State Government Federal Grants
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51-75 of 5,129 for State Government federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a State Government federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To assist in responding to and alleviating emergency situations affecting public water systems. Pursuant to Section 1442(b) of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), this assistance program provides grant funding for projects and activities in...
The purpose of this program is to accelerate the development and deployment of innovative water technologies that address pressing drinking water supply, quality, treatment, or security challenges of public water systems, areas served by private...
The purpose of this program is to carry out groundwater research on enhanced aquifer use and recharge in support of sole source aquifers. Funding Priority - Fiscal Year 2023: This program will support groundwater research on enhanced aquifer use and...
The goal of the Reducing Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Construction Materials and Products grant program is to support the development, enhanced standardization and transparency, and reporting criteria for environmental product declarations...
Section 60102 of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (or IRA) amended the Clean Air Act by inserting section 133 (42 U.S.C. 7433) to authorize EPAs Clean Ports Program (or Grants to Reduce Air Pollution at Ports ) to award grants to purchase or...
VLGP will provide grants to eligible entities for the purpose of conducting cemetery research related to national, State, or Tribal Veterans cemeteries; producing educational materials that teach about the history of Veterans interred in national,...
EPA is providing grants to States, federally recognized Tribes, public pre-schools, local educational agencies, and non-profit organizations for the assessment, prevention, control, or abatement of wildfire smoke hazards in community buildings and...
Title XI, Section 71101 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (or The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law or (BIL), Public Law 117-58 amended section 741 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16091) to authorize EPAS Clean School Bus Program...
EPA is providing grants to States, Locals, Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments, Native American Organizations, and U.S. Territories and possessions for the planning of and development of ambitious climate action and air pollution...
Section 60109(a)(3) of the Inflation Reduction Act provided EPA with $15 million for competitive grants for reclaim and innovative destruction technologies consistent with subsections (a) through (i) and subsection (k) of section 103 division S of...
EPA is providing grants to support state governments that are interested in adopting and implementing Californias motor vehicle greenhouse gas and zero emission standards in accordance with Clean Air Act Section 177. The grants are provided under...
Section 60101 of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (or IRA) amended the Clean Air Act by inserting section 132 (42 U.S.C. 7432) to authorize the EPA to make awards of grants to eligible recipients for up to 100 percent of the costs for: (A) the...
The Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (TIP) seeks to (i) advance science and engineering research and innovation leading to breakthrough technologies as well as solutions to national, and societal, and geostrategic challenges,...
The Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence (IC CAE Program) is a Congressionally mandated program to promote the acquisition of diverse, competitive talent in concert with the U.S. IC's Human Capital Vision 2020. The legislation that...
Emerging Leaders is a free educational series that provides executives with the organizational framework and resources to build sustainable businesses and support economic development within underserved communities.
Highlight successful examples of innovation ecosystems, particularly existing resources that support underrepresented communities; also recognize the impactful ideas for using prize funds to develop strong connections and support within the research...
Per the American Rescue Plan, the SBA is authorized to create and administer a $100 million competitive grant program to various entities providing Community Navigator services, defined as the outreach, education and technical assistance targeting...
Funding opportunity for state governments to assist small business concerns address cybersecurity.
To provide resources toward community-based suicide prevention efforts to meet the needs of Veterans and their families through outreach, suicide prevention services, and connection to VA and community resources.
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs will make grants available to eligible organizations for the provision of transition assistance to members of the Armed Forces who are separated, retired, or discharged from the Armed Forces, and spouses of such...
21MP has two program goals with two or three objectives associated with each goal such as the following: GOAL 1, Support the professional development of the museum workforce, including those from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds. Objective...
Millions of low-income households experience difficulty paying for broadband service needed to participate in 21st Century society, including for work, education, healthcare, and civic engagement. Addressing affordability is a critical component of...
To provide State Appraiser Regulatory Agencies with funds to advance the appraiser regulatory field, including, but not limited to, developing and attending trainings, improving appraiser credentialing and investigation and complaint processes, and...
Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) grants seek to fulfill the mission of the Library of Congress to use its collections to connect with those representing diverse communities, beliefs, and endeavors to engage, inspire, and inform Congress and the...
The Connecting Communities Digital Initiative (CCDI) encourages creators in Black, Indigenous, and communities of color to combine Library materials with technology to connect Americans with a more expansive understanding of our past and future....