams. These projects are an excellent 21CSC opportunity as each VISTA position may be leveraged and provide capacity building within hard hit communities on and near...
There is no "full announcement" associated with this notice, as this is a Notice of Intent to Award a Grant Agreement between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI) for the purpose of performing...
There is no "full announcement" associated with this notice, as This is a Notice of Intent to award a Cooperative Agreement between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Maine Conservation Corps to: retain two Environmental Educators to work...
There is no "Full Announcement" associated with this opportunity, as this is a Notice of Intent to Award a cooperative agreement to the University of Massachusetts. This determination is made in accordance with 505 DM 2, based on the recipients...
The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows: 1. To provide statistical and biometric assistance with the design and writing of a long-term monitoring protocol for trends in populations of breeding landbirds and their habitats at...
The Marine Turtle Conservation Fund is soliciting proposals for the conservation of marine turtles (Chelonia mydas, Caretta caretta, Dermochelys coriacea, Eretmochelys imbricata, Lepidochelys olivacea, Lepidochelys kempii) throughout their range...
The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows: 1. The FWS will: Provide initial funding in the amount of $55,700; subsequent funds in future years are subject to availability. Play and active role in coordinating with BLM, SRLCC...
Regional Risk Assessment for Upper Midwest and Great Lakes LCC Priority Species
(1) Facilitate the assembly and interaction of the NAWPA Committee members and/or their designated representatives by: ¿ supporting the Working Committee Chair in organizing meetings/ teleconferences and developing discussion topics for meeting...
The Land Trust Alliance (the Alliance) has requested a $30,000 single source grant from the USFWS ¿ Division of Realty (the Division) for educational purposes. With a growing focus on collaborative conservation and partnerships, the Alliance...
Delta Waterfowl Foundation will develop both qualitative and quantitative understanding of producers views and perspectives. The results will be provided to land managers regarding design of effective program delivery to enlist greater landowner...
Develop an assessment of the North Fork of the Flathead River (Canadian and US portions) focusing particularly on the effects of logging roads on aquatic habitats and on other erosion processes. The deliverables include (1) create a digital...
The Urban Oases program in New Haven, CT will create a replicable model for community-based wildlife conservation that engages new and diverse audiences, increases the availability of quality habitat in urban areas for migrating birds and other...
to provide environmental education to foster stewardship of natural, cultural and wildlife enhancements; to jointly plan and implement mutually beneficial educational/outreach programs, design and develop wildlife habitat, and conduct activities...
There is no application process for this grant. This is a notice of intent to satisfy requirements of 505 DM 2. The Division of International Conservation intends to enter into an agreement with the Chinko Project. The purpose of this project is to...
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the US Fish & Wildlife Service's intention to fund the following project activities without full and open...
There is no application process for this grant. This is a notice of intent to satisfy requirements of 505 DM 2. The Division of International Conservation intends to enter into an agreement with Help for Threatened Wildlife. This project will...
This Single Source Award is being made in accordance with Department of Interior Policy 505 DM 2.14 B(1), which allows for the continuation of an activity we are funding. One of the primary, long-term strategic goals of the Wildlife Without Borders...
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the US Fish & Wildlife Service's intention to fund the following project activities without full and open...
This Single Source Award is being made in accordance with Department of Interior Policy 505 DM 2.14 B(1), which allows for the continuation of an activity we are funding. One of the primary strategic goals of the Wildlife Without Borders Latin...
Section 119 of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, allows the Secretary of the Interior to enter into cooperative agreements with Alaska Native organizations to conserve marine mammals and provide co-management of subsistence use by Alaska...
Add funds for the Friends Grant and Nature of Learning Program to continue to help support the ongoing work conducted by partnership with the National Wildlife Refuge System, to continue to administer the National Wildlife Refuge System Friends...