State Cooperative Agreements (Sca) Federal Grants
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26-48 of 48 for State Cooperative Agreements (Sca) federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a State Cooperative Agreements (Sca) federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
The purpose of this program is to assist States* and Native American Tribes (including Alaska Native Villages) and Tribal Organizations [Tribes] in efforts to increase public awareness and support primary and secondary prevention of family violence,...
The objective is to enhance emergency preparedness capabilities of the States and local communities at the two U.S. Army chemical weapons stockpile storage facilities. The programs purpose is to assist States and local communities in efforts to...
The objectives of the Fish and Aquatic Conservation activities conducted under this program are as follows: State and Interstate Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plans (ANS Plans): To provide funding to States to implement ANS Plans approved by...
To assist States in operating comprehensive, coordinated, effective, efficient and accountable programs of vocational rehabilitation (VR); to assess, plan, develop, and provide VR services for individuals with disabilities, consistent with their...
To assist in meeting the educational needs of individuals affected by a covered disaster or emergency (as defined by the applicable Disaster Recovery statute, which prescribes a list of Presidentially declared major disasters or emergencies that...
To support the national exchange and sharing of fire/emergency service training related materials and information.
The goals of the Biodiesel Fuel Education Program as originally established in Section 9004 of the Farm Security Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 8104) were to stimulate biodiesel consumption and to stimulate the development of a biodiesel...
To ensure that women, limited resource, socially disadvantaged and other traditionally underserved producers of priority commodities are provided information and training necessary to use financial management, crop insurance, marketing contracts,...
To support States, local and Indian tribal governments in oil and hazardous materials emergency planning and exercises and enhance their capabilities to interact with the National Response System (NRS); through the States, provide technical and...
(1) Institutions Clinical Training Grants: To encourage mental health specialists to work in areas and settings where severe shortages exist; to increase the number of qualified minority personnel in the mental health professions, and the number of...
This program is designed to support special projects for training State vocational rehabilitation unit personnel in program areas essential to the effective management of the unit's program of vocational rehabilitation services or in skill areas...
To provide competitive grants to applicants in areas with significant numbers of children of prisoners to support the establishment and operation of programs using a network of public and private entities and to provide mentoring services for these...
Provide accelerated assistance to rural communities faced with acute economic problems associated with Federal, State or private sector resource management decisions and policies and that are located in or near a national forest and are economically...
To enhance the capacity of State and local first responders to respond to a Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) terrorism incident involving chemical, biological, nuclear, radiological, incendiary, and explosive devices.
To encourage States to adopt effective programs to reduce highway deaths and injuries resulting from individuals riding unrestrained or improperly restrained in motor vehicles.
To assist business concerns suffering economic injury as a result of Presidential, Small Business Administration (SBA), and/or Secretary of Agriculture declared disasters.
To ensure compliance with the constitutional standards established by the Supreme Court in Adarand Contractors, Inc vs. Pena, relative to Federal action programs that use racial or ethnic criteria as a basis for decision making.
The program currently consists of over 195 Emergency Management courses available to state, local, territorial, tribal governments, federal and voluntary organizations to strengthen the security and resilience of the United States through systematic...
To defray travel and per diem expenses of State, local, tribal, and Territorial emergency management personnel who attend training courses conducted by the Emergency Management Institute, at the Emmitsburg, Maryland facility; the Center for Domestic...
The Supportive Housing Program is designed to promote the development of supportive housing and supportive services to assist homeless individuals and families in the transition from homelessness and to enable them to live as independently as...
To provide discretionary grant funds to State vocational rehabilitation agencies and public nonprofit organizations for special projects and demonstrations which hold promise of expanding and otherwise improving services to individuals with...
To provide free Federal conciliation and mediation services to communities in preventing and resolving community tensions, conflicts, and civil disorders arising from actions, policies, and practices that are perceived to be based on race,...
To assist and encourage incarcerated individuals who have obtained a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent to acquire educational and job skills through coursework in order to prepare such individuals to pursue a postsecondary...