Unemployment Federal Grants
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101-125 of 128 for Unemployment federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Unemployment federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
This program is designed to support special projects for training State vocational rehabilitation unit personnel in program areas essential to the effective management of the unit's program of vocational rehabilitation services or in skill areas...
To insure the protection of the employment rights of Indians working on or near reservations.
To provide college students interested in future Federal employment with experiential learning opportunities related to their academic studies. Students must be U.S. citizens enrolled in colleges or universities (to include graduate and law...
The purpose of the WIOA Dislocated Worker program is to provide career and training services to reemploy dislocated workers, improve the quality of the workforce, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the nation's economy by providing...
To attract to the Federal service graduate students of exceptional potential who are receiving advanced degrees in a variety of academic disciplines and who have a clear interest in and a commitment to a career in the analysis and management of...
To carry out innovative programs consistent with the purposes of Title I of WIA (Workforce Investment Systems), Title II of WIA (Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), 20 U.S.C. 9201 et seq.), the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied...
To make financial assistance awards to Indian tribes and tribal and Indian health organizations to enable them to recruit, place, and retain health professionals to fill critical vacancies and to meet the staffing needs of Indian health programs and...
To provide immediately usable knowledge to improve substance abuse and mental health services in crucial selected areas. SAMHSA's Knowledge Development and Application (KDA) program is aimed at answering important, practical questions and...
To create and expand job and career opportunities for individuals with disabilities in the competitive labor market by partnering with private industry to provide job training and placement, and career advancement services.
The mission of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) is to lead scientific research to improve minority health and eliminate health disparities. To accomplish this, NIMHD 1) Plans, reviews, coordinates, and...
To stimulate the implementation of High Speed Passenger Rail Systems.
To fill U.S. Government job vacancies with the best qualified applicants available.
To support protection and advocacy services through the systems established to provide protection and advocacy services under the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act for the purpose of assisting in the acquisition,...
(1) To promote gender equity in education in the United States; (2) to promote equity in education for women and girls who suffer from multiple forms of discrimination based on sex, race, ethnic origin, limited English proficiency, disability, or...
To provide assistance to veterans in obtaining Federal employment.
Work Incentive Grants (WIGs) and Disability Program Navigators (DPNs) were established to increase the labor force participation and career advancement of persons with disabilities by effecting systemic change in the One Stop Career Centers. These...
To fund integrated criminal justice treatment networks made up of a consortium of criminal justice, substance abuse treatment, primary health and mental health care, and allied social services and job placement agencies in the following three...
To encourage Federal agencies to provide assistance to persons with disabilities, including disabled veterans, in obtaining and retaining Federal employment, with or without reasonable accommodations including readers, interpreters, and other...
To encourage, coordinate, and conduct research and evaluation of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention activities; to provide for public and private agencies, institutions, justice system agencies, a clearinghouse and information center for...
To provide grants to nonprofit educational organizations that are established to house research, display, interpret and communicate information to elementary and secondary schools, institutions of higher education, and the general public relating to...
To give students an opportunity for part-time temporary employment with Federal agencies in order to allow them to continue their education without interruptions caused by financial pressures.
To provide discretionary grant funds to State vocational rehabilitation agencies and public nonprofit organizations for special projects and demonstrations which hold promise of expanding and otherwise improving services to individuals with...
To place man safely undersea to conduct research in support of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and national science requirements.
To provide summer employment primarily for college students and high school students.
To provide assistance to preference eligible individuals who believe that their rights under veterans' preference statutes and regulations have been violated. Recognizing their sacrifice, Congress enacted laws to prevent veterans seeking Federal...