State Government Federal Grants

Showing results 351-375 of 5,129 for State Government federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a State Government federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


State & Private Forestry Cooperative Fire Assistance
With respect to nonfederal forest and other rural lands to assist in the control of rural fires; prevention, control, suppression, and prescribed use of fires on non-federal forest lands and other non-federal lands; development and transfer of new...

State & Private Forestry Hazardous Fuel Reduction Program
Reduce the undesired effects of large, destructive wildfires by reducing the volume of hazardous fuels on forests, woodlands, shrublands, and grasslands. The program focuses on reducing the risk of wildland fire and long-term damage to resources and...

International Agricultural Education Fellowship Program
The program aims to develop globally minded United States agriculturists with experience living abroad; help meet the food and fiber needs of the domestic population of eligible countries; and strengthen and enhance trade linkages between eligible...

Child Nutrition-Technology Innovation Grant
To allow State agencies that administer the Child Nutrition Programs (CNPs) to apply for grant funding to implement innovative technology solutions that will improve program accountability, data accuracy, program performance measurement, and the...

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T) Data and Technical Assistance Grants
These grants provide support to State agencies in developing the capacity to collect and analyze outcome reporting data as required by Section 16(h)(5)(B) of the Food and Nutrition Act. Grant funds may be used to support State and local agencies in...

SNAP Fraud Framework Implementation Grant
The purpose of the SNAP Fraud Framework Implementation Grant Program is to support State agency efforts to improve and expand recipient fraud prevention, detection and investigation efforts using the procedures, ideas and practices outlined in the...

SNAP-Ed Toolkit
The Supplemental Nutrition Education (SNAP-Ed) Toolkit: - Hosts a database of nutrition education and physical activity promotion interventions which have been peer-reviewed and determined to be evidence-based interventions for use in SNAP-Ed. -...

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) Nutrition Paraprofessional Training
The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) administers 15 Federal nutrition assistance programs of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The mission of FNS is to reduce hunger and food insecurity in partnership with cooperating organizations...

Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Competitive Grants Program
The purpose of the FRSAN Program is to establish a network that connects individuals who are engaged in farming, ranching, and other agriculture-related occupations to stress assistance programs. The term farmer is used in the broadest sense and...

Food and Agriculture Service Learning Program
The purposes of the Program are- (1) to increase capacity for food, garden, and nutrition education within host organizations or entities and school cafeterias and in the classroom; (2) to complement and build on the efforts of the farm to school...

Children, Youth and Families At-Risk
To marshal resources of the Land-grant Institutions (LGIs) and Cooperative Extension Systems (CES) so that, in collaboration with other organizations, they can develop and deliver educational programs that equip youth who are at -risk for not...

Agriculture Risk Management Education Partnerships Competitive Grants Program
To establish a competitive grants program for the purpose of educating agricultural producers about the full range of risk management activities to enhance profitability of their operations. These activities include futures, options, agricultural...

Renewable Resources Extension Act
The RREA-NFF, Assistance Listing 10.515, program goal is to enhance the sustainability of US forest and rangeland resources, and to enable landowners and managers to achieve their desired goals and objectives by making sound research available to...

Facility Improvements at 1890 Facilities (Sec. 1447)
The 1890 Facilities Grants Program provides funds for the acquisition and improvement of agricultural and food sciences facilities and equipment, including libraries, so that the 1890 land-grant institutions, including Central State University,...

Smith-Lever Extension Funding
1862 Cooperative Extension Programs at 1862 Land-Grant Institutions(Smith-Lever) (1862 CES Capacity) University of the District of Columbia Public Postsecondary Education Reorganizational Act Program (DCPPERA): The purpose of this funding is to...

Agriculture Innovation Center Demonstration Program
The purpose of this program is to establish and operate Agriculture Innovation Centers that provide technical assistance and services to agricultural producers to help them develop and market value-added agricultural products.

Veterinary Services Grant Program
The purpose of the Veterinary Services Grant Program (VSGP) is to relieve veterinarian shortage situations and support veterinary services. The Secretary shall carry out a program to make competitive grants to qualified entities that carry out...

Regional Food System Partnerships
RFSP is a component of the Local Agricultural Marketing Program (LAMP). RFSP supports partnerships that brings together public and private resources to plan and develop local or regional food systems and encourages food economy viability and...

Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives
The Dairy Business Innovation (DBI) Initiatives connects the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) with eligible entities to host DBI Initiatives to manage the program by supporting dairy businesses in the development, production, marketing, and...

Acer Access Development Program
To support the efforts of such States, tribal governments, and research institutions to promote the domestic maple syrup industry through the following activities: (1) Promotion of research and education related to maple syrup production. (2)...

Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program Plus
The WHIP Plus is directly reimbursing producers for crop, tree, bush, and vine losses due to qualifying disaster events in 2018 and 2019. FSA is also providing assistance for these losses through grants to participating state agencies and...

2017 Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program
The 2017 WHIP is directly reimbursing producers for crop production losses in 2018. In addition to WHIP, USDA is providing a grant to Florida, which is reimbursing citrus producers for the cost of buying and planting replacement trees, including...

New Investigator/Early Career Program in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
NIJ’s New Investigator/Early Career Program provides support for non-tenured assistant professors to conduct applied research on topics relevant to ORE including justice systems, violence and victimization, and/or crime...

Violence Against Women Research Consortium
NIJ seeks a research consortium focused on topical areas related to violence against women to include domestic and intimate partner violence, sexual violence, stalking, and teen dating violence. The research consortium is expected to be an...

Bioengineering Research Partnerships (U01)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages bioengineering applications that will accelerate the development and adoption of promising tools and technologies that can address important biomedical problems.The objectives are to establish...